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there is nothing as powerful as a changed mind. you can change your hair, your clothing, your address your spouse, your residence. but if you don’t change your mind

the same experience will perpetuate itself over and over again because everything outwardly changed but nothing inwardly changed. if you want something out of life if you want to change yourself, if youwant to acquire something if theres some goal that you want to reach,changing your behaviours, overcoming negative habits. it’s challenging, it’s hard most people go through life neverdiscovering what their talents are.

most people never develop their talents. the only thing that’s gonna make youhappy my friend in this year any other is to step up. it’s to raise the standard,it’s to discover what you’re capable of and feel that incredible power of pushing throughwhatever’s holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self. that’s what this game is all about when you step into your fears andcontinue to push yourself to go on…. something happens for you. if you look at somebody who’s reallysuccessful and you think "wow i mean they’re

so amazing they’re such a genius. you gotta dig underneath and you remember something. people are rewarded in public for what the’ve practiced for years inprivate. if you don’t develop the courage to do that which has been given you to do,and you spend a lot of time going around trying to convince other people, or trying to get theirapproval. what will happen is, that you will loseyour nerve, and other people convince you that what you’re doing doesn’t have any value,

and you’ll give up on your dream. how much time do you have left? how much time do you have left? when you start thinking about that wedon’t know. most of us don’t use the stuff that we have brought into the universe. stop wasting valuable time. if you want something you have got to berelentless. you’ve got to learn how to become resourceful, you’ve got to learn how to become creative.

the power to hold on in spite of everything, the power to endure, this is the winners quality. the hunger, the ability to face defeat again and again without giving up. this is a winners quality. what this power is i cannot say. all i know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man or woman

is in that state of mind in which he or sheknows exactly what he or she wants, and is fully determined not to quit until they find it. there’s greatness in you! and you’ve got to learn how to tune out the critics outside, and the critic inside. i’m gonna harness my will! and i’m not going to let anything stop me. i deserve this.

most people give up on themselves easily. you know the human spirit is powerful? there’s nothing as powerful. it’s hard to kill the human spirit. you are unstoppable! live your life with passion! with some drive! most of us go through life with our breaks on holding back! decide that you’re going to push yourself!

you’ve got to focus on you. and as you convince you. as you sell yourself everyday, everyday, everyday, you willbegin to see a difference in the things that you’re doing. selling yourself on yourability to perform a job, to achieve a certain objective, tellingyourself everyday here i go again and i’ve got what it takes. this is my day, and nothing out here’s going to stop me. and you’ll never see me coming. subscribe for more.

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high end web design inspiration

i am a writer. writing books is my professionbut it’s more than that, of course. it is also my great lifelonglove and fascination. and i don’t expectthat that’s ever going to change. but, that said, somethingkind of peculiar has happened recently in my life and in my career, which has caused me to have to recalibratemy whole relationship with this work. and the peculiar thingis that i recently wrote this book, this memoir called "eat, pray, love"

which, decidedlyunlike any of my previous books, went out in the worldfor some reason, and became this big, mega-sensation, internationalbestseller thing. the result of whichis that everywhere i go now, people treat me like i’m doomed. seriously — doomed, doomed! like, they come up to me now,all worried, and they say, "aren’t you afraid you’re nevergoing to be able to top that? aren’t you afraid you’re goingto keep writing for your whole life

and you’re never againgoing to create a book that anybody in the worldcares about at all, ever again?" so that’s reassuring, you know. but it would be worse,except for that i happen to remember that over 20 years ago,when i was a teenager, when i first started telling peoplethat i wanted to be a writer, i was met with this samesort of fear-based reaction. and people would say, "aren’t you afraidyou’re never going to have any success?

aren’t you afraid the humiliationof rejection will kill you? aren’t you afraid that you’re goingto work your whole life at this craft and nothing’s ever going to come of it and you’re going to dieon a scrap heap of broken dreams with your mouth filledwith bitter ash of failure?" (laughter) like that, you know. the answer — the short answerto all those questions is, "yes." yes, i’m afraid of all those things.

and i always have been. and i’m afraid of many,many more things besides that people can’t even guess at, like seaweed and otherthings that are scary. but, when it comes to writing, the thing that i’ve been sort of thinkingabout lately, and wondering about lately, is why? you know, is it rational? is it logical that anybodyshould be expected

to be afraid of the work that they feelthey were put on this earth to do. and what is it specificallyabout creative ventures that seems to make us really nervousabout each other’s mental health in a way that other careerskind of don’t do, you know? like my dad, for example,was a chemical engineer and i don’t recall once in his 40 yearsof chemical engineering anybody asking him if he was afraidto be a chemical engineer, you know? "that chemical-engineering block,john, how’s it going?" it just didn’t come uplike that, you know?

but to be fair,chemical engineers as a group haven’t really earneda reputation over the centuries for being alcoholic manic-depressives. we writers, we kind of do havethat reputation, and not just writers,but creative people across all genres, it seems, have this reputationfor being enormously mentally unstable. and all you have to do is lookat the very grim death count in the 20th century alone,of really magnificent creative minds who died young and oftenat their own hands, you know?

and even the oneswho didn’t literally commit suicide seem to be really undoneby their gifts, you know. norman mailer, just before he died,last interview, he said, "every one of my bookshas killed me a little more." an extraordinary statementto make about your life’s work. but we don’t even blinkwhen we hear somebody say this, because we’ve heardthat kind of stuff for so long and somehow we’ve completelyinternalized and accepted collectively this notion that creativity and sufferingare somehow inherently linked

and that artistry, in the end,will always ultimately lead to anguish. and the question that i wantto ask everybody here today is are you guys all cool with that idea? are you comfortable with that? because you look at iteven from an inch away and, you know — i’m not at all comfortablewith that assumption. i think it’s odious. and i also think it’s dangerous, and i don’t want to see itperpetuated into the next century.

i think it’s better if we encourageour great creative minds to live. and i definitely know that,in my case — in my situation — it would be very dangerous for me to startsort of leaking down that dark path of assumption, particularly given the circumstancethat i’m in right now in my career. which is — you know, like check it out, i’m pretty young,i’m only about 40 years old. i still have maybe another fourdecades of work left in me. and it’s exceedingly likely that anythingi write from this point forward

is going to be judged by the worldas the work that came after the freakish successof my last book, right? i should just put it bluntly, becausewe’re all sort of friends here now — it’s exceedingly likelythat my greatest success is behind me. so jesus, what a thought! that’s the kind of thoughtthat could lead a person to start drinking ginat nine o’clock in the morning, and i don’t want to go there. i would prefer to keep doingthis work that i love.

and so, the question becomes, how? and so, it seems to me,upon a lot of reflection, that the way that i have to work now,in order to continue writing, is that i have to create some sort ofprotective psychological construct, right? i have to sort of find some wayto have a safe distance between me, as i am writing,and my very natural anxiety about what the reaction to that writingis going to be, from now on. and, as i’ve been looking,over the last year, for models for how to do that,

i’ve been sort of looking across time, and i’ve been tryingto find other societies to see if they might have hadbetter and saner ideas than we have about how to help creative people sort of manage the inherentemotional risks of creativity. and that search has led meto ancient greece and ancient rome. so stay with me, becauseit does circle around and back. but, ancient greece and ancient rome — people did not happento believe that creativity

came from human beings back then, ok? people believed that creativitywas this divine attendant spirit that came to human beingsfrom some distant and unknowable source, for distant and unknowable reasons. the greeks famously called these divineattendant spirits of creativity "daemons." socrates, famously, believedthat he had a daemon who spoke wisdom to him from afar. the romans had the same idea, but they called that sort of disembodiedcreative spirit a genius.

which is great, because the romansdid not actually think that a genius was a particularlyclever individual. they believed that a genius was this,sort of magical divine entity, who was believed to literallylive in the walls of an artist’s studio, kind of like dobby the house elf, and who would come out and sort of invisibly assistthe artist with their work and would shape the outcome of that work. so brilliant — there it is, right there,that distance that i’m talking about —

that psychological construct to protectyou from the results of your work. and everyone knew that thisis how it functioned, right? so the ancient artist was protectedfrom certain things, like, for example,too much narcissism, right? if your work was brilliant,you couldn’t take all the credit for it, everybody knew that you had thisdisembodied genius who had helped you. if your work bombed,not entirely your fault, you know? everyone knew your geniuswas kind of lame. and this is how peoplethought about creativity in the west

for a really long time. and then the renaissance cameand everything changed, and we had this big idea,and the big idea was, let’s put the individual human beingat the center of the universe above all gods and mysteries, and there’s no more roomfor mystical creatures who take dictation from the divine. and it’s the beginningof rational humanism, and people startedto believe that creativity

came completely from the selfof the individual. and for the first time in history, you start to hear people referringto this or that artist as being a genius, rather than having a genius. and i got to tell you,i think that was a huge error. you know, i think that allowingsomebody, one mere person to believe that he or she is like,the vessel, you know, like the fontand the essence and the source of all divine, creative,unknowable, eternal mystery

is just a smidge too much responsibilityto put on one fragile, human psyche. it’s like asking somebodyto swallow the sun. it just completely warpsand distorts egos, and it creates all these unmanageableexpectations about performance. and i think the pressure of that has been killing off our artistsfor the last 500 years. and, if this is true, and i think it is true, the question becomes, what now?

can we do this differently? maybe go back to some moreancient understanding about the relationship between humansand the creative mystery. maybe not. maybe we can’t just erase 500 yearsof rational humanistic thought in one 18 minute speech. and there’s probablypeople in this audience who would raise reallylegitimate scientific suspicions about the notion of, basically, fairies

who follow people around rubbing fairyjuice on their projects and stuff. i’m not, probably, going to bringyou all along with me on this. but the questionthat i kind of want to pose is — you know, why not? why not think about it this way? because it makes as much senseas anything else i have ever heard in terms of explainingthe utter maddening capriciousness of the creative process. a process which, as anybodywho has ever tried to make something —

which is to say basicallyeveryone here — knows does not always behave rationally. and, in fact, can sometimesfeel downright paranormal. i had this encounter recently where i met the extraordinaryamerican poet ruth stone, who’s now in her 90s,but she’s been a poet her entire life and she told me that whenshe was growing up in rural virginia, she would be out working in the fields, and she said she would feeland hear a poem

coming at her from over the landscape. and she said it was likea thunderous train of air. and it would come barreling downat her over the landscape. and she felt it coming, because itwould shake the earth under her feet. she knew that she hadonly one thing to do at that point, and that was to,in her words, "run like hell." and she would run like hell to the house and she would be gettingchased by this poem, and the whole deal was that she hadto get to a piece of paper and a pencil

fast enough so that when it thunderedthrough her, she could collect it and grab it on the page. and other timesshe wouldn’t be fast enough, so she’d be running and running,and she wouldn’t get to the house and the poem would barrelthrough her and she would miss it and she said it would continueon across the landscape, looking, as she put it "for another poet." and then there were these times — this is the piece i never forgot —

she said that there were momentswhere she would almost miss it, right? so, she’s running to the houseand she’s looking for the paper and the poem passes through her, and she grabs a pencil justas it’s going through her, and then she said, it was likeshe would reach out with her other hand and she would catch it. she would catch the poem by its tail, and she would pull itbackwards into her body as she was transcribing on the page.

and in these instances, the poem wouldcome up on the page perfect and intact but backwards, from the lastword to the first. so when i heard that i was like –that’s uncanny, that’s exactly what my creativeprocess is like. that’s not at all what my creativeprocess is — i’m not the pipeline! i’m a mule, and the waythat i have to work is i have to get upat the same time every day, and sweat and labor and barrelthrough it really awkwardly. but even i, in my mulishness,

even i have brushedup against that thing, at times. and i would imaginethat a lot of you have too. you know, even i have had workor ideas come through me from a source that i honestly cannot identify. and what is that thing? and how are we to relate to it in a waythat will not make us lose our minds, but, in fact, might actually keep us sane? and for me, the best contemporaryexample that i have of how to do that is the musician tom waits,

who i got to interview several years agoon a magazine assignment. and we were talking about this, and you know, tom, for most of his life,he was pretty much the embodiment of the tormentedcontemporary modern artist, trying to control and manage and dominate these sort of uncontrollablecreative impulses that were totally internalized. but then he got older, he got calmer, and one day he was driving downthe freeway in los angeles,

and this is when it all changed for him. and he’s speeding along,and all of a sudden he hears this little fragment of melody, that comes into his head as inspirationoften comes, elusive and tantalizing, and he wants it, it’s gorgeous, and he longs for it,but he has no way to get it. he doesn’t have a piece of paper,or a pencil, or a tape recorder. so he starts to feel all of that oldanxiety start to rise in him like, "i’m going to lose this thing,

and i’ll be be hauntedby this song forever. i’m not good enough, and i can’t do it." and instead of panicking, he just stopped. he just stopped that whole mental processand he did something completely novel. he just looked up at the sky, and he said, "excuse me, can you notsee that i’m driving?" "do i look like i can writedown a song right now? if you really want to exist,come back at a more opportune moment when i can take care of you.

otherwise, go bother somebody else today. go bother leonard cohen." and his whole work processchanged after that. not the work, the work was stilloftentimes as dark as ever. but the process, and the heavyanxiety around it was released when he tookthe genie, the genius out of him where it was causing nothing but trouble,and released it back where it came from, and realized that this didn’t have to bethis internalized, tormented thing. it could be this peculiar,wondrous, bizarre collaboration,

kind of conversation betweentom and the strange, external thing that was not quite tom. when i heard that story,it started to shift a little bit the way that i worked too,and this idea already saved me once. it saved me when i was in the middleof writing "eat, pray, love," and i fell into one of thosesort of pits of despair that we all fall into when we’re workingon something and it’s not coming and you start to think this is going to bea disaster, the worst book ever written. not just bad, but the worstbook ever written.

and i started to think i shouldjust dump this project. but then i remembered tomtalking to the open air and i tried it. so i just lifted my faceup from the manuscript and i directed my commentsto an empty corner of the room. and i said aloud, "listen you, thing, you and i both knowthat if this book isn’t brilliant that is not entirely my fault, right? because you can see that i am puttingeverything i have into this,

i don’t have any more than this. if you want it to be better, you’ve gotto show up and do your part of the deal. but if you don’t do that,you know what, the hell with it. i’m going to keep writing anywaybecause that’s my job. and i would pleaselike the record to reflect today that i showed up for my part of the job." because — (applause) because in the end it’s like this, ok —

centuries ago in the desertsof north africa, people used to gather for these moonlightdances of sacred dance and music that would go on for hoursand hours, until dawn. they were always magnificent,because the dancers were professionals and they were terrific, right? but every once in a while, very rarely,something would happen, and one of these performerswould actually become transcendent. and i know you knowwhat i’m talking about, because i know you’ve all seen,at some point in your life,

a performance like this. it was like time would stop, and the dancer would sort of stepthrough some kind of portal and he wasn’t doing anything different than he had ever done,1,000 nights before, but everything would align. and all of a sudden, he wouldno longer appear to be merely human. he would be lit from within,and lit from below and all lit up on fire with divinity.

and when this happened, back then, people knew it for what it was,you know, they called it by its name. they would put their hands togetherand they would start to chant, "allah, allah, allah, god, god, god." that’s god, you know. curious historical footnote: when the moors invaded southern spain,they took this custom with them and the pronunciationchanged over the centuries from "allah, allah, allah,"to "olã©, olã©, olã©,"

which you still hear in bullfightsand in flamenco dances. in spain, when a performer has donesomething impossible and magic, "allah, olã©, olã©, allah,magnificent, bravo," incomprehensible, there it is– a glimpse of god. which is great, because we need that. but, the tricky bitcomes the next morning, for the dancer himself,when he wakes up and discovers that it’s tuesday at 11 a.m.,and he’s no longer a glimpse of god. he’s just an aging mortalwith really bad knees,

and maybe he’s never goingto ascend to that height again. and maybe nobody will ever chantgod’s name again as he spins, and what is he then to dowith the rest of his life? this is hard. this is one of the most painfulreconciliations to make in a creative life. but maybe it doesn’t have to bequite so full of anguish if you never happenedto believe, in the first place, that the most extraordinary aspectsof your being came from you.

but maybe if you just believedthat they were on loan to you from some unimaginable sourcefor some exquisite portion of your life to be passed along when you’re finished, with somebody else. and, you know, if we think about itthis way, it starts to change everything. this is how i’ve started to think, and this is certainly how i’ve beenthinking in the last few months as i’ve been working on the bookthat will soon be published, as the dangerously, frighteninglyover-anticipated follow up

to my freakish success. and what i have tosort of keep telling myself when i get really psyched outabout that is don’t be afraid. don’t be daunted. just do your job. continue to show up for your piece of it,whatever that might be. if your job is to dance, do your dance. if the divine, cockeyed geniusassigned to your case decides to let some sort of wondermentbe glimpsed, for just one moment through your efforts, then "olã©!"

and if not, do your dance anyhow. and "olã©!" to you, nonetheless. i believe this and i feelthat we must teach it. "olã©!" to you, nonetheless, just for having the sheerhuman love and stubbornness to keep showing up. thank you. june cohen: olã©!

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deviantart web design inspiration

i had failed on an epic scale. an exceptionally short-lived marriage had imploded… and i was jobless, a lone parent, and as poor as it is possible to be in modern britian…without being homeless. life is difficult, and complicated, and beyond anyone’s total control. and the humility to know that, will enable you to survive its vicissitudes. simply because failure meant a ‘stripping away’ of the inessential. i stopped pretending to myself that i was anything, other than what i was.

and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me. had i really succeeded at anything else, i might never have found the determination, to succeed in the one arena, where i believed i truly belonged. i was set free. because my greatest fear had been realised… and i was still alive, and i still had a daughter whom i adored, and i had an old typewriter and a big idea. and so ‘rock bottom’ became a solid foundation on which i rebuilt my life.

leonardo dicaprio(inception [2010]): once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. an idea that is fully formed, fully understood… j.k.rowling: i was convinced that the only thing i wanted to do, ever, was write novels. the knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks, means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive. you will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity. such knowledge is a true gift and for all that it is painfully won.

‘rock bottom’ wasn’t fun. at all. i’m not going to romanticize ‘rock bottom’, but… it was liberating. what did i have to lose? you might never fail on the scale i did. but some failure in life is inevitable. it is impossible to live without failing at something… unless you live so cautiously, that you might as well not have lived at all.

in which case, you fail by default. as is a tale, so is life. not how long it is… but how good it is, is what matters.

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eco web design inspiration

hi this video shows you how to make and eco print a nuno felt scarf with the wet felting technique and then eco-printing with natural leaves and petals. this nuno felt scarf is made by felting unspun wool and silk rovings onto silk chiffon. it is a soft drapable material that is fine and delicate yet strong. the color comes from the silk and

yarn applied in the felting process and also from eco-printing and eco-dyeing it directly after felting using leaves and rose petals. at the end of the video i also show you other nuno felt scarves for design ideas. i’m aannsha jones and if you’d like to see how i made this eco-printed nuno felt scarf, this video will show you how. so let’s get started!

materials used are listed below the video. first of all i laid out a piece of chiffon for the scarf. remember the material will shrink in the felting process between thirty and fifty percent so cut the chiffon larger than you want the finished scarf to be. the camera only shows one half of the scarf. to make fine nuno felt lay out two thin wispy layers of

wool rovings at right angles to each other on the chiffon. i left some parts of the chiffon bare and these give nice see-through patches in the finished scarf. next i laid on silk hankies which are the silk cocoon that has been flattened out. it is very fine and you have to peel it off carefully as the fine silk threads can stick to your fingers if you have

dry skin like i have! next i made some rosettes out of dimensional wool and laid them on top of the hankies to create a nice border and detail. i added some variegated yarn that has silk spun through it which will give a nice lustre to the finished scarf. to give extra shine i added some hand-dyed silk rovings which you see me

dotting around the design. as silk doesn’t felt directly to the wool add little wisps of wool rovings over the silk and this acts like glue trapping the silk onto the felt. then felt as normal. to learn how to make felt, click the link shown below. you can see some of the see-through patches in the nuno felt as i pull it into shape.

you can really see the see-through quality in the finished scarf shown here. so next on to eco-printing for extra color and design. materials used in the eco-printing are listed below the video. soak the plant materials in vinegar water and then dip them into iron water before placing them as you like on the scarf. for details on eco-printing felt

please follow the link below the video. fold one half onto the other, cover with cling wrap and roll tightly onto a stick. tie with yarn into a tight bundle and place it into your dye bath. i used to dye previously made from hibiscus tea bags but realized there wasn’t enough for the whole scarf so i added onion skins and more water to the pot.

the exciting part is always unbundling to see what results you get! the geranium leaf didn’t leave any print but acted as a resist and the rose leaves gave a nice bright green and the petals left a deep pink. i only simmered it for 40 minutes as i didn’t want to overtreat to silk so the leaf prints aren’t really dark, but i like the effect.

the string and dye bath give a lovely stripy brown in the middle of the scarf. so, here’s the finished staff. isn’t it gorgeous? here are other designs i’ve made for some inspiration. if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and if you’d like to see more videos like this, please subscribe. this is aannsha jones. thank you so much for watching.

until next time! over and out.

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ecommerce web design inspiration 2014

the human voice: it’s the instrument we all play. it’s the most powerful soundin the world, probably. it’s the only one that can start a waror say "i love you." and yet many people have the experience that when they speak, peopledon’t listen to them. and why is that? how can we speak powerfullyto make change in the world? what i’d like to suggest,

there are a number of habitsthat we need to move away from. i’ve assembled for your pleasure hereseven deadly sins of speaking. i’m not pretendingthis is an exhaustive list, but these seven, i think, are pretty largehabits that we can all fall into. first, gossip. speaking ill of somebodywho’s not present. not a nice habit,and we know perfectly well the person gossiping, five minutes later,will be gossiping about us. second, judging.

we know people who are like thisin conversation, and it’s very hard to listen to somebody if you know that you’re being judgedand found wanting at the same time. third, negativity. you can fall into this. my mother, in the last years of her life,became very negative, and it’s hard to listen. i remember one day, i said to her,"it’s october 1 today," and she said, "i know, isn’t it dreadful?"

(laughter) it’s hard to listenwhen somebody’s that negative. and another formof negativity, complaining. well, this is the national art of the u.k. it’s our national sport. we complain about the weather, sport,about politics, about everything, but actually, complaining is viral misery. it’s not spreading sunshineand lightness in the world. excuses.

we’ve all met this guy. maybe we’ve all been this guy. some people have a blamethrower. they just pass it on to everybody else and don’t take responsibilityfor their actions, and again, hard to listento somebody who is being like that. penultimate, the sixth of the seven, embroidery, exaggeration. it demeans our language,actually, sometimes.

for example, if i see somethingthat really is awesome, what do i call it? and then, of course,this exaggeration becomes lying, and we don’t want to listento people we know are lying to us. and finally, dogmatism. the confusion of facts with opinions. when those two things get conflated, you’re listening into the wind. you know, somebody is bombarding youwith their opinions as if they were true.

it’s difficult to listen to that. so here they are, seven deadlysins of speaking. these are things i think we need to avoid. but is there a positiveway to think about this? yes, there is. i’d like to suggest that there are fourreally powerful cornerstones, foundations, that we can stand on if we want our speech to be powerful and to makechange in the world. fortunately, these things spell a word.

the word is "hail," and it hasa great definition as well. i’m not talking about the stuffthat falls from the sky and hits you on the head. i’m talking about this definition, to greet or acclaim enthusiastically, which is how i thinkour words will be received if we stand on these four things. so what do they stand for? see if you can guess.

the h, honesty, of course, being true in what you say,being straight and clear. the a is authenticity,just being yourself. a friend of mine described it asstanding in your own truth, which i think is a lovely way to put it. the i is integrity, being your word, actually doing what you say, and being somebody people can trust. and the l is love.

i don’t mean romantic love, but i do mean wishing peoplewell, for two reasons. first of all, i think absolute honestymay not be what we want. i mean, my goodness,you look ugly this morning. perhaps that’s not necessary. tempered with love, of course,honesty is a great thing. but also, if you’re reallywishing somebody well, it’s very hard to judgethem at the same time. i’m not even sure you can dothose two things simultaneously.

so hail. also, now that’s what you say, and it’s like the old song,it is what you say, it’s also the way that you say it. you have an amazing toolbox. this instrument is incredible, and yet this is a toolboxthat very few people have ever opened. i’d like to have a little rummagein there with you now and just pull a few tools out

that you might like to takeaway and play with, which will increasethe power of your speaking. register, for example. now, falsetto register may notbe very useful most of the time, but there’s a register in between. i’m not going to get verytechnical about this for any of you who are voice coaches. you can locate your voice, however. so if i talk up here in my nose,you can hear the difference.

if i go down here in my throat, which is where most of usspeak from most of the time. but if you want weight, you need to go down here to the chest. you hear the difference? we vote for politicianswith lower voices, it’s true, because we associate depth with power and with authority. that’s register.

then we have timbre. it’s the way your voice feels. again, the research shows that we prefer voiceswhich are rich, smooth, warm, like hot chocolate. well if that’s not you,that’s not the end of the world, because you can train. go and get a voice coach. and there are amazing things you can do

with breathing, with posture,and with exercises to improve the timbre of your voice. then prosody. i love prosody. this is the sing-song, the meta-language that we use in order to impart meaning. it’s root one for meaning in conversation. people who speak all on one noteare really quite hard to listen to if they don’t have any prosody at all. that’s where the word"monotonic" comes from,

or monotonous, monotone. also, we have repetitiveprosody now coming in, where every sentence endsas if it were a question when it’s actually nota question, it’s a statement? and if you repeat that one, it’s actually restricting your abilityto communicate through prosody, which i think is a shame, so let’s try and break that habit. pace.

i can get very excited by sayingsomething really quickly, or i can slow right down to emphasize, and at the end of that, of course,is our old friend silence. there’s nothing wrong with a bitof silence in a talk, is there? we don’t have to fill it with ums and ahs. it can be very powerful. of course, pitch oftengoes along with pace to indicate arousal, but youcan do it just with pitch. where did you leave my keys?

(higher pitch) where did youleave my keys? so, slightly different meaningin those two deliveries. and finally, volume. (loud) i can get really excitedby using volume. sorry about that, if i startled anybody. or, i can have you really pay attentionby getting very quiet. some people broadcast the whole time. try not to do that. that’s called sodcasting,

imposing your sound on people around youcarelessly and inconsiderately. not nice. of course, where this all comesinto play most of all is when you’ve got somethingreally important to do. it might be standing on a stage like thisand giving a talk to people. it might be proposing marriage, asking for a raise, a wedding speech. whatever it is, if it’s really important, you owe it to yourselfto look at this toolbox

and the engine that it’s going to work on, and no engine works wellwithout being warmed up. warm up your voice. actually, let me show you how to do that. would you all like to standup for a moment? i’m going to show you the six vocal warm-up exercisesthat i do before every talk i ever do. any time you’re going to talkto anybody important, do these. first, arms up, deep breath in,

and sigh out, ahhhhh, like that. one more time. ahhhh, very good. now we’re going to warm up our lips, and we’re going to go ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba. very good. and now, brrrrrrrrrr, just like when you were a kid. brrrr. now your lipsshould be coming alive.

we’re going to do the tongue next with exaggerated la, la, la,la, la, la, la, la, la. beautiful. you’re gettingreally good at this. and then, roll an r. rrrrrrr. that’s like champagne for the tongue. finally, and if i can only do one, the pros call this the siren. it’s really good. it startswith "we" and goes to "aw." the "we" is high, the "aw" is low.

so you go, weeeaawww, weeeaawww. fantastic. give yourselvesa round of applause. take a seat, thank you. (applause) next time you speak, do those in advance. now let me just put thisin context to close. this is a serious point here. this is where we are now, right? we speak not very well

to people who simply aren’t listening in an environment that’s allabout noise and bad acoustics. i have talked about that on this stagein different phases. what would the world be like if we were speaking powerfully to people who were listening consciously in environments which wereactually fit for purpose? or to make that a bit larger, what would the world be like

if we were creating sound consciously and consuming sound consciously and designing all our environments consciously for sound? that would be a worldthat does sound beautiful, and one where understandingwould be the norm, and that is an idea worth spreading. thank you.

Inforgraphic : The Psychology of Fonts – How to Choose Right Font for Your Design

ecommerce web design inspiration 2015

what is up, guys? my name’s hogan chua and in this video, i’m gonna be showing you how to make this ecommerce website step-by-step with no steps skipped and as you can see, it not only beautiful, it’s really simple yet really practical now the best thing about this tutorial is that you don’t even have to build the same website you can build a website for women’s fashion, men’s fashion or even sell virtual products such as ebooks or even music. or you could use a similar layout but sell different products such as this website here which sells beauty products now if you wanna check out all the demos, you can visit my website which is at hoganchua.com/demo unlike a load of other tutorials which use bad templates which are really hard to customize

this tutorial we’re gonna use a front end drag and drop builder so you’re able to build a site that you like but all without code or technical experience so you can build a website whether you’re 15 or 55 just as long as you have an internet connection, then you can follow along now this video tutorial is probably not for you if you wanna build an auction website like ebay or a website like amazon which sells a million products but if you’re a complete beginner that’s never built an online store or even a website but you don’t have the budget to hire a developer or if you just want to upgrade your to a more customizable or easy-to-manage platform

or even if you’re a future web developer and you don’t want to spend months learning code then this tutorial is perfect for you. without much further ado, i’m gonna give you guys a full website tour and show you guys what you’re going to learn okay, i’m pretty excited to begin but before i do, i just want to say that this layout is inspired by top ecommerce websites such as apple nike, top shop and hnm and the reason why i use some of the design elements is because that they know what works and they tested everything, they’re multibillion dollar companies so they test their websites to see what converts their visotrsinto real customers

so i’ve basically implemented for our own website but i’ve simplified it i’m gonna show you how to add in your logo up here as well as this search bar where people can search your products or anything they want and add in your menu links up here and as you can see it’s really thin, this header, it’s really simple. so you don’t have many menu links up here because the other menu links are down here you don;t wat too many because you don’t want to clutter the space up here like for example, apple, nike, top shop, they all have simple headers okay, next i’m gonna show you how to add in this slider

so this slider is really cool. you can even just hold it and drag it across like that and then you can click it which will direct you straight to your url of choice you can also click on this button here which slides like that and it that’s nice as well i’m also gonna show you how to add in this button here which is really cool so when you click on it, it goes to that shop page so i also wanna let you know that this slider here can also be full width. so what that means is you can go all the way across so it can cover the whole section and ther won;t be any white space like that and there won’t be any space up here so it’ll be a very similar to the slider that you see on apple as well

and you can also have these buttons as well which i’ll show you in the tutorial now i’m also gonna show you how to add in your title the background color here which is gray and how to add your feature products on your home page and show you how to move them around as well and then i’m gonna show you how to drop in a video module so you can drop in a product video and let’s just play that video as you can see, it’s really cool having your video on your website because if you showcase your product and show the product, how to use it or or people wearing it so people can imagine themselves using your product

and i’m also gonna show you how to add in your instagram feed now if you don’t have instagram, i highly, highly recommend it because a lot of people are spending their time scrolling through instagram feeds, liking a lot of photos so if you are able to attract some instagram followers, it’s great for you website and that’s good for your business, right? then i’m gonna show you how to add in another logo here and how to add your social icons on the bottom now you don’t want your social icons to be probably in the middle somewhere like that because you want your people to focus on your product

you don’t want people to click on your instagram and then they go to your instagram feed and then they start getting distracted by instagram models and all that stuff and then i’m gonna show you how to add in your menu links which are important but not important enough that you need to put it up here because you don’t want to clutter your space up here. so you can leave your other links down here and i’ll show you how to create that i’ll also show you how to create an e-mail subscription box here and obviously you don’t have to have the same color and you can also change the layout of it as well so we’re gonna scroll back up and let’s just click on this button here which will direct you to the shop page

so the most important part is adding in your products so as you can see, the layout of it, the colors of it, it’s really simple. it’s really clean and really nice now this isn’t just coincidental. i use the white layout here because it’s really practical. so for example, you’re adding in a product image or a image of your product then you don;t have to worry about it clashing with your design so you can put in a product here it could be any color and it would still be really nice in this white background so if you look at apple’s website, they do it as well. if you look at nike,

topshop they all do it because it’s really practical and it saves them time in the long run and i’m also gonna show you how to add in this section here which you can filter so people your customers, can filter by price and this is really cool because it narrows down their search and helps them find their products much easier and you can also sort by categories as well so if you click on the black on then only the black version will show up and i’ll show you how to add that in and also how to add this one as well. so you can sort by popularity by rating and all that stuff

scroll down and i’m also gonna show you how to add in a sale product so if you click in it um, normally it’s $450.00 and you can put in a sale like that and you can also schedule the sale depending on when you want it and that’s really cool so click on that now this is a wireless watch charger and i’m gonna show you how to add in a variable product which is, for example, like this okay, so a variable product, for example, if you have a t-shirt, then you can select a different color

but for this one, it’s a wireless charger so you can select a red one and then it also changes color like that which is really cool and then if you want a black one, it’s a little bit more expensive because i’ve set that to be more expensive and you can also add in how much of that product you have in stock as well to show your customer and obviously i’m gonna show you how to add in this section here where you can type in additional product descriptions, additional information here as well as add in a section for reviews now this is really important, um, reviews are super important and amazon utilizes for their website all the time because it gives the products some social proof

for example, if you’re shopping and then you see a product which is rated 3 stars how likely are you actually gonna buy that item? um, not really, right? but if you see a product which has 4 stars, or 4.5 or even 5 stars, then you’re more likely to trust that product and enabling reviews is good because people would trust your website as well i’m also gonna show you how to add in a dual variable product so for example, this screen protection item, right it has a clear type or you can select a matte type or even a gloss type but i can also select another variable. for example, i can sell them as a 3 pack or even a 6 pack

so if you have a t-shirt, then it could be that you can choose the color, you can also choose the size as well and you can also click on this which pops up in a live box and and it’s really cool as well. i’m gonna show you how to do that so let’s head back to our shop page so that’s it for the shop page. i’m also gonna show you how to add in an about page so this is completely customizable. i mean, the layout of it and i want to also show you how to try different layouts and i really wanna help you understand how to create a website rather than just tell you how to copy and paste but when i leave you alone, then you don’t know how to use it

i want to show you how to actually use it, understand it, so you have the skill i’m also gonna show you how to add in a faq page faq page is really important because you’ll find out people ask you the same questions over and over again so it’ll help them get the answer quicker but also save you a lot of time so for example, i’ve implemented on my website and people can check out the answer by themselves and get the solution really quickly and if you’re an ecommerce store, that’s really important because if they don’t get an answer immediately, then they might shop somewhere else so i’m gonna teach you how to add in this module here which is really cool

you just click on it and it opens up like that and it’s really simple and then i’m going to show you how to add in the contact form this is a contact form where people can submit their name and also send their message and it’ll be delivered straight to your e-mail. i’ll show you how to set that up so it goes straight to your e-mail i’ll show you how to add in a map as well so we can change the layout of this contact page to whatever you want and i’ll show you to do that in this tutorial and you can add in your location down here or your opening hours,

your phone number, whatever you want down here for this blog, i’m actually going to upload another video after this tutorial because if i show you how to create the blog and how to set it up, it’ll take too long so i’m gonna upload that in a separate video so make sure you subscribe for further updates for that there’s one more thing i’m gonna show you which i forgot to tell you is i’m gonna show you how to set up cross sells and up-sells so what that is is basically a marketing technique to increase your sale per person so what i mean is for example if i add this to the cart and if we view the cart you’ll see that it says "you may be interested in…."

it shows the complementary products. for example, if someone wants to buy a watch then they’re probably interested in buying a charger or a screen protector so this is what we call a cross sell and it’s something that amazon utilizes all the time so for example, if you click on this camera then if you scroll down it will say like people frequently bought these items together so basically it helps people see your other products which they normally didn’t see and again you can make more money per customer so that’s pretty cool and also i’m gonna show you how to do the up-sells so what the up-sell is if we click on this product here

and if we scroll down, then you can also suggest products which they might like for example, you have a watch which is $450.00, you might have a limited edition one which like signed by taylor swift or something for $4,500.00 and you could add in a product here so people might check out that product and they might buy that product so your making more profit per customer again so that’s really cool and i might actually also gonna show youy a test transaction to show you that this website is real, it’s live and basically, i’m going to teach you how to make a ecommerce website step by step with no steps skipped and by the end of this tutorial, you’d be able to start selling and start making money

so what i’m gonna do is i’m going to remove this item first now let’s go to our shop page and i’m going to buy this screen protector. so click on select options and then i’m going to select perhaps a matte type. i’m gonna select the 6 pack and i’m going to add that to the cart.then i’m gonna view the cart and then i’m also – i also forgot to tell you this, i’m going to show you how to add in a coupon so your able to set up coupons for specific days whatever you want. for example, this one is a black friday coupon which saves i think 90% so if we type in the coupon code which we’ve set at the back end. and i’m gonna teach you how to do that

and if we apply that code and if we scroll down, you’ll see that gives a discount of 90% so it takes away $44.00 and it also gives a free shipping thing as well so you can set up your coupons to also include free shipping and again i’m also gonna show you how to set up your shipping. for example if you want to set up free shipping, there could be a minimum of that and this is actually set up to be a minimum of $50.00 so if we actually don’t use that coupon, then we don’t get the option of free shipping but if we actually use that coupon, then we get the option of free shipping

and i’m also gonna show you how to add in different shipping options for example, flat rate or express, international shipping or you could also set up local pick-up or local delivery or things like that and i’m also gonna show you the tax settings. for example, if you’re in the usa, you only need to be paying tax for the place where you operate in. so i’m gonna show more details on that later but for example, if we’re operating in calfornia and we’re shipping to california, i calculate the shipping and i set it up to be the usa and then i set this to california and then i update the total you’ll see that i need to pay additional sales tax. so i’m operating in california and i’m shipping to california which means that the person buying the product has to pay additional sales tax

so if i’m shipping to australia, then i don’t need to pay that tax. update that total and you’ll see that tax disappears and i’ll show you to set up your tax settings as well now we’re going to proceed to checkout, i believe. so proceed to checkout now this is where your customer is gonna enter in all their details. so for example, their name fill in their e-mail address oops and then their phone number select country and then address the suburb

the state and also the post code so they can also click on this to create an account. so what that means is if they create an account, they can just log in by clicking this so they don’t need to fill in these details again so it saves them time so we can check the title. it was $49.00 but we;re using the coupon black friday which saves us 90%. and you can also set a flat rate discount and all sorts of discounts which i’ll show in the tutorial and i’ll show you to set up your paypal so it’s connected to your paypal account

so people’s payments are directly transferred to your paypal account now if you don’t have a paypal account, i highly recomemnd that you create on because it’s the safest and probably the easiest way of recieving and sending payments but if your customer doesn’t have paypal, then they can also pay via paypal using their credit cards so we can also set up direct bank transfers, cash on delivery, and things like that as well which i’ll show you in the tutorial but right now, we’re going to proceed to paypal okay, so we check our order here. $4.95. and i’m gonna enter in my paypal details and then you just need to log in

so you can change your payment method to a credit card or whatever you want or you could just use your paypal balance and that’s how you do it. you can change it there and then we can just click on pay now so this your confirmation of the order. so this is what the customer will see and an e-mail will be sent to their accounts so right now i’m gonna log in to my e-mail address as well as my other business paypal account where these funds are actually sent to and show you that the transaction is real……and yeah

so i’m in my e-mail right now and this is a new customer order. this is the e-mail that you get so it’s got all the product information as well as the discount as well as the shipping they actually bought so they got the free shipping option so you know which one to use when you send out their parcel or whatever you have to their shipping address down here and the customer e-mail is pretty much the same one. exactly the same, actually so there you go. i’m gonna log in to my paypal and show you that i actually recieved the payment so i’m just gonna log in right here so at 12:42 pm, i received a payment for hogan chua which is my other paypal account, personal account

and i received a total of $4.90 and if you see here, it’s $4.90 as well at 12:42 and paypal normally deducts a small percentage fee of that price and that”s how they make money they take a little bit of commision but i think it’s still worth it because setting up your own payment system and all that stuff is just too much hassle and you also can issue a refund as well to your customer just by clicking on this button here and it’s really easy to set up your paypal account and then once you have all your money in your paypal account, then you can just withdraw that money straight into your bank account of choice that you have linked up to your paypal account

so i think that’s it and i think we’re ready to begin. so grab a pen and a piece of paper and let’s get started so before we can actually get started to building our website, we need a few things to get started the firs thing we need is a domain name and basically what a domain name is bascially your web address for example, google’s doman name is google.com. my one is hoganchua.com and your one will be (your business name).com or (your name).com the second thing we need is hosting and hosting is basically a server where you can save all your website files such as images, your text and all other content so people all around the world can access your site 24/7 now if you don’t have a domain name, that means you don’t have an address so people can’t find you

and if you don’t have hosting, that means your website will be blank. so these 2 things are the essentials and the 3rd thing we need is to install wordpress and wordpress is a content management system and it’s by far the most popular one. fortune 500 companies such as forbes, cnn, ebay, sony they all use wordpress and even celebrities such as jay-z and katy perry they use wordpress because it’s easy to use. it’s really scaleable and it’s also really customizeable so for example, office word.that’s basically like a content management system for all your word documents you can type up essays and whatever you need. and basically wordpress is the same thing but it allows you to build a website. so it’s like an interface now the 4th thing that we need is to install a theme and a theme is basically like a skin for the website

so it basically helps us to apply the colors and the customization, the fonts , and everything to it it also includes the builder which helps us build the layout of our website so we can build any website that we want. and we’re also gonna install some plug-ins the most important one is woocommerce so if you go to this website here. it’s a plug-in that extends the functionality of your website and it allows you to sell anything on your website. so it’s really customizable and it’s really powerful and it’s also used by 13 million other people which powers over 30% of all online stores so it’s really popular and the most highly recommended one and it’s just awesome now i’m gonna be going over the cost of building your website

it’s not gonna cost you a few thousand dollars or even a hundred dollars it’s going to be really cheap and really great if you’rein a budget so the cost of the domain name normally costs you around $13.00 per year but for limited time only and for a .com domain, it’s only gonna cost you around $6.00 per year so i don’t know when this offer ends. i know it’s for limited time only so just get it as soon as possible so you get that cheaper domain name and for hosting, normally it’s about $12.00 per month but if you use my coupon code, which i’ll show you a little bit later on, you can get it for around $8.00 per month

so in total, to get started with your website, it will be around $14.00 or $15.00 and that is really cheap compared to a few thousand dollars if you get a web developer and then you have to pay them by the hour if you wanna make changes. so, yeah installing wordpress is also free.the plug-ins and the theme is also free. so it does come out to $15.00 now, you’ve probably noticed that we’re using a premium theme and that premium theme is by themify and, basically, why i chose to use a premium theme is because if i chose a free theme, that isn’t really good for you in the long term because if people who created that free theme, they might just disappear ’cause they’ve got no obligation but if you’re using a premium theme like this one, it’s actually used by over 55 or 56 thousand people

then you can be sure that it’s still around tomorrow and if you ever wanted support or updates then you can actually get it so this basically gives you the option to get their membership which gives you 1-year support and also updates as well but themify had been kind enough to allow me to share it with you guys for free so you guys can actually test it out for free. there’s load limitations and if you don’t get membership, you won’t get locked out of theme and things like that. it’s the full version thousands of people have built their websites already following my other drag and drop website tutorials and it’s just a really awesome theme. it’s great for beginners and probably the best one out there

if you were to go and get another theme, a premium theme, then it’s actually more expensive ’cause i’ve got a 30% discount as well so if you get the membership, then that’s really awesome. but if you don’t then that’s fine as well so it only comes about to be around $36.00 per year or around $3.00 per month so around a cup of coffee per month then you can get support and updates so that’s a really awesome deal because if you were to hire a developer, you might be paying $36.00 per hour so it’s just a really awesome deal but again if you don’t get it, that’s fine. just test it out for free and i’m sure you’ll love it and the plug-in we’re gonna be using is free so that’s all good. we’re gonna start building our website now

and just on a side note, all the images are also provided so you can follow along in the tutorial and that’s in the youtube description below along with the theme download link as well so one last thing before we get our domain name and hosting. there would also be a little progress bar up here as you can see and that would basically help track your progress in building your online store and i would also be implementing a little sidebar pop out here so it will basically show where you’re up to and what’s next and hopefully that will help everyone finish their online stores quicker but also without getting lost so to get started, we’re gonna get our hosting and as well as our domain name

both at the same place called hostgator so type in h-o-s-t-g-a-t-o-r-.com and click on enter so i choose hostgator for 3 reasons firstly, i’ve been with them for over 6 years and haven’t had any major issues so that’s the most important thing they have brilliant support, secondly. so they have live chat support and you can contact them if you have any issues. you don’t have to submit a support ticket and then wait for days for an answer or anything like that you can get an answer instantly

and thirdly, they also provide a 99.9% all time guarantee and that’s really important if you’re running a business because you want your website to be live all the time so if you’re running a restaurant, then you want your electricity to be 100% all the time. imagine having no electricity and a lot of other web hosts, cheaper ones, they’re nowhere near as good as hostgator so that’s why i’ve stuck with them. and also if you have any issues, then they also provide a 45-day money back guarantee so there’s no risk basically so click on web hosting up here or click on get started now! and if you’ll scroll down here, you’ll notice that there are 3 different plans: hatchling, baby and business plan

normally, you don’t have to get a business plan because you’re just starting out so i recommend looking at the hatchling plan or the baby plan now the only difference is that this provides a single domain name, the hatchling one and the baby one, you’re able host unlimited domains so you could have a domain for your business, your mom’s business your friend’s business and then you can split the cost among you guys so what i recommend is probably the baby plan ’cause then you can just add on a domain and the price difference isn’t that much anyways so click on sign up now and what you want to do is enter your domain that you want to buy so it could be (your name).com or (your business name).com

so for example for my demo website, i’m gonna type in shopwatchdemo and then click on the outside here and then you’ll see that it’s unavailable and the reason why it’s unavailable is because i just bought it just then so in choosing a domain name, it might be unavailable so you might need to be a little bit more creative so you might add something like that: shopwatchdemosite and as you can see, that’s available. and you can choose a lot of different extensions but i recommend getting a .com one because most people just type in (your business name).com they don’t think of typing in (your business name).space so you’re gonna lose a bit of traffic but the main reason as well is because you actually get a big discount. as you can see, it’s $13.00 per year but if you use my coupon code

for a .com domain, you also get a $5.99 domain name. so you save basically half price so if you have a domain, you can click on i already own a domain and then you can select that here and afterwards, when you’ve got your hosting, you can connect that and you can check out my website at hoganchua.com/faq and then you can check on how to actually set that up or you can actually contact their live support and they will help you out with your website so domain privacy protection, you probably don’t need this but what it does is it basically hides your personal information people can actually search up your website, your contact details, and contact you or whatever

and if you want that, then you can select that. but for this tutorial, i’m just gonna de-select that we’re gonna scroll down here and this is where you will choose your hosting plan as before, i said i was gonna pick the baby plan so just select that and normally, if you get a longer term, for example 3 years, then they give you a bigger discount you could go for 12 months or 24 months but i normally go month to month ’cause then i know i could cancel anytime so what you’ll need to do is basically enter a username and this will be a username you can log in with so choose one that you like and just choose a security pin and let’s just scroll down and this is where we’ll enter our billing information

so enter a correct e-mail here because they’ll be sending you all their hosting and log-in details here so make sure that’s correct so for the e-mail address, i’m just gonna put in my one here i’m actually gonna quickly fill this one out so just pause the video and fill this out as well and then we’ll proceed from there so after you’ve done that, you can either pay by credit card or paypal and you can enter your credit card name and number and also the cvv code which is on the back and expiry date so you can fill that out or you can pay by paypal

so you can select that option and then you’ll be asked for paypal information your log-in detail and paypal. now, they’ll also add in additional services but i don’t think you need these things for your website. i recommend just getting started first and then you can add in these services later on when your actual business is taking off or things like that so deselect these for now and scroll down here and you’re gonna enter a coupon code here and i’ve got a coupon code so just use my one: hogan chua. and then click on validate so what that does is that gives you a $5.99 domain name. so basically you save half price and you also get a 30% discount as well. so if you scroll back here for the 1 month version, you also get a 30% discount and you save some money

and you can use it for something else. i also get a small referral fee if you use my coupon code and that basically helps supports me in making these tutorials and i really appreciate it if you do use it but if you don’t then that’s fine as well. so to get started, you’re only paying $14.36 and compared to hiring an agency, which is gonna cost you a couple of thousand dollars, then i say that’s a pretty good deal so after you’ve checked in all your details, what you can do is click on "i’ve read the terms and conditions" and then we’re gonna click on check out now! and let’s just head to our e-mail address. so go to g-mail and then you’ll see that you get an e-mail like this: hostgator: your account info. just click on that

and basically it provides the log-in details for your control panel the control panel is basically where we’re going to install wordpress and this is the url link that you need to click on so click on that and bookmark that on to your bookmarks or whatever because you’d probably be accessing that a few times so just copy your username or whatever and just paste that into here okay, and then we just need to paste in your password which you’ll get here. so just copy that and paste that directly into here. but i’ve changed my password so i’m just gonna type mine directly here and then just click on log in

so we’re just gonna close on that thing for now and scroll down here scroll down and as you can see here, you’ve got the quick install and i want you to click on the quick install so we’re gonna install wordpress now. so you can click on wordpress here so on the right hand side or up here. so click on wordpress and click on install wordpress so this is where we choose our domain name that we just bought so if you click on it, then as you can see you have a few domain names that normally you’re just gonna have one or something like that so click on that new domain name that you just bought

leave this one empty unless you want to install it on something like shopwatchdemo.com/demo or something like that but if you’re just beginning, then leave this one empty so move on to the next part. and your admin e-mail. so just type in your e-mail address and a blog title. so you can change this blog title later on so don’t worry about that i’m just gonna call it shop – online boutique watch store for admin user. this is where you put in your username for logging into wordpress and after you’ve done that, just click on install wordpress and just click on no thanks, i’m a web designer

and that install is going to be running so it will take less than a minute. as you can see, it’s done already. and you can click on view credentials here now if you just bought your website just like 5 minutes ago or something like that, then it might not actually show up yet because it might be blank it takes time for hostgator to set everything up on the back end and connect everything so sometimes it might take 15 minutes which is really quickly but just wait 2 to 4 hours and then click on here or maximum, it’s gonna be just 24 hours so take a break and maybe plan your website or something like that and then come back

so i’m just gonna click on this one. so as you can see, my one is up already and we’re going to use this username here and just copy that and then paste that into here and also paste in the password here so just paste that in and then we’re goin to log in to our website so congratulations. we’ve finished installing our wordpress and we’re gonna start configuring the basics and also creating the pages so i know you’re pretty excited to begin but i just wanna give you some tips to actually get through this tutorial build a beautiful online store quicker and also better so the first thin i really want to recommend is to check out this app. it’s called jing

and what it does is you an download that and what it does is you can screenshot the page for example, i have this app on the side here and i can click on this button and basically i can just screenshot the page and what i can do is to capture that image or capture a video so if i want to capture a image, i could share via screencast so you’ll need to create an account on screencast so make sure to sign up for an account here. and once you’ve downloaded the application, you need to log in so what you need to use it for is probably if you’re having problems with your website and you want some help, then you can share this via screeencast

as you can see, it uploads to your screencast and what you can do is post that link look into the youtube comment and the reason you should do that is because it helps me understand your problem better and i’ve got a lot of questions to answer so i can’t get to everyone but if you do provide a link, then i can look at it and then probably help you out so click on okay and basically it gives you a link then you can paste it into your youtube comment but if you paste in a link, the comment might not show up. it’s because it goes into moderation and then i’ll check it and then i’ll approve it then i’ll try to asnwer your questions and the second thing is – okay, so before you actually upload that, make sure to check my faq page on my website

and this is where i answer frequently asked questions and you can check it out. so click on it and then it scrolls down to the solution and i also recommend checking out my resources page and these are resources that i use so hover over resources and click on ultimate website resources so if you scroll down here and these are all the resources that i used and i highly recommend that you check out as well and number 4 is that i highly recommend that you plan your website before actually starting get some inspiration from like apple or nike or your favorite website then draw it out on a piece of paper. like draw the layout on a paper, decide what color you wanna use

and decide on your fonts, get your product images done ’cause that’s really important you know, really good images and organize all your images into a file and then start building and i also would highly recommend to even watching the tutorial once first andtaking some notes because it’s the same as basking a cake. so you watch the video first and then you write down what you need like the ingredients and then you go buy the ingredients and then you start baking the cake and it’ll save you more time in the long run cause it gives you a mental image of what the site would look like

so then when you’ll be building it, it would be twice as fast and the end result would probably be better but that’s up to you. try to spread your workload out in a week because remember your saving thousands of dollars here so don’t expect it to be built in just one day.so if you can get it done in 7 days, that’s amazing because it’s like basically making a few thousand dollars per week which isn’t bad at all now sometimes when you’re building your website you might encounter some problems such as this now you might want to change this to heading 1 and you click on it and it doesn’t pop up here. so waht you need to do is scroll up scroll up and then it’ll pop up here. alright

so to toggle this thing, it might not appear by default so you need to toggle that so it shows up and the best way to drag and drop your layouts and everything is to actually zoom out of your website so if you zoom out of your website, it will make things really small and therefore it will be easy to rearrange your themes. so for example so you wanna drag this one up here, then it will be easier to drag it, to move it around so for example, let’s move it around here. nad if you wanted to edit your layout even easier, then you can go on to the back end of the website and for example we can go to edit page and let’s just leave this page now

maybe let’s zoom in a little bit more and you can see that you have the back end so you can change the layout easier here because everything is smaller and you can move it around now i hope everyone is excited ’cause i am and let’s begin so this is your wordpress dashboard and this is the back end and if we click on visit site and i’ll show you the front end. so this is the front end of the website right now and it doesn’t like a website at all and let’s go to our dashboard and let’s configure some of the basic settings first so all this stuff here, there’s so much clutter so i’m just gonna close all this stuff here

close that and if you move that one up like that, close it like that, and also dismiss these, so your website looks a lot simpler right now and we’re gonna click on settings here. and then we’re gonna go to general so this is where you edit your site titleand you can change the site title here as well as the tag line i’m gonna delete that tagline.scroll down, you can change the time and everything here it’s not that important now we want to go to permalinks so click on permalinks and you wanna change that permalink to post name so it shows up as shopwatchdemo.com

and then the name of the title of your post. you don’t want something like ?p=123. that doesn’t look good and it doesn’t describe to the user what your page is about so make sure to change that. click on save and i’m actually gonna go to my website that we’ve actually built before and then i’m gonna be referring to that website and using that as a guide to build this website here so let’s just zoom back in. go back here and now we’ll need to go users. so we’re gonna change the password because everyone knows my password and because it’s too hard for me to remember so you can change the layout and color and everything like that.that’s not too important

scroll down here and generate password so were gonna type in -um, we’re gonna hide that first and just type that in, confirm use and update profile so afterwards when you’ve done that, we’re going to remove our plug-ins. so click on plug-ins and basically the plug-ins, these are installed to your wordpress by default but we don;t want any of these plug-ins as it may conflict with our website and then it might cause problems with our builder and all those things so i want to delete them and get everyone on the same page so click up here which selects that all and then click on deactivate. click on apply

click that again and now you can delete. click on apply and yes, delete all these files and data so all your plug-ins are gone and now we’re gonna click on pages we’re gonna delete all these pages ’cause they have some sample pages and other stuff so blog actions, move all of them them to trash and apply and the same thing for posts so select that and then move that to trash and apply go to your trash and also delete that permanently and i think we didn’t , um, we need to delete this permanently as well. so delete that

permanently from your website okay, so since we’re on the pages, i’m gonna teach you how to add in your pages so pages are things like your about page, your faq page, shop page, and the pages here so i’m gonna show you how to add that in so that’s really simple. just click on add new up here now the first page we’re gonna add in is our home page. so just type in "home". h-o-m-e and you don;t need to do anything here but but this is our word app here so you can type in text here and it works like word and you can also toggle that toolbar if you want to see the options down here where you can change the color

and things like that. so we’re gonna ignore that for now. we’re just gonna publish it and we’re gonna add in the other pages. so for example, the about page. click on publish we’re going to add in the faq page. so faq and publish we don;t actually need to create the shop page on my account page because we’re gonna install the plug-in called woocommerce and that is actually going to create these pages automatically so if you scroll down, we’re gonna create this blog page contact page, returns and delivery

so what you can do is add new and if you don’t have a blog page or you don’t want to add a blog page, then you don’t have to do it but i’m just following this tutorial and this example. so i’m just gonna publish it add new.the next one was contact, returns and delivery so contact add new returns and delivery just publish that now so you can add in any other site that you want but let’s go visit our website and see if that pops up

so nothing is gonna pop up yet. i’m gonna be showing to add that to your menu up here and down here later on so what we need do to now is to basically install the theme and also the plug-ins so we’ve basically finished configuring the basics and also creating new pages so to download the theme, you’ll need to go to my website at hoganchua.com or you can go to the youtube description and the link should be down below it includes the theme download as well as the images so you can follow along the tutorial but if you’re on my website, go and click on the blog page and it show up here, the post up here, or you might scroll down here. have a look so click on the post

and then scroll down here. and then you’ll see download theme and download images so if you want to download the the theme, just click on theme and let’s save that on to our desktop. click on save for some people, it might look something like that because it automatically unzips but you don’t want it to be a folder like that. if it does happen to turn out into a folder, then all you need to do is right-click and compress that again if you compress that again, then it’ll go back to the original .zip file and this is the .zip file we need to upload. we don’t want this. remove this to our trash right now and if you also want to download the images, then you can download that as well

we’re gonna save that to our desktop but for this one that we’re downloading, we also want to unzip it because all the image files is in the .zip folder and we need to upload on to our website later on so for example, if you’re using a windows computer, i think you just right-click and open that .zip file or if you’re on a mac, you can double-click it and then it turns into a folder and then we have all our images that you can follow along with the tutorial so we’re gonna go back to our website right now and then we’re going to install our theme so go to appearances and click on themes here. i just wanna close that. and we’re going to click on add new

and then we’re going to upload theme. choose the file and i just want to find that file. go to look files here so that’s the file that we want and then we click on open and then click on install now so it’s gonna upload and it’s gonna show the progress down on the lefthand side here so it’s gonna take probably a minute or so. so give it a sec so if your theme is successfully installed, then you’ll see your page like this where you can click on activate but some of you migh have an error in installing your theme and you can go to the faq page on my website and click on it

and then you can follow this tutorial which shows you how to upload your theme via the file manager which is in your cpanel. the reason why you get that message is because your host or server has limited your file upload size so you can either request for an increase or you can follow this tutorial so by now, we’re gonna click on activate and that’s basically gonna activate our theme. i think a pop-up pops up to import the demo data but just click on no for that and let’s just click on no for this as well. and let’s go check our website to see what it looks like so as you can see, it looks a little bit different. it’s sort of applied sort of a exterior skin to our website and the pages that we’ve added before have popped up now but it’s nowhere near this website look here

but we’re gonna edit that in a second but we’re gonna install our plug-ins first. so go to the dashboard and then we’re gonna click on plug-ins and then we’re gonna click on add new so wordpress has a ton of plug-ins. it has thousands and thousands of plug-ins that you can download don’t download too many plug-ins just because it looks good. it’s gonna slow down your website and sometimes it’s gonna conflict with the theme as well and if it does, then just deactivate it and hopefulyl your theme would work but it should be okay, these plug-ins that i recommend, because i’ve tested them so the first plug-in that we’re gonna download is contact form. so contact form 7

click on return so you’ll probably a contact form 7 here with over a million download. this is the one that we want so click on install now and once that is finished installing, then you can click activate the plug-in now we’re gonna add another plug-in. this is the easy google fonts plug-in this is really cool because you can edit the fonts and stuff like that. so just type in easy google fonts and click on enter this is the one we want by titanium themes, with 200,000 downloads. click on install now activate the plug-in

the next one we want to add is the instagram feed. so instagram feed. down here. this is the plug-in so type in instagram feed and click on enter now we want install this one by smash balloon. install now. activate that plug-in now we’re gonna install mailchimp for wordpress. so mailchimp is the little newsletter thing here i choose mailchimp because it’s free to sign up and you can sign up for free quite easily so – oops this is actually if you want to upload a plug-in that you’ve downloaded but you want to add a new one so we search it here so mailchimp for wordpress. click on enter

now this is the one we want. mailchip for wordpress. ibericode. install now click on activate plug-in and the next one we’re gonna add is the smart slider this is the real cool slider that we have on our front page and this is awesome. so download that. smart slider 3. click on enter and this is the one that we want. click on install now now activate that plug-in and finally we’re gonna get the woocommerce plug-in so type in woocommerce and hit on enter

so this one has over a million downloads so make sure you get the right one by woothemes. install now activate the plug-in and the last one that we want is this plug-in that would help us add in this menu cart thing up here where you can display the number of items in your cart or the price so there’s the setup theme so we can actually set it up. so let’s just go to let’s go and as you can see here, it’s going to install some pages. your shop page, cart page, checkout page and my account page so click on continue. and obviously these can be edited later on. so continue now you can change where your store is located back here. so for example, if you’re located in california

then you can select that, change the currency and the product’s weight units and also for the dimensions click on continue now this is the basic shipping setup and we’re going to be editing this later on but let’s just take that for now leave that empty. and basic tax setup, we’re gonna be editing this later on but let’s just take that for now and we’re actually gonna enter the prices exclusive of tax so what that means is for example, if your product price is $50.00 then you enter $50.00. you don’t enter in any tax woocommerce will actually calculate that for you and once we set that up so we can actually import some startup tax rates if we want now let’s just tick that and this is the starter rate for california and it’s gonna import that for you

so i’m gonna show you how to add that later on anyways so just leave it as that and click on continue now, you’re gonna enter your paypal e-mail to accept payments. we can enter that here now but again i’m gonna show you how to so you can figure all that later on as well so you can enable check payments, cash and delivery or bank transfers. we’re gonna leave those empty click on continue so your store is ready. now you can watch additional video tutorials on the actual woocommerce website so we actually click on that and it would open that in a new tab we’ve got additional videos which are more in-depth. so you can check out their videos if you need any other information

so we’re going to return to our dashboard and finally we can install our last plug-in. so go to the plug-in section again and add new and then we want to type in woocommerce menu cart and hit on enter so this is the plug-in that we want. it has 30,000 installs by jeremiah. and install now click on activate plug-in so we’ve got all our plug-ins installed but we’re not going to configure them just yet we’re going to configure them when we actually need them so congratulations. we’ve finished the installing theme and plug-ins part

and now we’re gonna be heading to our home page to actually create the header and also the navigation bar. and we’re gonna edit the styling and the colors and things like that so before we actually get started in building the header and also confuguring the navigation bar we’re actually gonna visit our site now to see what it looks like so what we’re gonna do first is we’re going to change the layout of this header first to a skinny design i wanna close this first and we also want to change the home page so it’s a blank canvass we don’t want this sidebar here and we don’t want this thing here. so i’m gonna show you how to do that first

and then we’re going to configure the navigation menu. so for example, we only want to show these ones up here because otherwise it would just clutters up the space and then after that, we’re going to style it so that looks really nice okay so what we need to do is go to your dashboard and then go to themify ultra. themify settings now these are all your theme settings. a lot of settings are edited here and the favicon. favicon is bascially the movable icon up here so the header code is where you can additional javascript or css for more advanced users the footer code here is where you add your google analytics code

so google analytics is basically a free tool that google provides. paste that code in here and then you can track your website visitors and things like that that’s where you paste it in. so don’t worry about these things for now for google fonts we need to change that to show all google fonts and then we’ll need to click on save so we’re gonna scroll up and for default layouts, don’t worry about these yet i’ll show you how to edit them later on ’cause if you edit them now, then you don’t know what they actually do but for the default page layout, we’re gonna set the layout for the pages so for example, let’s just open this one in a new tab

for example, if we go to our about page, click on that, then this is the default layout for the about page and this is the same for all the pages so if we go here and change the default page layout to a different one, for example right now it has the sidebar on the right hand side, sidebar on the right, the we want to get rid of that so we can select this option here which shows the full screen one and you also want to hide the titles on all the pages so you want to hide this ugly title click on yes. don’t worry about that but you don’t want to have people to comment on those so you want to disable all comments

for pages. and if we click on save and if we refresh this page, then it show up like blank so that’s all good and we’re gonna scroll up here to theme settings so go to your theme settings and go to theme appearance and this is where we actually change the header design so you’ve got like 10 different designs here and currently we have this one here which is i believe this one here but we want to make it a little it thinner so we select the third option right here and if we scroll down. for example, if we scroll down and if you see the menu bar sort of stay on the top

that is the sticky header and we want to disable the sticky header if you want to exclude the logo, then you can select that. i want to exclude the side tagline i want to keep the search form here but i want to exclude the rss link here ’cause that’s not really useful. and for the rest of these, we keep as default and you scroll down and we’ve got the footer design. i’m gonna be showing you how to edit the footer a little bit later on. i don’t really want to edit it now and you’ll get confused a little bit later on, maybe for the image filter. so the image filter is basically if you hover over a image, then it’ll turn to whatever you set here by default, it’s set to none but you can set it to grayscale and if you do, then when you hover a image

then it will be grayscale so let’s just keep that as default the animating background colors is basically, for example, if you want to animate the footer, you select that and save it. i just wanted to show you and if you refresh that, then it should change to different colors and things like that so it changes like that and you can set it to be animating for the header as well change the speed and change the different colors that you want to animate scroll down. leave this as is right now. leave that as is and we’re gonna do that later on close. click on save for now

now for social links, this is where we add our social links and all that but i’m gonna be showing you how to edit that later on the themify builder now if you have problems saving your website, this might be a good thing to do, is to disable the builder cache clear your cache first and then disable that. click on save so right now, we’re gonna leave all those as default. you can also add in your twitter feed on to your website but you need to add in the code here. so read the documentation if you want to add that in the hook content, don’t worry about that

web access, don’t worry about that either so we’re gonna go back to our home page and see what that looks like so that looks pretty good except we have too many menu things up here and also we want to add in our logo so to do that, we’re going to actually edit adding that logo first so what we’re gonna do first is actually set in our home page first. so when you click on the home page it goes to your website/home and you don’t want that you want it to be, for example if you click on this, then that will be your home page so you’ll actually need to click on customize and this is really important

that you set this in. otherwise, you can’t even see the themify builder so..done that. and click on the back button and for the static front page, we need to set that as your home page so static page and then select home if you don’t have your home page created, make sure you create your home page. save that first and there you go so…. right now when we’re actually on the home page, you want it to say like "/home" and this will be your home page that you can start editing but we’re gonna edit the heading first so click on customize and i’m gonna show you where you can actually add in your logo

so go to themify options here. like that and click on advanced options ’cause we’ll be some advanced stuff later on. so just click on that now you want to select the site logo and tag line so you can actually edit your site title here so, for example, if you don’t have a logo yet, you can just add in a site title, for example "shop" and you can change it to all sorts of fonts here. you’ve got over 600 different fonts you can choose from and you can keep that temporary. or you can add in your logo obviously, you can change your sizes and stuff like that we can make it bold. you can’t see it. just make that a bit bigger

24. so this font preview is annoying….. let’s click on save and you’ll see that you can edit your site title like that but we want to add in a logo so we go back to your themify options and go to site logo and tag line then you can click on logo image. and click on this + sign here and we’re basically gonna upload the logo from the images folder which i got you guys to download earlier on or you can upload your own logo but to do that, we need to upload the files first. select files

and find that folder where your logo is at so i think it was in online store tutorial images. and actually i’m gonna ctrl+a and upload all my images that we’re gonna use for our website but don’t worry. we’re can also upload them individually later on but i just wanna save some time so i want to upload everything. so click on open and just wait for few moments for that to upload so all our images are uploaded on to our website and we want to add in our logo so there are two different logos: one with the black background and one with the white background we want to select the white background because our background on hour header is black

and we want to select this. so if you want to upload your own logo, it has to be a .png file so basically that means it’s a transparent file and this is my file size but you can set it to any file size that you want so we’re going to insert that image. and as you can see, it’s like really big so we need to change the size of that so we can change the size of that to about 120…… ..um, 120 pixels and…. it might be a bit bigger actually so 150 pixels. so that looks about right. you can make it bigger or smaller and this is the width and also if you want to set the height as well\ then you can do that as well

okay. so you can change that depending on what you want so we’ll leave that as 150. i think that looks okay and now if you want to change the position of the logo, then you can set it here. so for example, you can set that to relative and then you can move it around. for example, if you put 10 pixels, then it moves sort of 10 pixels to the right yeah, so if you wanna play around with that, maybe 10 pixels to the top, and it sort of moves down and things like that. but i’m just gonna leave that as is: by default and again if you don’t have a logo then you can add in a site title for now but if you want to get a logo, then i recommend that you go to my website

click on resources, the ultimate resources here, and scroll down here now you see logo design. you can choose 99 designs where you can actually hold a logo contest so if we click on that, it opens up in a new tab. or you can go to fiverr so what 99 designs is is basically that you can submit your brief and then you can get people to enter in the competition where they can submit their logos and you can click on get started now. it’s a little bit more expensive but you get more quality designs so click on logo design. you can get started now and basically just look through these examples and submit a brief and then start a competition a lot of designers will submit their logos and all you have to do is to choose one of them

so this is more expensive and, as i believe, it starts from $399, australian dollars, so that’s $350 usd but you get quality designs but if you’re on a budget, then i recommend that you sign up for fiverr. after you sign up here which is free,then you can actually get started and then you can search for logo -oops- so "logo design" and click on enter. and basically you can get logo designs for about $5.00 so just select here and you can browse whatever you want here. but for example, if you click on this one then it’s only $5.00 so you’ll get 2 logo designs for 5 bucks and if you’re just starting out then i highly recommend it because you don’t wanna create your own logo

because that just takes too long or use free logos because your creating a business so you want your own unique identity now you can also ask them to send you the transparent png and also, if you want to upload a favicon icon such as this one here, then you can tell them to also send you a favicon-sized logo as well and they should send you a smaller version which you can upload so right now, i’m going to minimize that and we’re gonna save and publish and by now, we’re gonna close this so as you can see, we can’t see our logo because our header is currently white

so to change that, we can go to customize and what we want to do is to click on themify options so this section here is called the header and this section is the footer. so we click on the header tab here so the header wrap is basically the background of the header section and we want to change that color to 292929 which is sort of like a black, dark gray color so click on save and close that now as you can see, we can’t even see the menu icons. so we’re actually gonna edit out menu as well. so click on customize

and then we’re going to the main navigation. so click on that don’t worry about these now. these are called menu links. so we’re gonna change the link color so the color that we’re gonna have is white. so to do that, we can just select the color here and change that to white. so we can see all of that now and that looks pretty good and we can also change the font as well. se can change the size like this so 12 pixels if you want it to be smaller but i want to set it to 14 pixels which is sort of average size now we can also change the font so to change the font, you can choose the font here and for that, i want to us bt sans

and just select that and i just want to change it to just show up as the lower case so you can change the size. i’m actually gonna change it to 16 so size 16, that looks about right okay, that looks good now, you can also change it to bold or whatever you want. there are lot of things you can play around with you can also do this which is really cool we’re gonna scroll down. i also want to change the menu link hover so what the menu link hover is is when you hover over it, it shows this light color so

it basically lets the person know that’s a link so what we need to do is we need to change it to a lighter color so i believe that was ccc which is sort of a light grey so when you hover over it then it gives you a really subtle effect which is really clean and really nice as well now for the menu active link, basically what that means is for example, when you’re on the home page and it will actually highlight that home page red and that is the active link color so for the active link color, we’re actually gonna set it to a background color so we click on the about page. we’re on the about page and that’s the active link color

so when we set that background to white andthen change the text color to the dark gray so to do that, for menu active link, you’ll need to change the background color so for example, 292929 and you’ll need to change the – oops so we actually need to change that to white, sorry and we need to change the color of the font to the dark gray so 2929. like that and as you can see, that is the one that you want and if we hover over it, it will actually show you the hover color as well

and to set that in here. to set that we need to set that here so menu link active hover, we’re gonna change the font color to cc so hopefully when we actually hover it, it gives you a nice effect so the dropdown container is basically if you have a dropdown menu, this is where you edit the color and font and all that stuff so for now, we’re gonna save that, close that and there are too many items up here so we’re gonna customize our menu so to do that, we can click on hover over shop and click on menus i’m just gonna close this for now

and i’m gonna close these too because we don’t need them so for the menu name, this is called the top navigation. so i wanna call this "top nav" and then we’re gonna create menu so as you can see, there’s the about, there’s shop, my account and faq so we’re gonna select those pages. so we select them right here. so the about the shop, the my account and also the faq and also if you want to add in any other links on your top navigation, then you can select it here we don’t need to select home because most people know that when they click on the logo, it goes to the home page. if you add another home page there, then it just clutters up the spacing

so after you’ve done that, we need to add that to our menu so to arrange them, all you need to do is just to drag it and to drop it. so we’re gonna arrange it to the about first then the shop, and then my account and then faq. so we’re gonna click on save the menu first and you also want to set the theme location. so you want to set that to your main navigation so save menu and if you want, you can select this one as well. so basically what that means is when you actually create new pages, then those pages will be automatically added to the menu so i don’t want to select that, i want to leave that as empty we’re gonna refresh now and i’m gonna show you what that currently looks like

and i’m gonna show you one more thing before we move on so this is our current header it looks pretty good right now the only thing i want to show you is that we can also set it as a drop down so to do that, you just click on this page here and move it like that and that will create a dropdown menu so save that menu and if you refresh that page, then when you hover it it creates a dropdown like that and if you want to edit what the dropdown menu looks like, then you can go back to your customize section and then you can edit that dropdown container, the one i’ve mentioned before. so go to the main navigation

scroll down dropdown container this is where you edit the styling for that so we’re gonna click on x and you can also do something like this. so what happens is you hover over the about and then the shop will pop up. and if you hover over the shop, then the my account will show so we can move that back click on save and let’s go back and visit our website so as you can see, there area here has still a bit too much spacing up here, too much spacing down here

if we actually want to reduce that sizing, we need to add in some css but luckily, i have prepared that for you so you don’t really have to think. so just go to hoganchua.com and then click on the blog and then find the ecommerce tutorial blog and just click on it and then just scroll doown here and you can just look at this css that you will need. so just click on that and it will scroll you right down here and i’ve got all the code and everything set up in here so all you need to do is copy and paste so for making our header skinnier, what we actually need to do is just click on how to make header skinnier and let’s just copy that code. so copy on to your clipboard. go to here. click on customize

go to themify options click on custom css and just command+v or ctrl+v which pastes that in and as you can see, that makes it nice and skinny save it so now you’ll see that the search icon here is not aligned and neither is the menu links up here so to fix this search icon and to make it in the middle, and also change the color of it so it’s more visible, then you can go back here. click on this one here. just copy this code here. so it’s really easy copy that go back to your custom css

scroll down, hit enter, so paste it it’ll load this code. and ctrl+v and that will basically arrange where your search bar is and to change the location of it, you can change this figure here. so 7 pixels. try 10 um, i think let’s try 11 so 11 might be just perfect in the center and you can do that and there’s your search bar. that’s all good. so click on save and publish now if you want to move your menu link down a little bit you’ll need to go to your main navigation. so click on that.

and this is the menu container. so there’s like an invisible container around it and to move it, we need to set it to relative so we;re going to move it down a little bit. so let’s try put in 10 pixels to the top. and that looks pretty goog depending on where you want it to be, you can arrange it accordingly. so let’s click on save and publish click on the x and basically, we’re done. the only thing that we need to add in is this shop icon here so earlier, we’ve installed the plug-in which is the woocommerce menu cart, i believe if you don’t have that installed, make sure to install that

so go to settings, hover over it and click on menu cart set-up so for this part, woocommerce is selected by default. so just leave that as is but we want to select the menu in which we want to display the menu cart so the menu that we want to display it in is the top navigation. we’re gonna scroll down here and even if the cart is empty, we want to show it so just give it a tick and display the shopping cart icon that is ticked by default. leave it as is and you can select the cart icon but only if you get the pro version and you can choose more icons but this one is fine and if you want to display the items only, as we have right here. it only displays the items

it doesn’t display the prices. you can choose both of them if you want to but i’m gonna choose items and we’re gonna keep it as default menu alignment and then we’re also gonna save changes and now let’s go to our home page and take a look at our header navigation so our header navigation is set in and it looks pretty much perfect it looks exactly the same as this one, i hope so let’s click on the about page just to check that so that’s awesome. congratulations. we’ve completed the header and also the navigation menu now we’re gonna move up to setting the home page slider which is pretty cool

so let’s head back to our website and before we actually can add in our slider, we need to set up the slider on the back end first so we need to go to our shop page and click on the dashboard we need to scroll down and make sure to install smart slider 3. so click on that and if you’re just starting out, you should receive a pop-up and there’s a tutorial on that you can watch that now or you can watch that afterwards. that’s up to you but just click on x ‘ cause i’m gonna go through the tutorial on how to set it up you can also scroll down and watch it later on here and…yeah. so let’s get started what we’re gonna need is to just click on create slider and let’s just set this to home page

and for the width and height, we want to set this to 1400 and the height to be 800 preset should be default and we;re gonna click on create so right now, we need to add in our images. if you don’t have the images that we’ve uploaded before then you’ll need to upload your own and the size of the image that you need to upload preferably is the exact size of the slider size so it will be 1400 in width and a hundred pixels in height so we need to click on add image slide and these are the the images that are included in the image file that you’ve downloaded if you’ve been following along

so to get all 4 of them, we just hold down ctrl or command and select them. and click on select so right now we need to arrange them. you can set the 1st slider. you can move them around like that and set this as the first slider. so what that means is when people are in your home page, then that’s the first slider that they actually see so if we copy this short code now copy this code and you’re able to paste it in all pages and posts we can paste it into our website. so let’s go visit our site. so open up in a new tab and let’s paste that in to see how that looks first and then we can edit the small stuff later so put in a text module

and you don’t want to paste the short code here. you want to paste it in the text tab here so click the text tab here so for all short codes, i recommend pasting it into here otherwise you might paste in some other formatting and that’s not good so make sure that is there like that and then click on save if you scroll down, you’ll see that the slider doesn’t appear properly if you click on save and if you refresh the page, then we should see a pretty good slider. so refresh that and there you go. so that appears all good but the only problem that i see is that it doesn’t fit in properly here

and we also need to add in some -oops- some buttons here and also fix up the spacing. and i’m also gonna show you how to set it to full width so for example if you go to apple.com, you’ll see that it’s a full width slider and it’s pretty cool so to set it to full width, i’m gonna show you how to do that first. so we’re gonna click on save and what we need to do is we’re gonna visit our home page so what we need to do is to click on edit the page and then we need to change the content width so scroll down here to themify custom panel for page options, there are different tabs here, click on page options and for the content width, we need to be all the way across. click on update

and let’s just view that page so as you can see, it’s moved up but it hasn’t gone all the way across yet so what we actually need t do is we need too turn on the builder and then for the row, so this is the row, we need to select the options here. so click on that and we also need to change the row width to full width. click on save click on save here and close it. and then we’re gonna refresh the page so that is pretty good. if you don’t actually upload the exact image size, you’ll see that it’s cropped and some of you might see a little bit of spacing up here and to fix that, this is what you need to do:

so you need to go to your dashboard and then you need to go to the smart slider and go to your home page slider so if you see that little bit of spacing on the top, you need to change it to the exact size of that slider image so for example, if this slider image is, for example, just right click that and open in a new tab so if you look at this image file here, it’s 1366×768 so what i mean is you’ll need to set the size here to the exact same size so type in 1366 and 768 768 and the reason why you don’t see the space on my website is because i actually edited it beforehand but you’ll probably see a little bit of spacing so make sure to change it to this size here

the exact same size as your image so what you can do is click on save. and then if we refresh that page, hopefully, it should be fine so that little space should be gone and your images should also fit perfectly so if it doesn’t fit perfectly, it gets cropped out, then you can select this option here. click on fit and that will help it fit in properly so after when you’ve done that, just click on save so right now, i’m going to restore this back to default and i’ll show you how to add in buttons and stuff like that. so click on turn on builder and for the row width, we want to change that back to normal. so default. click on save

let’s click on save and see our slider now. refresh that so you’ll see that there’s no spacing up here and that’s because we’ve set the content width on the back end to be full width now to add some space, we need to add a little bit of padding. so to do that, we need to turn on the builder and this is the text module. so this is where we entered in our slider. so double click it now go to the styling tab up here. scroll down and then for the padding section, you can add padding. so padding is basically just some space and i’m gonna type in 3% okay, 3%. and we’re gonna click on save

and if we save and close that, and refresh that, then you’ll see that that spacing here is the same as the demo site here so that’s really good and yeah. so let’s go back to our smart slider and add in some buttons so to add in a button, let’s just close this for now. to add in a button for this one here, what we need to do is to click on this slide. so just click on that slide and that’s gonna load. so scroll down a little bit and you’ll see the preview here all we need to do is to click on the button here so that adds a button to our slider. now to move the button around, you need to hover over it and you can drag it once you see the four arrows on top

so you can scroll down and we want to put this in the middle somehow. i think that’s in the middle when you see that line there so you can change the text by clicking here. and then you can change that to shop -oops- shop now if you move this up a little bit. like that. and if you want to change the font, just click on this one and they have some presets here if you want to use those ones but i want to set in my own fonts and colors so click on here and let’s just change that railway. that looks good and for the color, we want to change it to gray so select this gray here. for the size, we want it to be 18 pixels

select that and line height, we want it to be normal so it makes it a little bit skinnier and we want it to be bold for the text. you can align the text or whatever you want here so if you see the hover tag here, what the means is if you click on the hover, when you set the hover color, when people hover over it, it will change to the specific color that you set here so for example if you change it to yellow for the hover color, then when people hover over it, then they’ll pop us as yellow but we want to keep it professional so i want to keep it as the same gray so there’s basically no cover click on apply so you’ve changed the font color and the font size as well as the style

we can change the button background by clicking here on the style so click on that and, again, there are some presets but i want to set my own so i want to change this to white. like that. and you can set the padding of the button to here so for example, zero padding you can see that there’s no space there. so change that to 10 like that so that looks pretty good. and for the border here, i’m gonna add in a little bit of border so 2 pixels and you can change it to solid or other ones here

i want to change it to gray which is same as the font and then you can add in your shadows or whatever you want but for the hover color, i want to change it to a lighter transparent white so click on the background color and click on this option here. so when people hover over it, then they’ll get this effect so they’ll know that it’s a button so if we click on apply now. on the preview, you can check that out like that which is really cool and you can also set the buttons for different screens. so for example, if you click on this which is a tablet so for example, if you want to display on the tablet, you want to move the button to here then you can do that

so whenever it’s on a tablet, then the button will be on the right hand side but you can change that and it’s useful in some occasions but i want to keep it into the middle and the same goes for the mobile phone so let’s click back on to that one and let’s click on save and see how that looks so far. we’re gonna click on refresh so let’s click on next and there you go, we’ve got the button here. but if you click on that button, it doesn’t link anywhere so normally, you want to link it to another page. for example, this says shop now so we’re gonna link it to our shop page here

so i’m gonna right-click and open that in a new tab so this page is normally where all your products would be displayed so we’re gonna copy this url here go back to your smart slider scroll down here. so for the link here, we don’t want that hashtag here so we select that and we just paste it over that so ctrl+v or command+v and just paste that as well. so that’s the link now what you wanna also do is you also want to link the image as well. so when people click this image, it’s also gonna link to that page as well so to do that, you want to scroll back up here and for the slide settings, the link here, you want to paste in the same url. so paste that into here as well

and then we click on save and then if we refresh that page now when people click on this image or link to that page as well or when people click on this button, it will link tot hat page. so just test that out so that’s working and i’m gonna show you one more example so let’s just save that for now i want to show you how to link the other ones. so for example, you want to link this shop page that’s really easy so what you need to do is to click on the slides here so if you want to edit this slide, just click on that

now for the link section here, you want to paste in the url of where you want to link to so click on save and let’s just view that on our home page to see if that works. so refresh the page and let’s click on the link okay, so that works and it links to our shop page so that;s all good and you can do that for the rest of the slides that you’ve added on and again, there’s a ton of settings here that you can play around with um, yeah. so make sure to check out the pro version as well. you get 1-year support which is really cool and you’ve got some more slider types and layer types and all those things so let’s head back here and just close that

go back to our home page. just check everything. okay, that works. hover color, yep all good. so congratulations, we’ve finished our slider. now we’re gonna head head on and do our row number 2 and also add in our products so we’re gonna add in the sample products and also the products with the variations as well i’m gonna show you how to do that for this next part of the tutorial so this is where we’re going to add our products. below here so what we need to do is actually add our products first so to do that, what we’re going to do is go to our dashboard

now you’ll need to have woocommerce installed so make sure to install that plug-in. if you don’t have it, then you won’t see these things here so we’re gonna click on products so i’m actually going to open the shop page so that’s gonna guide me with the names and everything. okay….. so what we’re gonna do is add a product. so just click on add product and then this is where you type in the product names. so for example, bla- uh, sorry. bad blood bad blood so this is where you type it in. now this is where you type in the long description

we’ll skip this for just a second. we’re gonna add in the product categories first now for product categories, for example, if you’re selling a….you have a clothing store, then it could be like shoes, t-shirts, bags, things like that. but i’m just gonna set the category as the color so we’re gonna add a new product category and this one will be red so we can click on add new product category and make sure that this ticks. so we’re gonna scroll down and add some tags so tags are just basically more descriptive of the title and what the product is. for example, bad blood this could be a watch inspired by taylor swift’s new some or something. so it could be like "taylor swift" it could be….just something related to the product

so for example if it’s like made in or designed by someone, then you’ll type in the name i’m just gonna put in maybe "red watch" and maybe "casual watch", it’s a casual watch. and you just separate them by commenting in the space and then click on add if you want to delete it, just click on the x and that would delete it so for the product image, we can click on set product image and if you haven’t uploaded the file yet, you can click on upload files, select files and then find the files so if we scroll down, let’s find the products and i believe that was that one there so that’s the bad blood watch and what we;re gonna do is just set that product image in here

so you can add additional images. for example, i think this one doesn’t have any so this one doesn’t have any additional images but if you have different angles of your product, this is where you add it in. so you can add in a few more images and i’ll show you how to do that a little bit later so once you’ve done that for the long description, we’re gonna paste in the text here. so it’s gonna be more descriptive of the product. this is the short description here which you’ll find back here so for the short description, it hinges right like a few sentences about the product and get them interested in the product and the long description is really just for people who are pretty interested in the product and just wanna get some more information

so what i’m gonna is actually i’m actually gonna go to google and type in lorem ipsum click on that and lorem ipsum is basically just some random text that people use for website demos and things like that so let’s just generate. so what we’re gonna do is copy some of that text. just copy that and let’s just paste that in the long description so you can include information such as for example, if it’s like oil resistant and things like that for the short description, paste in just a few sentences. so just paste that in and let’s just keep it really short. so just delete that part delete that part as well. okay

so once you’ve done that, let’s actually minimize this tab ’cause you don’t need this themify custom panel now so click on that so this is where we set up the product pricing and everything so for the product data, set that to simple product. i’m gonna explain how to set up the variable product later on but just click on simple for now and if you’re selling a virtual product, you’ll just tick this here and downloadable products, you just tick this one here so sku is basically as it says here, it says stock keeping unit. so it helps identify the unique product so if you’re a big store, you might have a unique code or something like that wehere you can enter but our store’s pretty small so i don’t think you’ll probably need that

so the regular pricing, we’re gonna set that in. $450.00. so $450.00 and if you’re having a sale, then you can set that in and i’ll show you how to do that later on as well keep those as default. now for inventory. now what the inventory does is that it actually shows up how many items of that is in stock. so what you can do is you can click on manage stock at the product level and for the stock quantity, you can set how many in stock. so for example, if you have 5 watches in your warehouse or in your house, then you just label that and that’s also good as a marketing technique because someone sees that there’s only 5 left and they’re thinking "okay, i have to get it now!" so it increases the scarcity. so you can do that as well and allow back orders means if you’ve ran out of the stock, then are you gonna allow

people to keep on ordering. so you can select those settins there i just wanna point out that if you don’t know what these things mean, then you can just hover over this thing here and it will explain a little bit further so keep that as in stock. and we’re going to shipping right, shipping is basically where you can enter the weight and also the dimensions so for example, if you go to additional information, you’ll see that i’ve entered the weight and also the dimensions so you can enter the weight. i think this one is in pounds. i normally use kilograms and centimeters but i’m just going to add that in, the same as the one i’ve set in here i’m just gonna enter in as centimeters and i’m gonna change it to kilos and centimeters later on

okay, so all you need to do is click on link products and this is where we enter our upsells and cross-sells this is what i’m gonna show you after when we actually set up all our products for the attributes, this is only for variable products and i’ll show you that very soon so click on advanced and for the purchase note, for example if someone purchases something, then you can send in a custom note about the product. for example, how to use it or something like that and this is where we enable reviews so ensure that this is ticked if you want the reviews to show up and let’s go through this. okay, that’s done. everything done so we;re gonna click on publish and see what that product looks like so i’m just going to right click and open it in a new tab just to see what that product look like

– looks like, sorry so the product, we’ve got the description there. you;ve got the longer description, additional information as well as the review section so don;t worry about the sidebar here. we’re going to be editing that later on so you can see there’s 5 in stock and you also got the categories and also the tags that you entered which show up here so right now, i’m gonna show you how to add in another product, another simple product and then let you guys enter your products and then we’re going to go through how to add in a variable product

so let’s go back and click on add product. let’s close that for now add product. and the next product we want to add is the spot pigeon. so to do that, we’re gonna type the title right here….oops okay, we’re gonna scroll down to the side and this watch color is maybe i think it will be spotty so spots. so add a new category and it’s gonna be spots like that and make sure that is ticked. scroll down, product tags. this could be, maybe, spotty watch maybe it’s also a casual watch. there you go. okay add that in. for the product image, we’re gonna set the product image scroll down. okay, so here is your watch and we’re going to set the product image

i also want to note that this is the dimensions of my watch. so the image that you upload, if you upload the same one, then i don’t think you should have a problem with the sizing and everything so 800 pixels in width and 600 in height okay, so set in the product image and i’m also gonna add in additional images so i think that it was this one here. okay, spot pigeon and add that to gallery now we’ve set all the things on the side, we’re going to paste in the long description so let’s just paste that in

scroll down. we’re going to paste in the short description as well so i’m just gonna delete some of that text like that and the cool thing is you can also edit the text and everything in here using the text editor and you can also add in a slider. so if you create a slider, then you can click on the slider and select a slider that you want show on your front page but i’m not gonna do that so that’s really cool. so we’re gonna scroll back down here. so this is a simple product again and for the pricing we’re gonna put $450.00 as well. and then let’s just make this a sale so if you want to make this a sale, you would type in your sale price. so for example $400.00

and you can also schedule that so for example if it’s like a christmas season, then you could schedule it for boxing day or christmas or something like that so let’s just select any date here okay. so once you have set that in, the means after the 31st till the 6th in april, this sale will appear i’m actually gonna set it so -oops- i’m actually gonna set it so the date is today today is wednesday and click that in so it’s gonna show up after you’ve done that, click on inventory. if you want to show your stock, you just click on that and let’s say there’s only 2 products left . so you can allow back orders. and stock status. shipping

let’s just type in those figures link products, that’s for later on. attributes, that’s for the variables and if you want to leave a customer note or enable reviews here okay, so click on publish and now, let’s right-click and let’s view that product and see if that’s what we want okay, so if you put the sale on then it will appear like this. it will cross normal price bar, add the new price, and we also have a little icon up here and if you added an additional image, it will appear just below that product image. so if you click on that, then it actually appears in a live box

okay so that’s all cool now, product description, initial information and reviews now, related products.this happens when you have the same tags. so if you actually set the same tags for example, casual watch, the woocommerce system will find out similar tags and that would mean it would be a related product so if you didn’t want this product to appear on the bottom then don’t use the same tags so i just want to add in casual watch to show you that example so i think that is pretty good for now. so i’m gonna walk you through how to add in a variable product

and for example, it’s this one here so you can set different options. for example, the black one and then the product image changes as well as the price and then afterwards, i’m gonna show you how to make a product which has 2 variables okay, so what we’re gonna do is just click on add product yeah, so you can take this time to add in your other products just pause the video and add them all in first. okay so let’s head back here. we want to add in this product here so i’m just gonna copy that title

and paste it in here so scroll down and the category for this one, this one would be a power bank so click on add new product add category, sorry. so powerbank or charger or something like that. whatever you want so add new product the product tags is battery pack, power bank, w. one okay, so battery pack….. power bank and w. one which is the name. so click on add

set the product image inside here. so then is the one that we want to show. so set product image and now we also want to set in additional images. so to do that, we just click on add product images ,the red one, and click on ctrl or command so you can select both of them and save time by uploading both so afterwards when you’ve done that, we need to add our long description again so just paste in -oops let’s copy that text again and let’s just paste that in here change that to paragpraph, paste that in here scroll down and paste in the short description. just delete some of that text. like that that’s really easy. now for the product data, instead of simple product, you’ll need to select the variable product

so the variable product, if you have the code, the unique identifying code that you can enter that into there inventory, we can enable that and let’s just say there’s only 3 left for shipping, we can enter in the details here okay, so link products, that’s for later on attributes. so we’re gonna set up our variations so if you click on variations now, it says "before you can add a variation, you need to add some variation attributes on the attribute tab" so the attribute tab is the tab that you see here. so we need to set some variations into there first so we need to set these names into there first so i’m gonna show you how to do that but

first make sure to publish it and save it so once you’ve done that, i want you to click on attributes here so for the name, what you want to change the name to is the name of the variable. so for example, if you have a t-shirt and have different sizes, then the name here would be sizes but this one here is different colors, you’ve got different colors so the name here would be colors right, so just type in colors -oops- for the slug, just type in colors again. just the same one leave those empty and then on the type, just keep that as select. what that is is when you click on it you’re able to select an option

if you select the other one, i think yeah so you enter it manually but i want to actually select it like a dropdown menu ’cause that’s easier and you can also change the order of it but let’s just keep that as is and click on add attribute okay, so you’ve added in colors. now you need to add in the exact options that you can choose so in this case, you’re gonna add in black, red and silver so go back here and click on this gear icon here so you can configure those things so we’re gonna add new colors in. so the first color will be black. the slug would be black as well and you can add a description but you don’t need to. set add new category the next one i believe was a red one

red. and leave that empty and that one there. and the other one was a silver one so type in silver -oops- click on add new colors so you’ve added all those in. so what we’re gonna do now, you don’t need to save it that’s already saved in, we need to go back to our products. so click on products now we want to edit this product here so click on edit scroll down here and then for attributes, right here, we need to select the colors attribute that we’ve saved here

so click on add. now what we want to do is select all so to select all the colors that we have saved so click on that and then it shows up. black, red and silver now if you want to add a new one for example, if you want to add orange, then you can click on add new so click on add new . now let’s say you want to add orange. click on okay and then it will appear here. so if you want to delete it, just click on x now what you want to do is ensure that this ticks. so ensure that it’s used for the variations so tick on that and save attributes so once you’ve done that and that’s saved in, click on variations and you can click on this and just select create variations from all the attributes

so click on it and then click on go it says it’s gonna link all the variations. we’re gonna click on ok and it says that 3 variations have been added. so click on ok for now so as you can see, we have the black one, the red one and the silver one and each of them will have a different number id. so if you click on it, then you can actually change the image. so for example, this is the black one so we can change the image to the black wireless charger. so if we click on this icon here, then we can select the black one and set variation image so whenever someone selects the black charger, then it turns black

so what you can do is scroll down and because the black one is maybe a bit more rare and limited edition then i wanna change that price to $299 then i want to scroll down and keep everything as default. so once you’ve done that, you can click on the tab here. like that and let’s just set in the red one. so set that in the pricing for this will only be $249. okay, we’re gonna scroll down and you can select manage stock as well if you wanna do that and choose the stock quantity. okay, i’m gonna disable that scroll down and the silver one. add in the silver one like that

and we’re gonna add in the price so $249 scroll down and click on save changes so i think that is pretty much set. now what we want to do is click on update so we’re gonna view that product so right click and open in a new tab okay, so that’s all cool except the font here is really big for some reason before we fix the font, i just want you to look at this for now. so as you can see, the color’s here and it says "choose an option" so what you can do is actually make sure it’s like a default. it’s selected on default, for example let’s refresh this page

and when you refresh the page or when you land on the page, it automatically selects silver this is because we have selected silver as our default product and i’ll show you how to do that so scroll down here and if you go to variation, you can set the default form value so you can set the default one that you wanna set so for example, i want to set silver then i would just save the changes so what we can do now is update it and let’s just view that okay, so by default silver will be selected. let’s scroll down and let’s just fix this text here if you happen to have some big text

so the first thing to check here is the long description part.to see the problem, we can go to the text on the back end so there is actually code added to that text. so to actually fix it, maybe we can just delete that and what you can do is go back here and we’re gonna paste it as plain text so to do that, if you’re using windows, i think you’ll just right-click and paste as plaine text but i’m on a mac now so i can just click on this icon here therefore when you paste in text, then it won’t have any formatting on it so paste that in and let’s update that and hopefully that will be all good

let’s look at that. okay so let’s refresh that and as you can see, the text is fixed so when you’re pasting in text from another window you’re copying and pasting, it’s best practice to use the paste as plain text so slect that and then right click and then paste. so you don’t include any of that formatting or code in that text so right now, i think we’re done here. i’m gonna show you how to add in another variable product and this time it’s gonna have two variations, alright so what you need to do is add a new product. let’s just close this for now

go back and let’s click on this as a guide okay, so add new product. the product name would be screen pro. so it’s like a screen protection film for apple the apple watches so what we can do now is set in a new category. so this could be a screen protection category and then click on add new now for the product tags, we’re gonna go here. so screen protector and click on add scroll down and for the product image, click on that so the product image we’re gonna set is this one which is the clear one

so i believe it’s that one and it should say clear here set product image and we’re also gonna set in the additional product gallery images so let’s click on that one which is the matte type and hold down ctrl or command so you select both of them. and select the gloss one as well add to gallery. okay, so that’s uploaded in there now, we’re just gonna past in the lorem ipsum text and again i’m just gonna paste as plain text okay, paste that in okay, hopefully there’s no formatting on that. okay, there’s no formatting

and i think we can just paste that in here okay, that’s all good. now what we’re gonna do is make sure to select the variable product. so click on that and inventory, we can manage the stock level if you want to but i’m just gonna deselect that one for shipping, let’s add in the weight okay, we’re just gonna ignore the link products the attributes, okay so i’m gonna show you another method of actually adding your attributes in rather than clicking on here and setting them up here. we can actually add them here as well so what you can do is click on, um, select custom product attribute and we’re gonna click on add so for the name of that title, we’re gonna select type

so type that in here. type and we have 3 different types of the clear type, the matte type and the gloss type so what you can do is go back here, type in clear -oops- clear. and then what you need to do is enter in the pipe symbol and the pipe symbol is below the delete button, i believe. so you need to click on shift and then click on that, um, i thin it was / and then it will turn into a straight pipe so that separates the categories. so clear, matte, and the pipe symbol and then gloss so that’s all you need do. now, we’re gonna click on used for variations and let’s just click on save attributes

so once that is done, we need to click in another type, another variation. so this one, the variable for this would be the pack so it could be a 3 pack or it could be also a 6 pack so you either get 3 screen protectors in one product or 6 so we can click on add again and it should give you another field where you can type that in. so this one would be pack and we’re gonna type in 3 pack and also the pipe symbol and also have a 6 pack option okay, so that’s all good. now we’re gonna click on used for variations. click on save attributes so after you’ve saved that, click on variations

and now what you want to do is create variations from all the attributes. click on go okay, so it should say there are 6 variations added. click on ok so as you can see, for the clear type you can select either the 3 pack or the 6 pack now the reason why they’re separated is because, as you can see, for the 3 pack it’s only $29.00 and for the 6 pack, it’s normally going to be double but i made it a discount because the more you get, the cheaper it will be so basically we just enter in the different prices here so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna add in our images first, so this is the clear one so set that variation image in

and the price of the 3 pack, it’s going to be $29.00 scroll down and as you can see here, when we select the clear type you can only select the 3 pack and that is because i deleted the option for the 6 pack . maybe you’ve sold out of it or something like that and you don’t want to inculde that in then you can simply just remove that so you click on remove. okay okay, and then wait for that to load, you’ll see that the variation disappears so people don’t have the option to buy the 6 pack for the clear screen protector so right now we’re gonna set the other ones in. so click on that and add in the image so that one is the matte image. set variation

the regular price will be $29.00 scroll down and the 6 pack price. um, we’re gonna add in the image again.that one, set that one in and this one, because they’re getting 6, they’re getting more. i’m gonna make it a little bit cheaper for them if they get 6 so $49.00 scroll down and the same thing for the gloss. click on that. add in your image okay, add in the price and then you want to click this one again and then we ant to add in that one. set variation. and for the 6 pack, it will be $49.00 as well so we’re gonna click on save changes okay, i think that is all good. we’re gonna click on publish

and now what i want to do is just view that product and see how that goes okay, so what we need to do – maybe you you want to make the descritption a little it shorter. it’s too long and we also want to set this so the default option will be selected once people land on the page so to do that, we need to go to variations i believe and you can set the the default form values so i want to set it to the clear type with the default set to the 3 pack and save changes and then i also want to make this description a little bit shorter so i’m going to delete some of the text click on update

and let’s just view that product so the description is shorter and the default type is set and then people can just add that to cart. okay, so that’s all good now i’m going to add in the rest of my products rest of my watches and i advise you to just probably pause the video and then add in your products as well and then we’re going to move one and i’m gonna show you how to set up your cross sells and up sells so what is a cross sell and what is an up sell? i explained a little bit about it in the introduction to the video but i just want to give you a refresher so let’s click on this watch here that we have, the bad blood watch

now up sell would be something down here. so for example if this watch is $450.00, then you might up sell it with a limited edition watch. for example, like the taylor swift edition which has her signature and then you could be selling for $4,500.00 so you’re gonna make more money per person. i guess you have a small change of making a sale but if you do make that sale, you’re gonna make a lot of profit. so basically you can set the the up sell product manually on the back end and i’m gonna show you how to do that right now. so i’m also gonna show you what is the cross sell. so let’s add that to cart. i believe….. …..it’s already in the cart so let’s remove all of these for a second

and let’s just say we added that bad blood watch to the cart. and right here it says "you may be interested in…." so right here is the power bank or wireless charger and also the screen protector so a cross sell is basically setting up your complementary products for example if someone buys the bad blood watch, they are most likely interested getting a wireless charger and also a screen protector so you can ensure that your customers see these products and they’ll probbably have a good chance of buying and picking out these products it’s like when you go to a 7-11 store when you fill up your petrol, they’ll sell you chewing gum and snacks and all those things at the counter and this is basically that but for your online store

so without much further ado, we’re going to go and set it up so go back to your product and now let’s add an up sell for this bad blood watch. perhaps click on edit and scroll down here and click on link products so for the up sell, all we need to do is find the product that we want to show up on the bottom here so we want maybe that little red watch. so just type in the title of your watch and then it should load up and you could select it. just click on update and we can view that product so right-click and then it says "you may also like…". so this is the u sell product that we’ve just added in and these is the related products which are based on the tags that you’ve set in here

so if you look at it, it says casual watch. and then if we go to the spot pigeon watch here, it would also have the same tag as the casual watch. so if you don’t want them to be related, and you don’t want them to show up at the bottom of this watch here, then perhaps change the tag so for example if we delete that tag, and then update that page and then refresh it, then you’ll see that it disappears and it only shows the up sell product that you’ve set in here so adding in your up sell product is really easy. link products and then type in the product name and then it will load up and then just click on it. so you can add additional products as well and now i’m going to show you how to set up the cross sells and that’s really easy as well. so for example,

i want to……let’s go to our shop page and i want to add these two items, the screen protector and the w. one wireless charger so to do that, we just type in the cross sells section "screen" and then name should pop up, the screen pro select that and then we’re going to select w. one and that should pop up as well. so just select that and then we just click on update so let’s go view that product. let’s just close this for now so there’s no items in our cart now. so let’s add that to cart and see if that adds on as our cross sell product so as you can see, that’s added in here and that’s all good but let’s just say if we have this in our cart already so select options

and let’s just say we’ already bought this product so add that to cart and view cart then you’ll see that it disappears. so that’s really cool and it automatically does that you don’t have to do anything. woocommerce is really powerful, as you can see and that’s about it for the up sells and cross sells now finally, we’re going to go back to our home page and then i’m going to show you how to add in your featured row which includes the featured products or whatever products that you want to put on your home page and also the styling of it and then i’m going to teach you how to style the product title text

as well as changing the buttons of everything. okay, so i’m gonna teach you how to set up the layout and also the styling of this age and also adding in the filter as well as the category filter later on so i just want to do that altogether so we save some time. so to set up the next row, the featured products row. for example, the one that you see here, we need to go back to the site here and basically turn on our builder i’m just gonna close that for a second and let’s close that okay, we’re gonna scroll down and we need to edit this row here but we need to click on this button here. but when you try to click on it, it sort of disappears now what i found is if i hover over here, and if i keep the mouse all the way across like that,

then i can easily select it. if i double-click it, and then i can change the row styling for it so if you click on styling and we want to change the background color to a light gray so f2f2f2 and as you can see, it’s a light gray. it’s nice now the reason that we want to add a light gray is because we want to separate the content so the slider has an area and then a different area for the featured products and then a different color for the video so it separates the content and it makes the viewer experience better and easier to read the website soo once you do that, you just need to click on save okay, another option is to edit it on the back end. let’s just save that first

and click on x and if for some reason you still can’t edit the styling, you can click on edit page scroll down here and go to the themify builder and then this is the first row for where we put our slider and this is the second row which we’re editing right now. so to change the styling of it, what you’ll need to do is to just hover over the icon here. click on options and you can see this panel over here.go to styling and then you can change the background color here so you can change it to any color that you want but i think a light gray is really good and i highly recommend it. click on save

and let’s just save that and then we’re gonna switch back to our front end scroll down and let’s turn on our builder again. now we need to create this part here, we need to have the text in the middle and also the background to be read okay, so what we need to do is to drop in a text module and then we can type in the text here so " new styles this week" or you could have whatever text that you want. so "new styles this week" you could have "featured products", "on sale", whatever you want. okay copy that – i mean just highlight that and change that to the heading 2 tag. alright now if this thing doesn’t appear, you need to toggle this toolbar thing

so let’s click onsave and see how that looks first okay, so that’s on the side here but you want that to be on the middle and you also want the background color to be red. so to do that, we need to separate the text column into three so we;re gonna separate it into this one. i believe actually it might be this one here. okay, so this one is the one which has the bigger middle part so drag that into here and now what we want to do is to double-click it and then we need to change the background color. so go to styling and background color, you can select any color here and then it gives you a code and i’ve already selected a code so i’m just gonna type it in so ee2e26, i believe

okay. so that changes that to be a red and you can also preview that if it doesn’t show up. click on preview and then it will show up right, we need to move this to the center. so the text to the center. you can go to styling again scroll down and for the text align, we can align that to the center. so that looks pretty good. click on save save that and close that so now what we need to do is to move it down a little bit. so as you can see, there’s not eough space up here so we need to move it down a tad so to do that, we can just turn on the builder again and then double-click this module and then we also need to change the font color as well, forgot to mention that. so

for the font, you can cahnge the color to white scroll down to the padding area and we want to add a little bit of spacing to the top so what we can do is type in 5 5 pixels is not gonna move it much but we;re gonna change it to 5%. and that looks good so then we’re gonna click on save save it again and then close that now the only problem is that the font is different and i’m gonna show you how to change all your heading fonts in a second. we’re gonna finish adding in these products

and then we can do it altogether and it saves some time so from now, we just turn on the builder and we actually need to add in our products. so to do that, you can go to woocommerce.com so type in woocommerce and then type in shortcodes. click on enter and click on the 1st result that you see here, shortcodes included with woocommerce now shortcodes are basically sort of a code that you paste in your website and then it will actually show the content. so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna use the product shortcode and there are a lot of shortcodes here but probably the most often one that you’re gonna use is the product id one

so copy this shortcode into your clipboard go back to your website and we’re gonna drop in a text module here you might find that it’s sort of hard adding your text module you just need to wiggle it a little bit. yeah, it might take some time. or you can go to the back end and add the text module in so that might be easier if you want to do that and now what we want to do is because we’re copying shortcode, we wanna paste it in the back end here into the text section or you can also just click on paste as plain text okay, this thing here

and paste that in. otherwise, you would get some formatting for example if you don’t paste as plain text, then i’m gonna show you how it turns out to be you just paste that in here and you get all these formatting here which adds a lot of spacing to your products okay, so for example, let’s go get our products first and i’ll show you what i mean so go to our dashboard and just open in a new tab and we need to go to the products section and we need to get the product id to get that, it’s fairly easy. so depending on what you want to show on your home page or what you want to show on a specific page, you get the id just by hovering over the products

so we want to show the bad blood watch first. so hover over bad blood and that’s 65 the next one will be noir black and then spot pigeon. so 65, 79, and then 66 okay, i’ll try to remember those.okay, so what we need to do is type in 65 here and if you click on save now you’ll see that there is this massive padding and this is because you’ve pasted it in without setting it to paste as plain text and you don’t want this to happen. so double-click on that and next up, let’s just delete that and you can paste it in back here change it to 65. click on save

and then your product should display nicely once you refresh it, it’s gonna align properly so dont worry about that yet so what we need to do is because we want to set 3 products in here , you can change the columns so change the columns to 3 like that. if you want to add in 4 products, you can do that and that’s fairly easy. if you want to add in 2 products, then set in one for two things. okay so right now, this is really cool. so click on duplicate and what that does is it duplicates the module so that saves you a lot of time so let’s just drag the first one in here and then another one in here. okay, they’re all the same products and if you want to edit it, just double-click on that

and let’s just change this to i think it was like 75 click on save okay, so was that the right one? okay, 79. sorry so if you ad the wrong id, you can’t see the product i think the product just disappeared so double-click on that and then change that to 79. click on save duplicate again drag this one across. double-click that

and i hope this one is 66. and then click on save save that and there you go. okay, so once we refresh that okay, it goes really small, the items here, and i’m gonna show you how to fix all of that including the styling for all the fonts and also the buttons. so this is really cool okay, so we’re gonna start from the top. we’re gonna edit the styling up here and then move down so go to customize and i want you to click on this button here. go to typography, default typography and then we’re going to edit the heading 2. so how do i know it’s the heading 2?

i remember i said it’s the heading 2 but if you forgot, then you can just highlight that text and right-click it and then inspect and then you’ll see that it’s under the heading 2 tag.so you could see h2 and you’ve got the title in there so that’s how you know it’s heading 2. okay so heading 2 and then you want to go to the font family and we want to change that to century gothic okay, that’s really easy. and you can change the font style to 700 which makes it a bit bolder and then you can change the text transformation to lower case okay, so that looks pretty good

and the appearance, you can change the default font color as well as the font size and everything like that so i’m gonna change that to maybe size around 40 you can also change the line letter spacing but i want to keep that as default one thing i want to warn you is never set the positioning for it because what happens is when you set in a new text to the heading 2, then you’ll find out that it moves to another direction. you don’t want to do that. we can set the location of it by using padding and also using the columns. okay so leave that as is and that’s all good save and publish

now we want to sort of edit the text for this part you can’t really highlight it. if you highlight it, then you’ll click the product. so what you need to do is to hover over it and then right-click and automatically it will select everything for you. so inspect and it’ll say that it’s under the h3 tag so that’s what we need to edit. okay, so go to heading 3 okay, heading 3 here font family and we want to change this to abril fatface. click on that and hopefully that should change you can also change the text transformation but we want to leave that as default we can change the font size here but, for some reason, it doesn’t work and we need to set that in manually

okay, so i’m just gonna set that to 36 anyway for the other things that we set to h3 so you can set that to 36 as well. okay and after when you’ve done that, let’s just click on save and we’re going to get out of this part go to themify options and we’re going to fix the watch size.to do that, it’s really simple go to my website and go to the blog post again.the hoganchua.com and go to my blog post adn then what you need to do is go to this section here and this is where we can edit the product, okay so i want to fix the product image size okay, so we’ll just copy that code and all we need to do is to paste that in and that will fix it

so paste it underneath this bracket here. just ctrl+v or command+v and as you can see, that fixes the product sizes so now we’re gonna fix the title size as well so hit enter and we’re gonna go back here and copy in the code so woocommerce product title font size. okay, just copy that and paste that just in there. and there you go and that changes the font size to 36 pixels and if you want to edit that size then you can just type it in. for example, 40 you know, or 12 which makes it really small but i’m gonna keep it as 36. okay

so that’s really cool and since we’re here we’re also going to edit the button colors and the hover colors so go back here and then we can minimize it just by clicking on it like that we can click on this "woocommerce button styling for all" and then all we need to do is copy that copy and then we need to paste that in so that changes all the buttons and that looks pretty god now and if you want to change the colors, it’s really easy so go to…uh, i thin it was color picker. oops and then select the color that you want to change. for example, you’re gonna change it to like a blue color

then you find the color here, take the code, and copy that and then all you need to do is to edit the color here. so for the background color, it’s currently set to the dark gray/black color and to change it, you just paste in your new code and then it changes to blue so you can also set the border to blue as well paste that in. now, it’s blue and if you want to change the text color, then you can change that here by pasting in the code and the same goes for the hover color so if you what the hover color of the text to change, perhaps you want to change it to blue

then paste into here so it’s gonna be like that and it’s pretty cool and you can change the background color here as well just by choosing the code and then pasting it in here but i want to to keep it as default so i’m gonna change them all back to 2929. like that 2929 and the last one will be 292929 so that looks really cool and it’s really clean and nice so we’re gonna click on save now and let’s just close that and see how that all looks

scroll down and you’ll notice that you think you want to edit this spacing here and that’s really easy as well adn there’s a lot of space here and we want to move the text up a little bit some of you might think that is fine but i want my shop to be perfect so i’m gonna show you how to do that as well okay, so what we can do is move the watches down a little bit. for example, this one we’d movoe it down i think a tad just a few percentages. so you can turn on your builder and what you can do is add little bit of spacing to the text module which gives a little bit of space there or you can a little bit of spacing above this text module

and give it a little space. so i’m gonna teach you how to do it for this one so let’s just double click it and let’s go to styling and then if we set the padding then you’ll see something like this. set this to 5% padding then you’ll see this red gets bigger so we have to set the margin and, basically, the difference between the padding and the margin is imagine there is an invisble box around this color thing and margin is bascially inside that invisible box so whenever you add in padding, it’s gonna increase inside. so if i delete this, and if i edit the bottom of the padding, then you’ll see that it adds some invisible space because it’s outside the invisible box. so it’s useful for some occasions like this one

so once we’ve added in the 5% margin then that looks pretty good and now we also want to edit the distance between the watches and the text so to do that, we can….just save this first…. and close that and let’s head to customize. while we’re doing that, head to my website we can close that for now and click on "reduce woocommerce product image and text padding". click onthat and copy that code. just copy that over go to custom css. scroll down

hit enter one time and just paste that in so once you’ve pasted that in, you’ll see that this title here move up and then it’s closer there and everything looks perfect. so click on save and we’re gonna click on close okay, so our website is pretty much done and it looks pretty good and you’ll also notice that once we changed the buttons here, it also changes the buttons for our whole shop now the reason for that is because that way, everything looks consistent and then it looks clean and this looks nice. you don’t want to have like different colors for everything. it makes it too cluttered and it looks ugly. so as you can see, all the buttons have been changed

and that looks really nice and clean. okay, so let’s just head back to the shop okay, so that’s done. congratulations, we’ve finished adding in the products and setting up row number 2 what we’re gonna do next is we’re going to set up and add in the video section the video section that you see here and yeah. okay, so let’s do our video module. and i think it’s important even though you don’t want to add a video i think it’s that you watch this part because i’m gonna show you can change the layouts and use that space for something else. so what we’re gonna do to start off with is to turn on the builder and now what we want to do is to change the background color so click on options for that specific row

and for the styling, we want to change the background color to, i think, 292929 which is the dark gray color. gonna click on ok – i mean save, sorry. okay, we’re gonna drop in a text module and for the title, we’re gonna type in lorem ipsum. so obviously, you can type in your own title (oops) so i think we want to change that to h2 tag i think, so let me test that. inspect okay, so h3 tag.so we want to change that to the h3 tag and click on save okay, so it’s black and we can’t see the text then we need to change the color and you can change the color either on the front end text color to white

or you can change it on the back end, font, font color, and then change that to white okay, click on save and now what we’re gonna do is drop a video module so we’re gonna find the video module. here it is and drop that below there now what we need to do is add in the video url. so you can copy and and paste the video you uploaded to youtube or something so for this one, i’m just gonna grab the url from here.so it’s gonna go to this website and let’s click on that let’s pause that video and let’s copy that video copy that url, sorry, and paste that into here

and for now, we’re just gonna click on save.there are a bunch of settings here that you can change but i think we can just click on save okay, so that’s pretty awesome. let’s click on save and close and we’re gonna refresh the page to see what that looks like and if we need to do any edits okay, so the only thing that i want to change is probably this spacing up here so to do that, we’re gonna click on turn on builder and that’s really easy so let’s just double-click on that and we’re gonna add a little bit of padding on the top. so scroll here to styling and then padding, maybe 3% let’s see how that looks

well, that’s a bit big so let’s try 2%.click on save save here so that looks about pretty good. so the spacing here is pretty even and then it’s pretty even with there so that’s it for the video module. it’s really easy and i’m gonna show you can utilize this space for a different layout. so it’s really easy . turn on your builder again okay, as we’ve dropped in our video module and what you can do is hover over that video module okay, so let’s just change it to this one, with the two columns so what happens there is the video will be in one column and now you’ve got some space so this space here perhaps you could add some text. so you have your product video

and you could add some text here. drop that text module into here and let’s go grab some lorem ipsum text and let’s just paste that into here okay, grab some of that text. copy that so click on plain text and then paste that into here and if you want to change the color, ’cause this background is black, then you can change it in here so we’re gonna align the text to the center and change the color to white. click on save ad there you go and that’s really easy. what else you can do is you can also add a button like a call to action you have your product video here, you have a little bit description of what that product is about

then you can add a button. so we’ve got a button module here and you could just drag it and put it into there so you can select that size that you want the button and you can also select the style. so let’s just type in -okay, move this over and for the text, we can type in "more info" and we want to link that button to the product page or something like that. so for example, this video here is talking about this watch here or we can link it to the shop page, actually. so what we can do now is click on save for a second and let’s just grab this link okay, right-click and copy link address and that will get the link for the shop address and here is the button. so double-click on that again

and paste in a link like that so let’s just preview that to see what that looks like so it’s just a normal light button and as you can see here, you can change the button style so i want it to just be like an outline and i also want to change the button text inside as well. so what you can do is you can go to styling for the font color, want to change that to white button, and then we can preview that to see what that sort of looks like okay, so that doesn’t work. so it’s a link color. so you’re gonna change the link color because that’s a link and hopefully that works, so preview that

okay, so you need to change the font colors because- -i mean, you don’t change the font color because that is an actual link. you actually need to change the link color okay, so that is cool and you can change the text decoration of that so click on button and keep that one as…… …okay, as white that looks really cool and clean and you can also change the font family and all of that at the back end as well. so click on save and that looks pretty awesome. so the text, you can drag it, drop it and click on save

click on x and obviously you can add some padding to the video and add some padding to the button so then you know, it’s evenly spaced so that’s really cool and i wanna show you another type of layout which is cool let’s just drag this video module down here as well and as you can see on this website here, iconic they basically have an image and when you click on that image, it links to their product or a different page now to do that, it’s really easy as well. so you can drop an image module so let’s just drop that in here and all you need to do is browse the library or upload some new files. so for example, i’m just taking…maybe this image here as opposed to the image that we have for our slider

and we’re gonna insert the file url. okay, so we’re gonna link that up. so for the image link we want to link it to perhaps……. this page here so we’re going to shop and obviously you just link it to whatever you want but i just want to show you an example so i’ll just link it to that watch there. so click on that watch and then we get the url and go back here and paste that into here and you can also make sure that that links opens up in a new tab by selecting this button here don’t worry too much about the other stuff and let’s click on preview to see what that kind of looks like okay, so that looks pretty good so you could also do your layout like that

and obviously just add some padding to the top and the bottom and that’s really easy. okay, so what i’m gonnd do now is i’m gonna delete all this stuff and then rearrange everything perfectly again and then we’re gonna move on and set up our instagram feed that you see down here and also add in this title here. okay so…….. you need to delete all this stuff so delete it let’s delete some….. delete text okay, so let’s move the……

….video. as you can see, sometimes it’s hard to move. so what i’m gonna do is actually go to the back end really quickly and rearrange everything so click on edit page go to the themify builder here and i wanna move this text module up here and for the video module, i want to change that space to nothing. so let’s just drop that video underneath click on save and click to swith to front end scroll down and as you can see, easily rearranged. click on save , close that and…. and there you go. so congratulations, we’ve finished adding in our video and i’ve also showed you

different layout possibilities as well as add in a button so now we’re going to move on to adding the instagram feed and also setting that up so to add in our instagram feed, we first need to add in this divider and then followed by the title and then another divider and then we’re going to add in our instagram feed and then i’m gonna show you how you can actually change the layout of it and colros and things like that okay, so let’s head back here and let’s turn on our builder okay, so i’m gonna start on row #3 and, i thik that’s row # 3,. row #4, sorry okay, so what we need to do first is to drop in a divider module

so the divider one is basically that line that you see so we’re gonna change the divider style to the solid one and then for the stroke thickness, we want it to be i think 1 pixel. okay, if you want it to be thicker then you can change it. so for the divider color, i’m gonna change it to 2929. then you can preview that line okay, so if you want to make it thicker then all you to do is change the pixels. like that but i want to keep it to 1 pixel and then i’m just gonna save it okay, so how do you get two lines here like that? so the way we do it is we need to separate the divider into 3 columns so like that. 1 column, 2 columns and 3 columns

so we change that to this one here then we duplicate it and then we basically move that over to the 3rd column. so the middle column, we save that for our title so you can put in any title that you want. so maybe "follow"-oops. "follow us on instagram" and then we need to change that to the h2 tag okay, so let’s just click on save and see how that looks first okay, so what we need to do is, as you can see, there a bit of spacing here and a bit of spacing here but we want it to be a little bit closer. now do that, we can easily do that by hovering over here and moving down for the gutter spacing. and that’s called the gutter spacing

we can change it to narrow which is a little bit less or none so none makes sure it is as close as possible and we also want to center the text ’cause as you can see, the space isn’t very even. so let’s just double-click on that and we can align center in here or we also can do it on the styling panel like that. and click on save so let’s just click on save and close and see how that looks okay, so it’s a bit too close to 3rd row up here. so we’re gonna move it down a little bit by adding just a little bit of padding so to do that, we can turn on the builder again and for this, we can move the whole entire row down

so we go hover over the row options and click on that and then click on styling and scroll down a little bit to padding here and we’re gonna type in 3 and change that to percentage. click on save and then click on save and close that. okay, so that looks pretty good so far. now we need to go back to the back end so click on the dashboard scroll down. make sure you have the instagram feed plug-in installed if you want to follow along now what you need to do is you’ll need to have an instagram account, obviously

we need to log-in to allows this plug-in to access to our instagram okay, so alll we need to do is type in our username so i think it was shopwatcheshere and then our password was…….just type that in and click on log-in so what that did is it allows the plug-in access to your instagram feed and then you’d be provided with an access token here so what you need to do is just copy that code and paste it down here and then also copy the user id and paste it into here okay, after you’ve done that you can tick this one which preserves the settings when the plug-in is removed so basically if you remove that plug-in and then you will reinstall it again, then the settings that you set into here

will be saved so it’s gonna save you time if you have the need to do that. so just click on save changes okay, so after you’ve done that, you can customize your feed. and click on 2 okay so before we actually customize this, i wanna show you what it looks like so click on display feed for now and then copy that now we need to go to visit sites. so right-click and then visit site, open in a new tab okay, so scroll down here and turn on your builder

now we want to drop in a text module so drop in a text module in this row here so for a shortcode, we need to paste it on the text into the text tab and let’s click on save and see how that looks and we’re gonna click on save, that’s the load more button. and let’s just close that now we need to just refresh that before we can actually see our instagram so this is what it basically looks like right now and let’s go through the settings. so click on 2. customize now if you want to change the width of the feed and the height of the feed,

that means the width means its across and the height means up and down so if you wanna reduce the size, you can do that here and also if you want to change the background color of it, let’s just change it to a gray, i just want to show you an example, so scroll down here to the bottom and make sure that is saved and let’s refresh that and you’ll see that you can change the background color so i’m just gonna keep that as white transparent and you can also change the sort photos by so you can show random photos or the newest ones first i’m gonna leave it as newest and the number of photos to show, right now we’re only showing 4 photos, so you can change that to 20

or whatever you want so i’m gonna change that to 4. and the number of columns formed, that basically means the 1st column, 2nd column, 3rd column and 4th column. if you have like 8 images, then your other images will be shown below that so if you’re showing like 8 columns, then all your images will be shown on that same row so scroll down and you’ll see the padding around the image and the padding bascially means the space here so if you want it to not have any space, then you can change that to zero and if we save the changes and if we refresh that, then you’ll see that there’s no space left okay, so that looks good and we might keep it as that. scroll down more

and you’ll see that if you want to show the header, this is the header i don’t want to show that so i’m gonna deselect that and the load more button, load more button was here the reason why it doesn’t show is because i only have 4 images so there’s nothing to load, really so, i think, deselect that. i don’t want to show that. and i also don’t want to show the follow us on instagram now the reason why is i want to keep this website really clean and people can follow me if they click on the picture then they can just like it, comment it and also just click on my theme to follow me if they want to so let’s just close that and deselect that. obviously, you can change the color of that if you do wanna show it

as well as the name scroll down and i think that is it so let’s just refresh that and see how that looks okay, so that looks pretty good. now if we actually exit, copy that url, and let’s go to incognito window, i wanna see the website as what other people see because i think there is some spacing that we need to add on to the instagram post and i would walk you through that so as you can see, there is not much spacing there. we want to make it sort of even like that

so let’s just add maybe 3% padding to that. so, oops, let’s go here turn on your builder. okay, so let’s just double-click the text module which has the instagram feed in it so double click that. okay, go to styling and for the padding, we want to add a little bit of padding to the bottom. so i’m gonna try 3% save it. close it and then, yeah, that should be good to go congratulations, so we’ve finished adding in our instagram feed now i’m going to walk you through how to set up the footer, add in the icon, the social links as well as the menu links, as well as the e-mail subscription box and also the text down here and all the styling and all the good stuff

okay, so it’s time to set up our footer. so the first thing we need to do is go into the back end and to set the themify settings so go to your dashboard and then hover over themify ultra and go to themify settings so i’m gonna scroll down here to theme settings. scroll down to footer design so for the footer design, if we look at this design here, we need to get rid of the site logo so i’m gonna open our website in a new tab and show you what i mean okay, scroll down. as you can see, that’s the site logo. that is the back to top button back to top button, this is footer text row # 1, footer text row #2

so if we look at this, then we want to exclude the site logo. we don’t want to exclude to footer widgets because that’s where we’re going to add these things in. and then we want to exclude the back to top button and for the footer widgets, we want 4 columns. so as you can see, 1 column, 2 column, 3 and 4 okay now that’s up to you on how many columns that you want. you can select that and you also want the widget position to be before the footer text. so this is the footer text right, hold on. so this is the footer text and you want your widgets before that so select before footer text. okay, so once you’ve done those settings then we’re gonna click on save okay, now what we want to do is to upload our logo. so go to media and the logo that we have is the white one here but we also have the black one as well so

so if you haven’t uploaded that logo yet, please upload it or upload your own logo but we’ve already uploaded earlier so this is the log that we want, the black one now we’ve got the url over here and what i need you to do is copy this url so copy your logo url. yous is unique to your domain so just copy that to your clipboard and now let’s close that now let’s go to apperance and let’s go to widgets okay, so we go to footer widget #1 which is this row here and let’s open that. so what we need to do is drag in a text module so drag in a text module, just move it up over here, and put it into there

now for the content, what we need to do is go to my website again, go to that blog post with all the css and the links and stuff like that so what we need to do is click on add in logo to footer html so click on that and all you need to do is copy this in. actually, before we do that, before you copy that in, paste in what’s in your clipboard first and that should be your logo url if you accidentally pressed it, don’t worry about it we can get that link later. just copy that first

and let’s just hit enter one time here and paste that into here on top, okay and then what we’ll need to do is copy this url. maybe just cut it and you need to paste it into here, your url for the logo. we need to delete everything in here between these two apostrophes and just ctrl+v or command+v. paste that in, okay now that should be a logo image url. now the other url that you need to change is your website url. so you need to change that to your home page so for example just copy that in, get your home page url, and pate that into there. just like that

okay, so that’s really simple and if you accidentally copied this thing first and forgot to paste the logo url in, then you can just right-click, open link in a new tab and then go ahead and grab that url for your logo just grab it like that and then you can just paste it into there and then what you need to do is just click on save so if you want to change the size of it, for example, the width of of the logo, then you can edit the dimension number here in front of the px and then change that and basically click on save so once you’ve done that and you can click on that, we want to hover over here and then click on visit site and we’re gonna see if that works

okay, so that worked out fine. you’ve got the logo here and should have it here you’ll notice that there is a big space here and i’ll show you how to fix that so don’t worry about that what we’re gonna do now is add in the rest of the stuff such as the social links and the menu links and all that stuff, okay so let’s go to our dashboard now what we want to do is go to themify ultra, themify settings you’ll need to go to social links okay, so for your twitter, if you have it, then you need to add your twitter url here your specific one

i’m just gonna paste that url from twitter. paste that in and the icon color, we want to change that to the dark gray so that’s gonna be 292929. and the background color, i’m gonna set that to a light gray because we’re gonna set the footer color to a light gray so that means you won’t see the background color of that so it looks like it’s transparent so for facebook, i might just paste in my one here okay, so maybe just go to my facebook page and like it and that’s where i post my updates and stuff like that so paste that into here and we’re gonna keep it the same color ’cause you don’t want to……

we want to keep everything sort of coherent f2f2f2 and say if you don’t have a google+ account. so if you don’t have it, you don’t have to enter anything and it won’t appear. or you can delete it okay, youtube. you can copy a youtube channel url same thing okay, pinterest. i don’t have a pinterest but you don’t see any instagram here, right? so i’m gonna show you how to add that in. so click on add link for the title, put in instagram. and for the link just grab your instagram profile url

paste that into here. for the icon, you can click on insert icon and then you can scroll down there are a hundreds and hundres of icons that you can use scroll down and you should see some brand icons here okay, so you’ve got a lot of different social network icons and things like that that you can use okay, we got the instagram one here. click on that and i’m gonna change the icon color again. 2929. and the background color, f2f2 okay, so that’s really easy and if you want to rearrange the order of it, you just drag it and drop it like that it’s fairly easy and one more thing

if you want to upload your own sort of image of that icon, then you can upload it through here so click on that and let’s click on save okay so once you’ve done that, it won’t actually appear on our home page yet. so if we refresh that and you won’t actually see that yet. now the reason for that is because we need to put it into the widget okay, so let’s put that into the widget. go to appearance. widgets so this will be footer widget 1 but it will be under the logo. so we’re gonna go here on the left hand side and then select themify social links and let’s just drag that into here we’ren gonna drag that below our logo. like that and you can select the icon size. there

and you can also open those links in a new window so when someone clicks on it, it opens up in a new window so take that if you want to i might tick that. again, let’s just click on save now let’s go back here and refresh the page to see how that looks okay, so that looks pretty good. i might want to change that to a lighter size okay, as you can see, you see the background color. don’t worry about that because we’re gonna change that background color to f2f2 as well so you won’t see that circle so i might change that to large and click on save okay, so after we’ve done that, we’re gonna enter in these menu links

so to do that, what we need to do is click on appearance then we need to go to menus and now what we’re gonna do is create some new menus. and we’re gonna click up here now the menu that i’m gonna call this would be footer 2 menu and create that menu so drag in the pages that you want to be displayed on that first column so i’m gonna choose about, blog and contact okay, so about, blog and contact. i’m gonna add that to menu and i’m gonan rearrange the order of that. like that now i’m gonna add in another menu so i’m gonna create another new menu

and this time, i’m gonna do returns, delivery, and faq so it’s gonna be footer 3 menu. and create new menu you can name it any name but i just want to name it so you know which one to put it in so it’s gonna be returns, delivery and faq. add to menu so we can reorder that if you want to like that, okay. so save menu and all you need to do now is go to widgets then we can drag in a custom menu into widget 2 first and we can select the menu that we just set. so i’m gonna select footer menu 2. click on save

now drag in another one, put it in footer widget #3 click on footer 3 menu and click on save so let’s refresh our page and see what that currently looks like okay, so that looks pretty good. we’re gonna style everything later so don’t worry about what it looks like now so what we’re gonna do now is add in our e-mail subscriber boxing so what we need to do is go to our dashboard again okay, so we’re in our dashboard and we need to click on mailchimp for wordpress. if you don’t have it, make sure you install that plug in. so click on that

now what you need to do is if you don’t have an account and you want to enable people to enter in their e-mail and subscribe to your e-mail list then make sure to sign up for an account so you can click here and then you can sign up for a free mailchimp account okay so you can create an account and after when you create an account, you can get the api address and then just paste it into here and then just save changes. i’m not gonna walk you through this now ’cause i think some people might not want to do that yet but i just want to show you how to add it in to your website and also customize it so in the future, you can come back to it

so let’s go to forms and i’m gonna name this form maybe just form 1 and add new form so if we preview this form now, preview that form, you’ll see that it say email addres here and i don’t know why because there’s two email addresses i think this is a waste of space it says your email address here already so why have that there? so i’m gonna delete that and also i’m gonna show you how to change that button text to subcribe, the one that you see on my website here subscribe. okay so what we’re gonna do is delete this

delete the label, email address. delete that and move that up like that and for the input type, submit value, this is where we change the name of the button so change it to subscribe or or as sign up, sorry so after when you’ve done that, then can save the changes and if we preview that form then it looks something like that. don’t worry about the styling, we’re gonna edit that later so what you need to do now is you can copy this shortcode here

okay, just copy that to your clipboard now we’re gonna go back to the eidget section. so click on widgets and then this will be the footer widget #4. so click on that and what you can do is you can add in a text module and then paste in that featured shortcode or you can just drag in the mailchimp sign up form here so let’s just drag that in. and you can change the title to whatever you want. for example, my title is newsletter so you can keep it as newsletter if you want to. save that and now let’s go preview our website okay, looking pretty good. we’ve got that layout done. now we’re going to

edit the footer text 1 and footer text 2 so what we need to do is go to my dashboard okay, since we’re here, i want to close all those things let’s just close all of these, we don’t need them anymore close this one. close that and also close that one okay, so go to themify ultra. themify settings if we go to theme settings, scroll down you’ll see footer text 1 and footer text 2

so if you don’t want to put anything on the footer text 1, all you need to do is hit space like that so if we click on save now and refresh the page you should see that’s just disappeared what you can do if you want your footer to be something like that, let’s just copy that or you can type in your own, that’s up to you and what we can do is we can put that into here paste it like that or you can type in your own copyright or whatever you want

and type in your name here and that’s it so for footer text 2, if you want to support my channel and myself for creating this tutorial, then what you can do is go back to my website here and click on inspired by hogan footer text so what this does is basically add a link back to my website and if you don’t want to add it in, that’s fine it’s already cool that you guys are following my tutorial. thank you for that. but if you do, then you can just follow these steps. so just copy that to your clipboard and then go back to your website here and then just paste it into the footer text 2 and you can change the text here if you want even if you want to put in another link in here

then you can change it to yourlink and your name or something like that save that and leet’s go to our home page visit that site okay, let’s check if that works. open that link in a new tab okay, so that works. that;s all good. thank you for that if you did want to put that in but if not, then it’s fine as well so we’re gonna style our footer section now so this is pretty fun. so we go to customize and let’s just make the footer skinnier first

so go back to my wesbite and we want to reduce the footer size so find how to make the footer skinnier copy that code and paste it into the custom css section and paste taht into there. scroll down and there you go. so i think that has made it skinnier okay, so what we’re gonna do now is i’m also gonna move this subscriber box subscriber button up as well since we are here already so click on enter and go back to my website

okay let’s look for that. how to move subscribe button up. click on that copy that and let’s just paste that in okay, so that’s perfect and that looks really good um, yeah. so let’s just minimize that section and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to change the color of the footer so what you need to do, i selected the advanced options so click on that and go to footer. now this will be the footer wrap background color and we’re gonna change that to a light gray so f2f2 like that. okay, once you’ve changed that, then click on save and publish

now what we’re gonna do is cahnge the link font and link color so i’m gonna scroll down and look for that okay, so the footer link. go back here we want to change it to the dark gray okay, so change the color .see how that looks okay, that looks pretty good and i want to change that to lower case and i want to change that font to maybe pt sans as well ’cause that’s the same as my header so i want everything to be consistent click on that and that looks good

and let’s say you want to add in a hover color. you can cahnge that here: footer link hover let’s change that a light gray as well and see how that links okay, so that might be too light. we want to change that to maybe a darker color let’s change that yo maybe 6666 okay, like that okay, that looks good.let’s take a look at our example and let’s see okay, now the only thing that we need to change is the button here. i’m gonna show you how to do that so let’s save and publish first okay, let’s close that

now we’re going to forms. so this sort of like a form and the contact form is also a form as well so if we go to the contact page okay, we haven’t added in our contact form yet but this is also a form so whatever you change in the form section will sort of edit the styling for these forms so it’s universal. so let’s go to forms again and we’re gonna scroll down and you can play around with these settings but i don’t want to go through those at the moment so i would go to form buttons and we can change the background color of that so let’s change it that sort of dark gray so type in 292929

okay, so that’s really cool and now what we’re gonna do is add in a border as well so we’re gonna add in a solid border and i’m gonna change the border to the exact same color and i might change it to 2 pixels in width so you got that there and now what you want to do is go to the form buttons hover and as you can see when you hover over that button, it turns white okay, so i’m gonna change the hover color to white but you can’t see the font now so we need to change the font color down here we’re gonna change that to the same color, dark gray and let’s hover over that

okay, so that looks pretty awesome and i think we’re pretty much done so let’s click on save okay, so as you can see, you might notice that the font of these things the font here is different from the links so to change that, what you need to do is we need to close that and then go to footer and then change the footer font because that is not a link so you can change that or leave it as is i might change that, actually, so i might change that to pt sans again pt sans like that so it looks all the same

then you can change the color, of course so all the colors are pretty much matching and that’s pretty cool or you can cahnge it to red and see the difference click on save and publish and let’s close that let’s take one final look to check if we pulled off everything right okay, that’s good good okay, that’s very good. so awesome congratulations, you’ve finished the footer and, essentially, you’ve finished the entire home page

okay, so that’s really cool now what we’re gonna do is set up our about page set up our about page and then we’re gonna do our faq page and then we’re gonna move on and do the contact page and then after that, we’re gonna configure the layout for the shop page and that’s realyl cool as well okay, so we’re going to be doing our about page now. we’re going to make it look like this so the first thing that you need to do is to turn on your builder so you can see, it’s sort of separated by 3 columns but it’s actually one column and then a larger second column and the text here in another text column

okay, so i’m gonna show you how to do that so what we need to do is change it to this one here or you can change it to this one here, i think it’s this one so what we need too do is drop in a image module. like that and then we can browse our library and if you haven’t uploaded any files, just upload your image filed but if you’ve been following along, then we need to upload this image here it says about us image and we’re gonna click on insert file url. something that is really cool is if you copy this, copy that link

and then if you actually put it into here, and then you open link in a light box, what happens is when people click on that image then a light box will actually appear so let’s just close that and people click on that and that should be cool okay, so you can also link back to another page for example, in displaying the watch here, you can actually link it to to your shop page, directly to the watch just by just by putting the url into here okay, so that’s really easy. and you can also add this so it shows a zoom icon okay, so what we’re gonna do now is edit the 2nd column

and we’re gonna do that by first dropping in a text module. so drop a text module into here and type in about us. -oops- okay and we’re gonna set in i think it was the h3 tag so as you can see, it’s really easy if you put in the h3 tag settings beforehand so you don’t have to edit it everytime here so it keeps everything coherent and then very professional. so we save that and then your text appears here. okay, now the next thing that we need to do is drag in a text module and then we’re gonna paste in lorem ipsum text just to show you an example so just copy that and obviously you can write your own about

click on paste as plain text, your own about page. so i’m just showing you quickly how i arrange the layout so let’s just click on save and you can keep it like this, you can add more text or whatever or you like and then you can use other modules and build your about page but i wanna show you how to do this one, okay so how would you do that? you would actually split the column for the text. so split it into like that and that means you can put another text module into here or you can drop in other widgets into here so if you want to add more text over there, then you just duplicate that

and then you can just move that over and then you can edit that text and, yeah, that’s really easy okay, so that’s really simple. it’s a really simple about us page i think it’s really beautiful, actually and close that and that looks pretty good okay, so now we’d be moving on to the faq page. so i’m gonna show you how to make it look like this and when someone clicks on this, it opens up like that okay, so that’s really simple. we just turn on our builder and then add in a text module and we can just change the title to faq

and we would put in heading 3 click on save and, you know, if you want to center it then you can center it too. click on save and now what we weant to do is drag in an accordion module. so this one here and just paste it below that okay so for the module title, we want to keep that empty. and for the accordion layout, i wanna select this one here or you can select this one, you know.that’s up to you and for this one, expand and collapse, i wanna select the accordion one.this is if, for example, if we click on this one then it closes up automatically so that option is this one here but if you choose this one, then when you

open this one, you have to click this one again to close it. so that’s totally up to you and for the accordion type color, you can change any color that you want but i want to keep it transparent as it just looks nice and professional so you can edit the apperances here but let’s just leave that empty for now and let’s just type this title in so "the item i want is out of stock. what now?" you’ll just enter into the accordion title so just type it in: "the item i want is not…" what was it again? "…….is out of stock" "..what now?". okay

and then you just paste in your answer here so i’m just gonna grab some text and paste in some dummy text so paste that in there and another really cool thing that you can do is add in media so you can add in images to explain your point to make it clear for your visitors so you can use images to do that and another thing is you can actually add in a video as well. so for example, just copy this video and you can actually just paste it in like that. okay and that video will show up. so if you want to add in the next row, all you need to do is click on add new row so let’s just do another one so you get used to it

for example, i wanna add in "do you have a size guide?". okay and the reason why i put this + sign is it gives the impression that this thing is clickable wehen you click on it, it sorts of gives the impression that it opens up or something like that so just type that in "do you…" -oops- okay, now let’s just paste in the text and paste that in and for e xample, if you wanna link some keyword up to another website, then you can just click on this button here so insert or edit link. click on that

and you just paste in the url there and if you want to open that up in a new tab, then you just select that. okay and you can also click on this button here so you can link it directly to one of your current pages really easily without grabbing their url. okay so for example, i might just do an example, let’s type in returns maybe. so you want to link that keyword to the returns page just add that link and then, that’s about it. so i’m gonna save that save that like that

save it like that and then close it okay, so if we open that up, you’ll see that video is nice so you can use the video to explain your solution and then click on that, that closes up and when people hover over that, they can actually click on that and it’ll open up directing to the returns page so that’s really cool and i’m gonna show you how to change the color and then you can add yours in and then i’ll add the rest of them in by myself so just double click on that and i wanna change the color of the text that’s really easy. click on styling

and for the font color, i want to change it to that dark gray again. like that and then you can also change that link color right here as well. click on save and click on save here you go and that’s about it. i’m gonna add the rest of it by myself so right now, we’re going to do the contact page i’m gonna show you how to make it like this and i’m also gonna show you how a different layout of it so that’s really cool so what you need to do is click on the contact page down here. so click on that okay, and let’s just turn on the builder

the first thing that we need to do is separate it into two different columns separate that. like that and then, what we need to do is get the text into there and click on contact okay, and change that to heading 3 so again, that’s so useful and before we can paste in the contact form, i want to show you something so what you can do is to go to your dashboard and right-click that and open in a new tab that’s really useful

so scroll down and you should see contact here. click on that and you should see contact form #1. so we can actually just paste in the shortcode and it will show up but i want to show you something first. so click on edit and then click on mail. make sure your mail is set to the email that you want for example, when someone sends you a message, that message will be delivered to this email address here so make sure to change that whatever email that you want there are also a lot of things that you can actuallydo with this but i’m not gonna go through that in the tutorial. you can browse in the documentation and it can show you how to add a drop-down menu and things like that. so what we need to do now is basicallly copy this shortcode here

just copy that and then we can drop in a text module and i’m gonna paste the shortcode in plain text and select that and then just paste that in like that and that’s done. the button looks really nice because we’ve actually set the font styling before when we’re editing the footer and the newsletter theme so that’s really cool and now we’re gonna drop in a map module so drop in your map like that and what you can do is you can type your exact address or whatever you want so so i’m just going to……

…type in a random address and then click on preview so you can see what that looks like you can actually zoom in closer so i might zoom it in to 10 like that and preview that and if you’re happy with that, then we can click on save.there are also a bunch of settings here but i don’t think that’s really necessary that is pretty good to me. click on save and then we’re going to drop in a text module below that type in location and you can change that to your opening hours, location, anything that you want, really. i just want to show you how to do it

so change that to heading 3. click on save okay, so as you can see, it’s a bit close to the map so we want to add a little bit of padding on top of that so click on styling and then we can add maybe just 3% and see how that looks. okay, 3% looks pretty good and what you can do, you know, you don’t have to drop in a different module all the time you can add the text down below as well. so you can copy that and you can add that below here and paste that in. but make sure that’s not set to the header 3 tag. otherwise, it’s gonna be really big. so what you can do is just click on save and there you go and that look’s pretty good. our contact form is really good

and there’s just one more thing i want to show you so let’s just click on save first and let’s say for example you want to move that map and it’s really easy to do. for example, what i’d like to do is zoom out of the page. just zoom out a tad like that so you can see the other modules, the other rows on the site so you can easily drag it wherever you want so for example, i want to drag that thing down here. all right so to have the map down there and i wanna zoom out just a tad. like that and i wanna move the map all the way up there. so it’s really easy to use if you actually zoom out and then i can zoom back in.click on save so that looks pretty good. and another thing that is really cool is let’s say

you don’t want to move that. you want to redo and undo everything you just did then you can probably click on this button here, undo click on that. as you can see, it brings it down here. that was the last action and then you can try that again and there you go. so that’s really, really awesome and, yeah. i just can’t believe how good this theme is yeah, make sure to recommend to your friends ’cause it’s really easy to use so, yeah. so click on save and close that and we’re pretty much done now we’re going to be going to our shop page and then i’m going to show you how to change the layout to look like this

okay, so now we’re on our shop page and the first thing that we want to change is we need to move this sidebar area to the lefthand side. and also if we click on the products, we want to remove the sidebar from the products page so let’s go back and what we need to do is goto the back end. so go to your dashboard hover over themify ultra, click on themify settings click on default layouts and what we can do now for the archive sidebar option, this side actually the second options so the sidebar on the left and then let’s just open up our website for a second to show you what that looks like

okay, click on the shop page and if we click on save and then if we refresh this page then you’ll see that the sidebar has moved to the left and that’s what we want now we want to remove the sidebar from our products page so scroll down here and go to default single post layout and select the fullscreen option with no sidebar and then click on save and then if we click on that product, then it should be gone so that’s pretty cool. now since we’re on this page as you can see on my

demo website here, you’ve got some slight styling and the prices moved down just a little bit as well as the text spacing here it’s a little bit closer now. if you want to change then you can follow this part but if you don’t if you think that is fine then you can leave it as is so what we need to do is we need to go back to our website and visit our site, let’s just close this for now go to the shop page and click on that and then go to customize and we go to my website again. go to the same blog post and what we need to do

is click on individual product page layout and styling edit. click on that and let’s just copy that so copy that and what we want to do is click on custom css so hit enter once. you can paste this on top if you want to or below that but i’m gonna paste it on top so ctrl+v or command+v and then if we save and publish, and we close that and then if we refresh the page, then it should edit everything like that. so it’s really cool. now, let’s say you want to change that heading here. we can find out what type of tag that is and right-click that

and click on inspect as you can see, that’s a h1 heading. okay, so we want to change it to look like that now that’s really easy. all you need to do is click back here and then click on customize and then you can click back here and click on typography. default typography and then heading 1, that’s the heading 1 okay, so you can change the font family. so just hit that and then type in avril and click on avril fatface and then that should be good. after you’ve done that, then we can just click on save and publish and then we can close it like that

close that and then i think that is done.if you want to change the links here, you can change it by going to themify options for body scroll down to body link and you can change the color here to gray or whatever you want. like that and then click on save and publish and close that and ther you go. so that is done and now let’s head back to our shop page

now we want to edit the contents of the sidebar to something that you see here so what you need to do is we need to go to the dashboard so the back end and then hover over appearance and then click on widgets okay, so that section here, this is the sidebar widget. so we need to remove all the current ones ’cause we don’t need them. so let’s just delete them quickly delete that delete that like that so the first thing that we need to do is add in a title and then the filter and the categories

scroll down to the text and drag that up and paste that into here. so let’s type in the title so "refine by" and with that arrow okay, leave this part empty, click on save so you can close that for now. we need to scroll down a little bit and you’ve got a lot of woocommerce widgets that you can add in but i think that’s not really necessary we want to add the most important ones. so the price filter is really important so we’re gonna drag that woocommerce price filter. and let’s just drag that up. okay and put it under there okay, it will show you filter by price and you can change the title but i think that’s fine. click on save and that’s it

scroll down and the next thing you want to show is the woocommerce product categories we don’t want to drag in this one ’cause this is different. so this pulls in the blog post categories the one that you need is the woocommerce product categories. so drag that up and then just put that under there. you can change the title and if you want to show the product counts which is that little number beside there, then you can select that and if you want to show it as a drop-down, then you can select that but i think it’s pretty good like that. so we’re going to save it. now, let’s head to our shop page, visit site and click on the shop page and that should be good.so that is pretty good. now what we need to do is i want to make things perfect

so i want to move this down a little bit as well as i find that there’s a bit too much spacing here so i want to move this closer. so to do that, it’s really easy now what you need to do is just go to customize. let’s go to our website here and then what we need is the sidebar top padding just copy that like that. and then go to custom css and what i want to do is click on that. hit enter once move the arrow up there and paste that in okay, once you’ve pasted that in it should actually move down

um, it should automatically move down but for some reason, it didn’t do it so let’s just paste in the other one first as well so copy this in here let’s just copy that so that moves the content part. it makes it a little bit bigger so the spacing is not as much there okay, so just paste that in. like that okay, so let’s just click on save and close that and refresh that okay, so that automatically refreshed just then and i think that looks pretty good. okay, so if you want to make this area just a bit bigger because you think this price them doesn’t fit properly, then

i can show you how to do that and it’s really simple as well. so go back to the customize and click on themify options. okay. custom css and you’ll see that the content thing here is 80% the sidebar is set to 17.5% and then that spacing there is 2.5% okay, so let’s just say we increase that to maybe 18%. let’s just try 18.5% and let’s just make this area 79% so that would shrink this area and that would increase the area here and if you want to change the padding for the sidebar, then you can change the numbers here

so 10% moves it down this much. so if you want to move down a bit further, then you can try 20% so let’s just save and publish. and close that okay, so that looks pretty good. now, i also want to show you how you can actually edit the sidebar the sidebar fonts and colors and things like that because you may want to do that even though it looks kinda good right now so let’s click on customize and i’ll show you where you can edit those things so themify options should pop up. and now ’cause this is the sidebar, then you need to click on sidebar here and you can set the sidebar font color here. for example, you’re gonna change that like that that’s up to you but i want to keep that as default. and this is the sidebar links

so you can change those links specifically to red , for example and you can also change the fonts here if you want to so there are a lot of things that you can do.this is the widget container so like that and scroll down and you can change the widget title as well, the color, as well as the font down here and the sizing, you can change it here gonna leave those as default. okay so let’s click on save. close that okay, so i think everything is pretty good right now

so what we can do is we can try this out. filter and that seems pretty good to me okay, so congratulations. we’ve just finished styling the shop page as well as the individual product pages which look s really cool. and now, i’m gonna walk you through the woocommerce settings such as the tax settings, the sipping settings, the coupons and some other stuff okay, to set up woocommerce, what we need to do is go back to our dashboard and hover over woocommerce and click on settings okay, so before i get to setting everything up, you guys can also go to google and search up woocommerce documentation and then click on the first result getting started, here

and they also have a lot of documetnation as well as video tutorials on how to set things up. for example from installation to your selling products and managing orders read up on that if you want to as you might find that helpful so let’s go back to our dashboard here so you can also hover over this thing here and it will explain what each thing does so this is very self-explanatory which is your base location. you just set that in, that’s really simple and then you can set your selling locations. you can sell to specific countries and you can set those in you can change your currency here and then after that, you can click on save click on products

now this is where we can change the weight unit so all the default weight units that you see on the products page we can cahnge that. so for example, i might change that to kilos and centimeters and scroll down here. you can also enable this one: only allow reviews from verified owners so i might tick that and then click on save now, i’m gonna click on display so the only thing that i might change is the default product sorting so what this does is it basically it sorts your shop page with the products by price so it might be the most expensive item first if you choose this one

and then the last item will be the cheapest one. so you can change it to whatever you like i might change it to that one. click on save afterwards, click on inventory and then if you enabled stock management, then you can actually send a notification to your email if your stock is actually low and you can set the threshold thing here like 2 and then you calso hide the out of stock items from teh catalogue which i’m gonna do. so save changes now click on tax okay, so enable your tax and tax calculations

i generally keep is as "i will enter prices exclusive of tax" and the reason why i do that is because not eeevryone will have to pay sales tax so from my understanding in the usa, you only have to pay your sales tax you have a presence in that state and that person who bought your product is in the same state so for example, if you shop was located in california and your customer is also from california then the sales tax like 7.5% will be added on to the original price but if that person buying the product is in new york or something, then they don’t have to pay any sales tax. so that’s why it’s a good idea to keep this exclusive of tax so we’re gonna keep all the other ones as default. so just save it

and then we’re gonna click on standard rates here and this is where we set our tax rates so if you have been lowing along, then earlier we actually set in the default rate for california that’s when we installed the woocommerce plug-in at the very start of the tutorial. okay, so… to basically insert a row. actually, before i teach you that, okay so this is a good website that i found if you live in the united states: http://www.taxjar.com/dates and you can click on the actual state and it will tell you all the information that you need to know and which customers you should collect the sales tax from okay, so again from my understanding, i’m not an accountant or anything like that but from what i’ve read, you only have to collect sales tax if you have a sales nexus in california. so

a sales nexus means that you have a presence in the state and what it means is you have a physical location on that state. for example, you have a warehouse or an office or something like that you have someone else working for you, you have an affiliates or affiliates making over $10,000.00 or you have a presence at a tradeshow. make sure you just read up thoroughly on this type of information or ask your accountant. okay so so for example our shop is in california. that means i would set up a tax rate for california because the people in california would have to pay 7.5% because you, as the seller, would have to pay that to the state government, i think. okay so for example if you have a presence in new york as well, then this is how you set it up. so you insert a row

and you need to put in your country code. to get that, click on this thing and then you have a list of all those 2-digit codes and then you can just add that in for example, i might type in us and for the state code, then i might type in ny. okay and if you don’t put in a zip code or post code in here, that means it applies fopr the whole entire state same for this. if you don’t input a city it includes the whole entire state so i’m not quite sure about the tax rate so you can go to a site taxjar and for example, you would find new york and you would just click on that: ny and then you’ll see a sales tax of 4%. okay, so let’s just put that in. so 4.0%

and then you just type in state tax or something like that and you can actually see if that is a taxable thing or not on this site here, i think. so let’s just quickly look for that. i might actually just type in shipping and then it says "should you collect sales tax on shipping charges?" if you’re selling taxable goods and charge for shipping as part of an order, then it’s taxable okay, so if you actually charge for shipping, in your settings here, you charge that to the customer then you’kll have to pay sales tax to the state so if you don’t select it, then you don’t have to pay, i think

so make sure to read that information carefully after you’ve done that, then all you need to do is click on save changes and if you want to remove that, then you can just select that and then remove selected row. i’m not gonna do that okay, now i’m actually gonna go to the shop and show you. okay so lewt’s go to our shop. click on your shop and let’s add an item to the cart. let’s add this watch to the cart and for example, let’s calculate the shipping and if we select california, we update the title and you’ll see that a sales tax was added

if for example you… if the customer lives in alaska, you update the titles then you’ll find that there is no sales tax added because you haven’t set it back here and let’s try one more thing. so if you go scroll down to… new york and then update titles then you’ll see that a sales tax has been added for 4% and then i’ll just proceed to check out. okay after you’ve done that, then we can go to check out

and this is where we actually set in our payment processing stuff this is important. so what i’m gonna teach you is how to set up your paypal so just click on paypal and then make sure your email address is in here. your business paypal address is placed in this field here and if you don’t have a business acount, then you must go to paypal and sign up and then you can click on open a business account only with the business account and the premium account you can accept payments online but personally i have the business account and if you’re wondering, you can have a personal one for your personal use

and then you can have a separate one for your business. i think you just have to connect it to a different bank account afterwards when you’ve done that, scroll down and if you want to do a test payment, then you have to enable this the enable paypal sandbox and then you actually need to sign up for a develop account for free here and you can test a payment and then test an order or whatever so i might do a tutorial on this so make sure you subscribe to my channel as i’ll probably be uploading a video for that

now just leave those as default and we’re gonna click on save you can also have multiple payment options as well. so you can just click on one of those and enable those payment options. and if you click on check out options now by default, these should enable the use of coupons and okay, so that’s it for this one. so save changes and then go to shipping and this is where w set up our shipping so we’re gonna enable shipping and what we’re gonna do is click on flat rate. the name doesn’t have to be flat rate. it could be standard rate or something like that and then you could just add in a shipping cost. so maybe $10.00

maybe i’ll just call this standard rate click on enable this shipping method and save changes and then after when you’ve done that, click on free shipping i’m gonna enable free shipping because most ecommerce sites do that and i think it’s a really great way to increase your conversions. so click on that and the minimum order amount, i might set that to $50.00 but you gotta have to ensure that this is ticked here, free shipping requires a valid shipping coupon or it could be both a minimum order of $50.00 and a coupon or it could be a minimum amount or a coupon so it could be either. actually, i might set it to this one here

now, we want to click on international flat rate.so you might not ship internationally so you could enable this and change the names to express shipping and then you could select the available countries and whatever you want so i might change the price of this to $20.00. click on save and you can also select local delivery as well as local pick up as well. you just have to enable it and then make sure you save it okay, so afterwards when you’ve done that, let’s go to our shop page again and let’s actually refresh that page. continue okay, so you’ll see that these things popped up. so standard rate, free shipping and express shipping

those are the settings that we’ve set before but as you can see, you probably want free shipping to be up here, right? all you need to do is you need to go to shipping options and then you just need to drag and drop it so drag it and drop it above the standard rate. click on save and then refresh that and free shipping appears up there. okay and if we delete this item here, and let’s say we go to our shop and we add in this product here which is $29.00. select optioons

and then we just add that to cart review cart okay, so you’ll see that the free shipping option disappears this is because we set the minimum order to $50.00 and that way, the customer only has two options: the standard rate and express shipping and the sales tax because we’re shipping to new york so afterwards when you’ve done that, you can click on save changes and click on accounts the only thing i want to change here is to enable registration on my account page

and what that does is when people click on my account, they can actually register an account so they can fill in the details and then that way when they’re buying something, they don’t have to always fill in the details so it saves them time and it’s just more convenient for everyone. okay so we’re gonna tick that and save changes um, we’re gonna click on emails so this part is the email notifications. okay so when a customer places an order, they will get a email. something like "thank you for your order" and they’ll have the details what this section does is you can actually set the color and styling of it. for example, the base color

the background color of everything. and you can also add in a logo so if you want to add in a logo for this header image, then you just paste in the url of your logo. so for example if we right-click and open link in a new tab for the media library we got this logo here. it’s a bit big . you can actually change the size of it by editing that image and then you can actually re-size the thing here. for example, you want to make it maybe half the size so 320 like that. then you can scale it and then save it. but i don’t think you should do that. i think you should upload another logo and the reason is because if you do that, it might affect the other logos on your website maybe just upload another logo like this one and then you can edit the sizing

because if you don’t edit the sizing, let’s say we get that url and we copy and we paste it into here. oops paste it into there and let’s just save that scroll down and view that template. you’ll see that the logo is pretty big we might want to make that just a tad smaller so you can edit the footer text which is which is this section here, you might want to edit that and whatever you want. so after you’ve done that, you can do that for all these things and then you just save the changes

and then for the api, just leave that. and finally, i’m gonna show you how to set up your coupons so click on coupons. okay, so click on add coupon and for example, you want to set in a black friday sale so you would just type in maybe "black friday" and then scroll down here. you can either choose a cart discount or a cart percentage discount so a cart discount may be a $50.00 discount a percentage discout might be 50% off of the entire cart or you could select it for individual products only. so i might choose cart discount and the coupon amount might be $50.00. you don’t, have to put in minus or anything like that

and if you tick this box, then it allows for free shipping the coupon would enable the free shipping and you’re gonna make sure that the free shipping method is enabled. so i’m gonna tick that and the coupon expiry date, then you just set in the date then the usage restriction, so you can set in a minimum spend so for example, my watch is $450.00 so i might set a minimum of $450.00 and then you can set in a maximum. you can also exclude particulars items or include them that’s totally up to you but i’m gonna leave it like this and i might exclude these sale items because they’re on sale already and you don’t want to give them another coupon on top of that

so we’re gonna click on the usage limits and you can set your usage limit per coupon so i might set it to 100 and limit it to 3 uses per person afterwards when you’ve done that, you just click on publish so let’s go back to our shop page and i’ll show you how that coupon works it’s really simple. so go to my account and just click on the cart here so if you’re gonna apply a coupon now, it’s only $29.00 and we set the minimum to $450.00 so i don’t think it will work. so apply coupon and it ‘ll say that the minimum is $450.00 so you’re gonna add another item so let’s add that watch in and view that cart

let’s type in that coupon again apply coupon and then you’ll see that $50.00 is discounted from the total price and then sales tax will be added and that’s the total price okay, and the customer will proceed to check out fill in the details here and they can pay via paypal and if they don’t have paypal, they can pay by credit card via their paypal accounts. so i’ve shown you a test transaction at the beginning of the video when i was doing the website tour. so you can skip back and watch that section if you need to um, yeah. so congratulations. we’e finished setting up our woocommerce settings

and basically we’ve finished the tutorial so i want to congratulate everyone who reached the end there’s one last thing i want to show you before i sign out. click on the dashboard here and go to themify ultra.themify settings and then for the favicon section, click on upload and then go select the online store tutorial images that you downloaded and then click on this one, logo.png and then click on open and if you want to upload your own logo, make sure to save it as a png file and the size of the file is 32×32. so 32 width times 32 height. after when you’ve done that, click on save

and then we can click on visit website and then you should see your favicon logo up here so guys, there’s just one more thing and the tutorial wouldn’t be complete without it so for example, when you minimze the screen or when you view the screen on a ipad or a mobile device you’ll see that the menu icon here that you click is black. so you probably want to change that color and to do that, you need to go to my website and scroll down here and look for edit mobile menu icon color and copy this code into your clipboard and go back to your website and click on customize and then just wait for that to load

okay. and then click on custom css and then what we need to do is let’s just scroll back up here hit enter once and then move your thing up there like that and then ctrl+v or command+v. paste that in and once that is done, i want to hit enter again and i also want you to go back here and click on the edit mobile menu panel color and copy this in. so this basically edits the mobile menu panel so what i mean by that is when you click that, it edits this part here so let’s click on enter one time and let’s paste that in

so after you’ve pasted that in, you’ll see that it’s updated. so the menu color has turned white and if you wanna change the color, then you can find the color code on http://www.colorpicker.com and enter in your code there. and the same with the mobile menu panel thing, we’re gonna click on that if you want to edit the colors, you can change the colors here the background color, this is the background color of this are here. and then the hover color when you hover over these items and yeah. let’s just save and publish and let’s just see how that looks let’s just close this for now click on that and you’ll see when you hover over those items, it turned into that sort of lighter gray and it looks really nice

and you mobile menu icon is looking good. so congratulations. thank you guys for watching make sure to subscribe to my channel. i’ll also be showing you how to make a blog page make it look like this. i’m also gonna show you how to add your blog post in as well as how to style and edit everything as well as adding in your sidebar and yeah. and i’ll also be uploading a test payment transaction to show you guys how to do that using the paypal sandbox feature and if you have any questions,. leave that down below if you have any requests, leave that down below as well. make sure to give the video a like and share it with your friends. and thank you guys. see you on the next tutorial

Newbie : Tutorial Creating Responsive Slide-Toggle Menu with Jquery and CSS

editorial web design inspiration

"everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer… because it teachers you how to think." >> bill: created microsofti was 13 when i first got access to a computer. >> jack: created twittermy parents bought me a macintosh in 1984 when i was eight years old. i was in sixth grade i learned to code in college. >> ruchi: first female engineer at facebook. freshman year first semester, intro to computer science. i wrote a program that played tic-tac-toe. >> drew: created dropboxi think it was pretty humble beginnings. i think the first program i wrote asked

things like, what’s your favorite color? or, how old are you? >> elena: created clothia.comi first learned how make a green circle and a red square appear on the screen. >> gabe: created valvethe first time i actually had something come up and say "hello world", and i made a computer do that, it was just astonishing. >> mark: created facebooklearning how to program didn’t start off as wanting to learn all of computer science or trying to master this discipline or anything like that.

it just started off because i wanted to do this one simple thing. i want to make something that was fun for myself and and my sisters. i wrote this little program then basically just add a little bit to it. then when i needed to learn something new i looked it up either in a book or on the internet and then added a little bit to it. it’s really not unlike kind of playing an instrument or something

or playing a sport. it starts out being very intimidating, but you kind of get the hang of it over time. >> chris: nba all-star, coded in collegecoding is something that can be learned and… i know it can be intimidating… a lot of things are intimidating, but… you know, what isn’t? >> makinde: early facebook engineera lot of the coding that people do is actually fairly simple. it’s more about the process of breaking down problems

than coming up with complicated algorithms as people traditionally think about it. >> vanessa: created girl develop ityou don’t have to be a genius to know how to code. you need to be determined. addition, subtraction…that’s about about it. >> tony: ceo @ zapposyou should probably know your multiplication tables. >> bronwen: technical artist at valveyou don’t have to be a genius to code. do you have to be a genius to read? even if you want to become a race car driver or play baseball or… you know build a house… all of these things have been turned upside down by software.

what is it, is you know, computers are everywhere. you want to work in agriculture? do you want to work in entertainment? do you want to work in manufacturing? it’s just all over. here we are, 2013 >> will.i.am: created the black eyed peas, now taking coding classeswe all depend on technology to communicate, to bank… …information… and none of us know how to read and write code. when i was in school i was in the this after school group called the whiz kids

and when people found out they laughed at me and you know, all these things and i’m like "man i don’t care! i think it’s cool and i’m learning a lot and some of my friends have jobs!" our policy is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find. the whole limit in the system is that there just aren’t enough people who are trained and have these skills today. to get the very best people we try to make the office as awesome as possible. we have a fantastic chef.

free food breakfast, lunch and dinner. free laundry snacks even places to play video games and scooters there’s always kinds of interesting things around the office where people can play, or relax, or go to think, or play music or be creative.

>>hadi: created code.orgwhether you’re trying to make a lot of money or whether you just want to change the world, computer programming is an incredibly empowering skill to learn. i think if someone had told me that software is really about humanity, that it’s really about helping people by using computer technology it would have changed my outlook a lot earlier. to be able to actually come up with an idea and then see it in your hands and then be able to press a button and have it be in millions of people hands, i mean, i think we’re the first generation in the world that’s really ever had that kind of experience.

just to think that you can start something in your college dorm room and you can have a set of people who haven’t built a big company before come together and build something that a billion people use as part of their daily lives… it’s crazy to think about, right? it’s really, it’s humbling and it’s amazing. the programmers of tomorrow are the wizards of the future. you know, you’re going look like you have magic powerscompared to everybody else. it’s amazing. it’s, it’s the closest thing we have to a super power. great coders are today’s rock stars. that’s it! 1 million of the best jobs in america may go unfilled…

…because only 1 in 4 schools teach students how to code. whether you want to be a doctor or a rockstar, ask about a coding class at your school or learn online at code.org share this film and visit code.org.

Inforgraphic : The Psychology of Fonts – How to Choose Right Font for Your Design

enterprise web design inspiration

dan russell: good afternoon,everybody. welcome to this episodeof authors at google. i’m dan russell. and i’m the host for our guesttoday, jeff johnson. and i know jeff because back inthe mid ’80s we were both at an institutionknown a xerox. i was at parc and jeff was atoffice information systems. that means, he got to work onthe xerox star which if you go down to the computer historymuseum, you can find.

it was a fantastic,groundbreaking system that commercialized a lot of theideas that later showed up in things like, oh, themacintosh, and other kinds of systems. you’ve actually used– may or may not know it– you’veactually used a lot of the work that jeff hasdone over the years. he’s also not just a userexperience person, but he programs in java, mesa– doesanybody remember mesa–

c++, even things like apl. so he’s a remarkable guy who’sprobably best known for his bloopers series of books. and you can come and check outsome of them up here later. the one i first saw was "guibloopers." but then there were "web bloopers," and "webbloopers 2.0." which are sort of catalogs of all the mistakesthat we make and we should learn from. so these are really interestingbooks if you are

all interested in userexperience design. so jeff’s talk is a part of thegrowing user experience education effort that’sbeing led by the infrastructure team. and we’re going to be havingmore tech talks in this series so please stay tuned. if you like this one, we’regoing to have more. and you’ll enjoy yourparticipation in that. also notice that we’recoordinating–

well cindy, who’s sitting backover there with her hand up is coordinating a workshopand tutorial here– well somewhere hereat google– on february 7 where jeff andaustin henderson will be talking about returning thenotion of the conceptual design models. that will be open forregistration on glearn i guess in a week or so,real soon now. and there’s spacefor 50 googlers.

so sign up soon ifyou like that. jeff’s book will be availablein the back, $15, cash or credit card. so if you like his talk, you’regoing to love his book. so please join me in welcomingjeff johnson to talk to us about how to design withminds in mind. jeff. jeff johnson: thank you. so thanks to cindy yepez androbin jeffries for arranging

this talk, and to danfor hosting it. how many of you designuser interfaces? good number. goo. well those of you who do that,how many of you ever looked at or seen user interface designguidelines like the ones i’m displaying now? these were developed by andwritten, published by ben shneiderman in 1987.

and all subsequent issues of hisbook up to now remain much more or less the same. how many of you have seenguidelines like these when you’re designing userinterfaces? ok so now we’ll look at somesimilar guidelines that were published by nielsonand molich. they were intending these to beused for website design and website evaluation. now i’m not going to go throughthe guidelines in

detail, because that’s notthe subject of this talk. but i will point out thatthere’s similarity between these guidelines and those thathave been put forward by ben shneiderman. so the question is, did nielsonand molich plagiarize the earlier guidelinesby ben schneiderman? and then subsequently, diddebbie stone and her colleagues– in the book that they publishedin 2005, has a

similar set of guidelines– did they plagiarize? what was the reason that theseguidelines were much the same in these differentpublications? well i’m going to argue that thereason is not plagiarism. the reason is that userinterface guidelines are based on us. they’re based on how we work. that’s where those guidelinescome from.

now i used to be in theguidelines business, or actually anti guidelines. so when i wrote "gui bloopers"and its sequels, i was sort of in the, don’t do this. do this instead. but i didn’t really explainit in those books why. and i found that user interfacedesigners typically are not satisfied with justbeing told, thou shalt. or even, thou shalt not.

they like to knowwhy thou shalt. why shalt thou? and so the other problem is thatit’s difficult to follow those guidelines ifyou’re a designer. let’s go back and lookat some of those guidelines for a second. first step to goalshould be clear. what does that mean? that’s pretty vague.

first step is fairly clear. but what does it mean for thefirst step should be clear? what is clear? what makes something clear? when is something not clear? so the point is that guidelinesare not rote recipes that you canjust follow without any background knowledge. applying user interfaceguidelines effectively

requires understanding theirscientific basis. understanding where the rulescame from so that you can balance the trade offsthat occur when there are competing rules. if somebody says toyou, make it fast. make it high-res. well maybe you can’t doboth of those things. so you have to choose oryou have to find some kind of trade off.

it helps to understand where therules came from in order to be able to apply them. so i wrote this book thatwas about that. that’s basically about how thehuman perceptual cognitive processor works, or i shouldsay processors– i’ll get to that later. how it works and where do thesedesign rules come from, that’s what the book "designingwith the mind in min" is about.

books have chapters. so some of the chaptersdeal with perception. i’m listing here on this slidethe perception chapters. and then there are somechapters on cognition. i’m not going to talk abouteverything that’s in the book. it takes about two days to givea tutorial that covers the entire book. and we have an hour. so i’m just going to cover a fewof the facts about human

perception and cognitionin this talk, and show you some examples. so the first one is that weperceive what we expect. what you are perceivingright now is not what is really here. what you’re perceivingright now is biased heavily by many things. the main things that i’m goingto talk about right that bias your perception are the past,the present, and the future.

the past is your experience. the present is the currentcontext, everything else that’s going on right nowin this situation. and the future is your goals. what are you planning to do? what are you trying to do? all of those things heavilybias your perception. your perception is almost in noway reflective of what is actually out therein the world.

i’ll put it that strongly. so i’m going to showyou some examples. how many of you arefamiliar with the art of jackson pollock? so here’s jackson pollock. he’s landed a great gig. he gets money for throwingpaint onto canvases, splattering paint on canvases. what a great gig, i wish i couldget a gig like that.

ok so i’m going to show youa jackson pollock image, a jackson pollock painting. everyone see the splatterpainting? ok so now i’m going to showyou something else. i’m going to show youa dog sniffing the ground next to a tree. it’s a dalmatian. does everyone seethe dalmatian? so there’s the dog.

there’s the tree. he’s sniffing the ground. his tail’s in the air, hindfeet, front feet. this is actually a famous imageby a guy named rc james. i could basically tell you whatyou were going to see by showing you pictures of jacksonpollock painting and things like that. and then telling youyou were going to see a splatter painting.

so basically the past influencedyour perception. now i’ve told you it wasa dalmatian, and then i showed it to you. and how many see the dalmatianby the way? it’s about everyone. and now the interesting thingis, if you ever see this picture again you’ll never notsee the dalmatian, ever again. so what does this have to dowith computer system design? well let’s assume that we havea multi-page dialogue box,

otherwise known as a wizard. so it’s a multi-stepdialogue box. it doesn’t matter what’son the pages. so if you watch someone using awizard and a usability test, what you’ll see is fairlypredictable. so basically they read what’son page one, whatever it is. they fill out what whateverfields are there. and they click next. and it goes to page two.

and so then they read onwhatever’s on page two. and they fill out any fields. and they click next andit goes to page three. and then they fill it out, andthen they go to page four. and then they clickthe back button. and it goes backto page three. and they say, why did it dothat, i clicked next? and you say, no i was watchingyou, you clicked back. and they say, no i didn’ti clicked next.

and you say no, i was payingattention to what you were doing and you clickedthe back button. and then you takethe page four. and they, oh, the back button isin the opposite place than it was on all theother buttons. of course they didn’t noticethat because they weren’t paying attention to the positionof the buttons. they were paying attention totheir task of whatever it was, buying an airline ticket,reserving a hotel room,

whatever it was. so their perception was based ontheir past experience, not only with this dialog box, pagesone, two, and three, but with all previous wizards thatthey’ve used before. so that biased theirperception. now let’s talk about currentcontext biasing perception. here we have two symbols. they’re identical. they’re the same symbol.

but depending on what context iput them in, your eyes will perceive them, or moreaccurately your brain, will perceive them as an h that’skind of crooked or an a that’s open at the top,automatically. or let’s move away from thedomain of letters to the domain of graphics. so we have a line here. this is called the muller-lyerillusion. so we can take that lineand duplicate it.

so now there are two of them,exactly the same line. and then we put these on themand now even though you know that it’s the same line, youreye sees the top one as longer than the bottom one. and you can’t actuallystop yourself from seeing it that way. so this is context affectingperception. now here’s the interesting thingis that the brain is multi modal.

as you know you havemany senses. and the context canbe cross model. the content influence, thebiasing of perception by sensory input can be from othersensory modalities. so there’s a famous effectcalled the mcgurk effect, which i’m just now goingto show you. which is that based on whatyou’re looking at– by the way, let me ask you thisquestion, how many of you can lip read?

well in fact you all can lipread as you’re about to see. now i want you to listen towhat this man is saying. and i have to give credit tosome unidentified blogger on youtube who put thisvideo on youtube. it’s probably the bestdemonstration of this that i’ve seen and it’sunidentified. so i don’t know who to credit. but i want you to watchthis video. male speaker: bah bah.

bah bah. jeff johnson: he’s sayingthe same sound. jeff johnson: you hear adifferent sound depending on which guy you look at all. jeff johnson: that’s an exampleof your hearing being biased by what you’re seeing. you can actually all lip readand you didn’t know it. and as i said earlier, thefuture also biases your perception, your goals, whatyou’re intending to do.

people, especially adults, tendnot to notice things that are unrelated to their goals. our mind is designed to noticethe things that are related to what we’re trying to do. so i’m going to show you thecontents of a toolbox. and i want you to tell me ifthere are scissors in the toolbox, ok? were there scissors? ok.

was there a wrench? some people saw the wrench. so there is a game youcan play in your house if you have guests. i’ll describe it quickly. which is if you’re sitting inyour living room and your guests are with you in theliving room, you can send them into the kitchen. and probably in your kitchensomewhere you have a drawer

that has random kitchenstuff in it. i know i do. and you can tell them,go to that drawer. it’s the third one down fromthe left next to the refrigerator. and get me the turkey baster. and bring it back. and then when they come back,you say, was there a meat thermometer in the drawer?

and they will have no idea. most adults will have no idea. a six-year-old actually willprobably have a pretty good idea of all the other stuff inthe drawer if you can get them to come back in the first placebecause of all the cool stuff that was in the drawer. but that’s because their brainisn’t quite as goal directed as the adult’s is. so in terms of website designfor example, if i put you on

the home page of theuniversity of canterbury’s website. and i say i want you to find mesomewhere in this website a map of the campus that showsthe computer science department and where it is, yourbehavior at that point is very predictable. what will happen is, your eyeswill start moving randomly around the screenvery quickly. your eyes move 10 times asecond, tenths of a second per

saccadic eye movement. your eyes are moving veryquickly all the time in almost random motion. but because i gave you the goalof looking for a map of the computer science departmenton this website, your eyes will spend a lot oftime over these places, where it says departments, the worddepartments, the campus map. and maybe also your eyes willzero in on the search box because you’re starting tothink about maybe typing

something in there and lookingfor search box. but you will probably exit thepage without ever noticing that you’ve been randomlyselected to win $100. because nobody asked youto look for that. now i’m going to talkabout color vision. the human color vision systemis very unlike a camera. a digital camera is depictedby this graph on the right. so on the right essentially whatwe have is the spectrum across the bottomof the graph.

and what we have is,in a camera– we have on the plate at theback of the camera. we have a bunch of photosensitive unit. cells you can call them. and a pixel is madeup of three cells. one that you would calla red sensor. one you call a green sensor. and one you calla blue sensor. the red sensors are sensitiveto light in a certain range.

the green sensors are sensitiveto light in a certain range. and the blue havea certain range. and notice those ranges overlapa little bit and the amplitudes or the maximumsensitivity of the three kinds of sensors are approximatelythe same. it’s designed that way. that isn’t how the human eyeworks at all in terms of color perception.

the human eye has– well let me ask youthis question. how many of you remember fromhigh school or college that we have rods and cones and thecones are for our color perception and the rods are forblack and white and sort of brightness? how many of you remember that? well you can sortof forget it. because it’s only partly true.

the rods really we don’t usethem very much in modern industrial society. they were designed foruse when we lived mostly in the dark. and let me ask you this, howlong ago was it that people lived their lives mostlyin the dark unless it was daytime? about 100 years ago. it was only about100 years ago.

so our ancestors, and all ofthe animal ancestors before them, basically had these rodswhich were designed to help us see in situationsof low light. but in the modern world in whichwe live, where it’s lit most of the time even atnight, our rods are completely maxed out. so they’re screaming all thetime providing very much little information. you rods in your head rightnow, in your eyes, are

probably just going, ahhhh, likethat and not giving you much useful information. so let’s forget about them forthe rest of this talk. basically what happensis you’ve got cones. they’re called red, green,and blue by biologists. but that’s actually sortof misleading. because the red sensors aresensitive over almost the entire range of what wecall visible light. the green ones are alsosensitive over almost the

entire range, but not assensitive to light overall as the red ones. and the blue ones are hardlysensitive to light at all, for those people whohave blue ones. some people havedefective ones. so the human visual systemdoes not work the way a camera works. a camera visual systemessentially works by addition. every pixel is the sum of thered, green, and blue response

to the light that’s hittingthat pixel. that’s the rgb value thatyou’re familiar with. the human visual systemcan’t work that way. because how could it work thatway if the sensitivity ranges of the three kinds of conesoverlap so much? it could not work by addition. so it doesn’t. it works by subtraction. so there are basically threechannels of information coming

from your cones to your head. one of them is yellow minusscreen, or green minus yellow. i can’t rememberexactly which. and the other oneis blue minus– sorry one is red minusgreen and the other one’s blue minus yellow. and then there’s a third one,which is such a complicated function of additions andsubtractions that produces brightness from the cones.

so the cones are producing thebrightness information as well as the color information. and they are doing it bysubtraction not addition. which makes our visual systemalmost insensitive to absolute brightness levels. so if i take this illustrationwhich a college classmate of mine edward adelson produced. and you see the checkerboard. can you see the there arecertain squares in the

checkerboard marked a and b? can you see that? what if i were to tell you thatthe a square is the same shade of gray as the b square? it’s the same shade. so i’ll demonstrate that to youby taking a piece out of each one with photoshopand putting it over there on the right. now but you still don’tbelieve me.

you think i cheated. so i’ll take the image. blow it up. and then i’ll cover up that. cover up that piece, that piece,that piece, that piece, that piece, and that piece. so the human eye is really notdesigned for detecting absolute brightness levels. it’s designed for detectingdifferences, edges, changes.

that’s what it’s designed for. so what that means is thathumans have trouble discriminating certainkinds of color pairs. so for example if two colors areboth pale, people may not be able to see the differencebetween them depending on exactly how theircones function. and also by the way on the kindof display that they’re looking at. like for example i’mlooking at this on

my macintosh screen. and you’re looking at it ona projection display. and then there’s alsothese monitors here. and all of those can influencehow you see the two colors and whether you tell the differencebetween them. so all you color designers outthere, you graphic designers who think you’re in totalcontrol of the color that your users are seeing, forget it. you are not in control.

their eyes are in control. and the displays that they’reusing are in control. similarly, people have troublediscriminating color patches that are small. so if you have two color patchesthat are very small and the colors are close to eachother people aren’t going to be able to tellthe difference. but if you make the same colorpatches larger, it’ll be easier for people totell the difference

between those two colors. so what does that say if you’remaking a graph and you’re putting the legend overon the right or underneath the graph with little dots that showyou the different colors of the different lines? make those legend dots big. don’t make them littletiny squares. because people won’tbe able see the difference between them.

comparing colors is alsoeasier when patches are together than when they’reseparated, especially if eye movement is involved. because if i’m eye movement isinvolved in the comparison, then memory is involvedin the comparison. so if i move these two togetherit’s easier to tell that they’re different thanif they’re separated. so if we look at itn.net,which is a website for ordering airplane tickets andhotel reservations, and we see

that they have said that they’reshowing me what step of their process they’re on. and they’re trying to show methat they’re on step one. but they’re using pale yellowto mark the steps. so we’re on step one. now we’re on step two. can you see that change? some of you can probablysee it and some of you probably can’t.

and it also will depend on thedisplay that you’re using. some people have colorblindness. so about 8% of males and abouta 0.5% of females have some kind of color visiondeficiency. now color blindness does notmean people can’t see colors. the term color blindnessis misleading. what color blindness means isthat there are certain pairs of colors that people cannotjust tell apart. so for example a friend of minewho’s red green color

blind cannot tellthe difference between these two lines. to him they look the same. now just out of curiosity isthere anyone in this room for whom these two lineslook the same? we’re looking for the8% number here. ok so there’s one. now think about that. think about that for a second.

if you create a graphin which different– let’s say it’s stock values overtime, apple, google, and various other stocks– and the lines cross. it’s not just that the personis not going to be able to tell which one is which. wherever they cross they won’teven know which one goes on from that point. so it’s really a seriousissue for people

who are color blind. so you really haveto be careful. my friend who is colorblind alsocan’t tell the difference now he’s classified asred green colorblind. but this line i wouldcall blue. the other one i wouldcall purple. but he still can’t tellthe difference and this one, one is blackor dark brown and the other one is red.

he can’t tell the differencebetween either of these two pairs. i don’t want you to go out ofthis room and say, jeff johnson says don’t use colorin our user interfaces. because that wouldbe pretty boring. what i’m saying is don’t relysolely on color to convey information. if you’re conveying informationwith color, use other cues that are redundantwith that.

so for example, i would reallyimprove itn.net’s display by in addition to using a brighter,more saturated yellow to mark the current step,i would also bold the box and the wordand the number. now how they improved it withoutactually asking me. they never consulted withme unfortunately. but that’s fine. they improved it this way,by making the step– sort of inverting its color andputting the sort of blue

area around it. now that’s just as good. so basically people are goingto be able to, regardless of what their color vision problemis or what kind of monitor they’re using, they’regoing to be able to tell what step they’re on. now peripheral vision. human peripheral visionis very bad. it’s very poor.

there’s an error messageon this screen. does everyone see it? it’s right there. this is an actual screen, alogin screen, of a web app that a client companyof mine created. this is an actual screen. and that’s where the errormessages were displayed. and so in usability testinghere’s what we saw. user types in id.

they type in pin number. and in some cases we gave themincorrect ids and pin numbers, so that they would getan error message. and what happens is the usertypes the id, the pin number. and they hit login. and the screen re-displays. and the fields are blank. and the user goes, what? why did the screen re-display?

why are the fields blank? i don’t get it. i must have hit cancel. so they fill in the id again,which is still wrong and the pin number or one ofthe two is wrong. and the screen re-displaysagain. and they go, huh? am i nuts? that time i was payingattention.

that time i know i hitthe login button. what is going on here? oh, why didn’t i see thaterror message before? here’s why. there are actually three reasonswhy they didn’t see that error message before. and they all combined to makeperipheral vision of humans, and actually almost allmammals, horrible. reason number one is that whatwe’re seeing now in this graph

is the distribution of rods andcones across the retina. now as i said earlier,we can pretty much forget about the rods. but you can see that there’snon in the middle. there are no rodsin the middle. and then a little bit awayfrom the middle, they are pretty dense. and then the density falls offas you get to the periphery. cones on the other hand, arevery dense in the middle.

that is to say there are 158,000cone cells per square millimeter in your fovea,in the center of your visual field. now to give you an idea how biga visual field is i want everyone to hold their armout at arm’s length and hold your thumb up. and look at your thumbnail. look directly atyour thumbnail. your thumbnail spans the size ofyour fovea on your retina.

and the rest is periphery. everything else is periphery. so your thumbnail is 1%. we’ve heard a lot recentlyin the news about the 99% and the 1%. here’s another one. the 1% of your visual field inthe middle when you’re looking directly at something. the 1% is the fovea.

and that’s high-res. everything else is low-res. and there are three reasons why everything else is low-res. reason one is the density of thecone cells in the middle is 158,000 per squaremillimeter. and in the periphery, not veryfar from the center, it falls off to 9,000 per squaremillimeter. now 9,000 is a lot persquare millimeter,

but it’s not 158,000. that make sense? that’s reason one, high densitypixels in the middle, low density pixelseverywhere else. the other reason is that in yourretina, every cone cell in the fovea sends a fiber outto the optic nerve that goes back to your visual cortex. every nerve cell in thefovea sends one fiber. the optic nerve that leavesyour eye that goes back to

your visual cortex is a cablewith millions of fibers in it. every cell in the middle ofyour visual field, in that middle 1% sends a fiber out. in the periphery, which iseverything else on the other 99% of your retina, three orfour cone cells combine to send one fiber. so what does that mean incomputer geek speak? it means the data coming fromthe middle is uncompressed. and it’s compressed with dataloss everywhere else.

so you can think of itas you got a tiff in that middle 1%, high-res. and you’ve got a jpeg everywhereelse, low-res jpeg. and reason number three is thatwhen you get back to the visual cortex at the back of thebrain, which is called the occipital cortex,there’s a map. the occipital cortex formsa map of the retina. but half of that map is devotedto processing from the 1% fovea area and the otherhalf is for the rest.

so think about it that way. your brain, your eyes– by the way biologists consideryour eyes to be part of your brain, but anyway. your visual system is setup unlike a camera in almost every way. because a camera has its pixelsdistributed evenly across its plate. the human eye has highresolution in the middle and

low resolution almosteverywhere else. so let me tell you, theresolution of the human eye at the fovea is approximately 300dots per inch at arm’s length. if i print something on yourthumbnail at 300 dots per inch, if you have normal vision,you can see the dots. what is the resolution of yourvisual field at the edge? guesses? how many dots per inch? it’s measured indots per foot.

the answer is three. the effective size of a pixelat the edge of your visual field is approximatelythe size of a cabbage at arm’s length. now everyone is rolling theireyes and looking around the room and saying i see everythingin high-res. your eyes move threetimes a second. you can’t control it. it takes a tenth of a secondfor an eye movement.

and by the way your visionshuts off during those saccadic eye movements. but you don’t see theworld in blinks. here’s an interesting exerciseyou can do later. which is, stand in frontof a mirror. put your face righton the mirror. and look at your left eye. then look at your right eye. then look at your left eye.

you will never seeyour eyes move. but somebody standing therewatching you will see your eyes move back and forth. but you will not. what you will see is, you’relooking at your left eye. you’re looking at right eye withno time in the middle. that’s because during saccadiceye movements the brain shuts down. but it also is takes those twopieces of video and stitches

them together in time. so you never notice the littleblack intervals. so if we look at this websiteof airborne.com, this login page, one of the things we seeis that there’s an error message here in red overon the upper left underneath the title. but it turns out people alsohave trouble seeing that error message, because they presseda login button. well now we know why.

because if we show what theeye sees when a person has clicked the login button beforethey move their eye at all, before the eye moves. this is what they see. this is what the eye sees at themoment the login button is clicked, before the eyemoves anywhere else. and remember eye movementis somewhat random. it is actually guided by goalsand many other things. but one of the things that canmake it move somewhere is

movement or change. and the problem is there wassome red stuff in the upper left before and now there’sstill some red stuff. so the eye doesn’t reallysee a change. so there’s no reason for theeye to actually move to the upper left. therefore it’s not going tosee that error message. or at least there’s aprobability that the eye will not see that error message.

i think that the probabilitythat the eye will see this error message is higher than itwas in that previous one. but it’s still not guaranteed. and of course this is why youget in usability test– programmers in the back roomwatching the usability test and saying, what’swrong with you? don’t you see it? it’s right thereon the screen. no because they’re human.

they don’t see it. because their eye was notgiven a reason to move in that direction. so in terms of user interfacedesign, how do you make sure that error messagescan be seen, or information can be seen? well put it where usersare looking if you can predict that. put it near the errorif there’s an error.

use red for errors. or use an error symbol, likeone of these error symbols. now here’s an example of that. so for example at aol.com, ifyou sign up basically for their service there’sa long form. i haven’t shown youthe whole form. you go down to fill out allthe stuff on the form. and then you clicked done. and if you’ve got a passwordthat they don’t like for some

reason, they willsend you back. they will scroll you back tothis place on the page. they put an errorsymbol there. they tell you how goodyour password was. they put an error message,which is in red. they highlight thefield you’re in. and they put the cursor there. you are not goingto miss that. now there is some heavyartillery that you can use to

make sure people are going tosee error messages or other kinds of information. but you have to useit carefully. you can pop up things anderror dialog boxes in front of the user. some people hate that. other people turn off popups in their browser. so there’s certain situationsin which that’s not a useful thing to do.

there’s audio you can beep. but of course imagine a roomlike this where everyone’s got their computer and they’reall beeping. whose is beeping? i can’t tell. so audio is limited. then there’s flashing orwiggling brief briefly but not continuously. if you flash or wiggleconstantly, some people will

get epileptic seizures and otherpeople will not look at it because they assumeit’s a ad. so for example, this issomething you’re going to see more and more of in the future,and you are starting to see more and more ofit in various places. which is if you want to getsomebody’s attention with an error message you wiggle it. that error message went onepixel up, one pixel down, one pick left, one pixel right,and then stopped.

stopping is very important. that will attract your eye. why? because it might be a leopard. right? your eye does not knowwhat that is. it just knows that there’smovement in the periphery. so it yanks the fovea rightover there because it might be a leopard.

so blinking is a poorsubstitution for wiggling if you can’t wiggle. but it’s better than nothing. but again the importantthing is to stop. ok i’m going to talk aboutcognition now. i’m going to switch gears andtalk about cognition. short term versus longterm memory. when i was in graduate schoolcognitive psychologists believed there were places inthe brain where they was short

term memory and there was otherplaces the brain where there was long term memory. and different brain structuresaccounted for them. and they had models of shortterm memory and models of long term memory. that’s not the view anymore, nowthat people can actually study the brain inoperation using magnetic resonance imagery. now we know that short termand long term memory are

actually just twocharacteristics of the same memory system operating. and short term memory is nowmuch more closely tied and interpreted as being tied toperception and attention than it was in my graduateschool days. so short term memory is arepresentation of your conscious mind. it’s what you’re attendingto right now. so short term memoryis not a place.

it’s not a place where things gofrom perception and things are hauled in fromlong term memory. it’s not like an accumulatorin a computer. that’s not what shortterm memory is. short term memoryis the stuff– think of it this way. your memory system isthis huge warehouse. and everything in thereis old and dusty and covered with cobwebs.

and occasionally somethingnew is shoved in through the doors. and while it’s being shovedinto the doors it’s illuminated becausethe door is open. and then the door slams shutand the stuff comes in. and it goes dark just likeeverything else. except that there are foursearchlights in the ceiling. and they can look at fourthings at once. four, not seven.

how many remember the magicalnumber seven plus or minus two from your school days. that is now known tobe an overestimate. the actual capacity ofshort term memory– and when i say capacity idon’t mean it’s a place. it’s not a bucket. but you have four searchlightsthat can look at four things at the same time. some people have five.

but most people it’s four. four, plus or minus one. for dogs it’s one, plusor minus one. and so those four things thatthose four searchlights can be looking at at any time arethings like goals, numbers, words, objects. if a search light is pulled awayfrom what it was looking at then the whole thing is lostfrom short term memory. so short term memory is again–it’s not a place.

it is what you’re attendingto right now. so that’s why you can have thesituation of sitting in your living room reading and thenhearing the cat meow. and saying, oh i haveto feed the cat. and getting up to go andto feed the cat. and then having the phone ringand then having your brother talk to you on the phone. then you finish talking to yourbrother on the phone and go sit down and goback reading.

then the cat meows againand you go oh, i forgot to feed the cat. because your brother’s callpulled one of the search lights off your goalof feeding the cat. so here’s a short termmemory test. memorize those numbers. say your phone numberbackwards. go ahead. you do it?

ok, what were the numbers? anyone know? ok, memorize these numbers. now, if you notice somethingabout those numbers namely that they are the first sevendigits of pi, it now is not seven things to remember. it’s one thing to remember. and your brain can doit much more easily. memorize these numbers.

that’s probably three bits. it’s like odd numbers startingat, ending at. memorize those words. what are they? not bad. same number of words. same number of words,one chunk. so if we go to this websiteand we look at what it’s showing us, it’s showingus search results.

so somebody has done asearch and they’re looking at the results. and here are the resultsdown here. and the website is nice becauseit’s giving us a way to fill in advanced searchoptions if we want to adjust our search. but there’s something importantit’s not showing us. what is that? what did we search for?

and of course i’m going todefend the programmer now and i’m going to say, well you onlyput it in 10 seconds ago, what’s wrong with you? can’t you remember somethingfor 10 seconds? no, because i’m human. i have four searchlightsin my brain. maybe some of you are luckyand you have five. but got a certain numberof searchlights. and they were totally pulledaway from my search terms by

the search results. because all my attention isfocused there trying to figure out, are those resultsrelevant to what i was looking for? now long term memory isthat warehouse i was talking about earlier. and the memories in their– memories are also tied toperception in the current view of cognitive psychologists.

think of it this way. if i look at his face, let’ssay i look at dan’s face. what happens in my visual systemis starting at the visual cortex and moving forwardin my brain, millions of neurons fire. a huge pattern ofneurons fire. and that pattern is myrecognition of dan’s face. that’s my memoryof dan’s face. and if i look at ben, adifferent set of neurons fire.

it’s very much similar becausehe’s human and he’s human and he’s you know about thesame age i guess. but they’re not the same. and so i’m not going to– the thing is the human braincan tell the difference between this pattern of amillion neurons and that pattern of a new millionneurons firing. and if i run into him– if i runinto dan on the street in san francisco, another setof neurons will fire.

and it will be very similarbecause he’s the same guy. but it won’t be the same becausewe’re in san francisco and not in this room. and remember how we learnedearlier how context impacts and so i might recognize danon the street in francisco. and i might not. especially let’s say ifhe shaved his beard. or what if i run into dan’s twinbrother on the streets of san francisco.

and i say, whoa, hi dan. and his brother goes, what areyou some kind of pervert? get away from me. so here’s the important thingis that a huge pattern of neurons fires. that is recognition. that’s what recognition is. and so experiences triggerpatterns corresponding to features in your brain.

your brain is a featurerecognition machine. that’s what your brain is. and so similar experiencestrigger the same pattern. that’s recognition. recall, in contrast torecognition, is something completely different. imagine what recall is. recall is a particular patternin your brain of millions of neurons becoming activated inthe absence of the stimulus

that produce it inthe first place. that’s hard. your brain is actually notdesigned for that. it’s designed for recognition. getting a particular patternof neurons to fire again, evoking a memory in the absenceof the stimulus that originally producedit, is difficult. that’s why recognition iseasy and recall is hard. and that’s also why the factthat these patterns are big

collections of features is whylong term memory is error prone, impressionist, free associative, and easily biased. so for example, featuresmay get dropped from a particular memory. so you may have seena whale shark when you’re out on the trip. and 20 years from now, you andyour brother argue about whether you saw a whaleor a shark.

because features got droppedfrom that memory. so here’s a long termmemory test. was there a roll of tapein the toolbox? good. what was your lastphone number? the one before you have now. anyone remember it? you do? oh that’s good.

was this a pollock paintingor a dalmatian? you’ll never eversee the pollock painting in this again. so you shouldn’t beburdening long term memory as a designer. so for example here’s aninstruction that a designer gave to a user. which is kind of funny becausethe designer knew that they were asking the user to dosomething that users can’t do.

change your pin to a numberthat is easy to remember. that’s part one. part two. a pin can be 6 to 10 digits andcannot start with zero. your pin must be numeric. they have just givenyou instructions that you cannot follow. and they know it. because at the bottom itsays, remember please

write down your pin. put it on a yellow stickyunderneath your computer so that any guy can comein and steal it. having your brain keep trackof features, keeping those searchlights trained on certainobjects in your in your memory is work. it actually takes calories. and so your brain does itas little as possible. so your brain tracks onlyfeatures crucial to the task.

so that causes something calledchange blindness. so if i show you that thispicture and then i change it, i want you to tell me ifthere’s any change. what has changed? what changed? ok, let me change it in adifferent way so that i remove the pause in between. so your brain is going tofocus on the people. because you’re human, your brainwill focus on the people

and their food and thebeer probably. and so people say things like,well he had a mustache in the first one and he didn’t have amustache in the second one, or something like that. but no, it’s things that areirrelevant to what you’re interested in that you aren’tgoing to notice. so i’m getting closeto the end. i’m like two slidesfrom the end. so as i said earlier,recognition is easy.

recall is hard. we recognize thingsextremely quickly. it doesn’t take you very long,especially if you’re out in the wilderness, to noticesomething like that. because otherwise you wouldn’tbe passing your genes on. i took this pictureby the way. talk about getting intothe vehicle quickly. so lucy walking around on theafrican savanna 4 million years ago had to be able torecognize objects very quickly

otherwise we wouldn’t be here. it doesn’t take you verylong to recognize this face, these faces. and even more tellingly, itdoesn’t take you very long to recognize that you don’trecognize these faces. and what this shows is that wheni was in graduate school, people thought of thebrain as a computer. and they were trying to figureout what are the algorithms that the brain uses todo face recognition.

and so they said back inthose days, it can’t be, is it this one? no. is it this one? can’t be that becauseit’s way too fast. so they said, it has to besomething like, is it in this half of the database or is it inthis half of the database? it’s in this half. take that and splitthat in two.

is it in this half orthat half of the database, binary search. it’s way too fast for that. face recognition isway too fast. so they came up with all thesealgorithms back when i was in graduate school abouthow the face recognition can be so fast. and now we know whyit’s so fast. it’s because the braindoes not search.

the brain is a contentaddressable holographic memory device. it’s a recognition machine. like i said, those bigpatterns go off. so it’s basically facerecognition and also recognition that you don’trecognize a face is almost instantaneous. it’s not searching. there is no search.

similarly people can recognizevery sophisticated patterns like for example, kasparovversus karpov, 1986. if you’re a chess masteryou’ll recognize that. if you’re not, you won’t. finally, i guess i’ll talkabout performing learned routines versus new behaviors. performing learned routines iseasy, like riding a bicycle after months of practice,driving to the same workplace after many years, and usinga touch pad after a

few years of practice. now the reason that’s easyis it’s automatic. cognitive psychologists make adistinction between what are called automatic processingand controlled processing. automatic processing useslots of different parts of your brain. it doesn’t use up shortterm memory. so it’s not using up thosefour searchlights. it’s what we computer scientistswould call compiled

mode or parallel processing. there are many processors. you can multitask automaticthings. so one way i think of it is thatevery part of the brain is a brain. and so things that are automaticand running in compiled mode essentially,you can do many of them at the same time. that’s why i can walk and chewgum at the same time, or i can

be whistling a tune that i’vevery familiar with. but try to do that withsomething new, following a new cooking recipe, drivingsomewhere you’ve never been, writing with your non-dominanthand, switching from mac to windows pc or vice versa. that’s controlled. that consumes short termmemory and attention. it’s what we computer scientistswould call interpreted mode orserial processing.

there’s only one processorthere. it’s called the attention. there’s only one processorand you cannot multitask. so you can only do one novelthing at a time. you can multitask a novelthing with an automatic things, any number of them. so let’s just do a test. recite the alphabet a tom. go ahead recite the alphabet a to m. easy.

recite backwards, m to a. that’scontrolled, requires short term memory, requiresattention. hum the first measure of"twinkle twinkle little star." go ahead, do it. hum it backwards. control processing requiresshort term memory, requires attention, full attention. so all of the things thati showed you is why user interface design is a skill notsomething anyone can do by

following user interfaceguidelines. and that’s why knowing thecognitive basis helps us prioritize and recognizewhich rules to follow in each situation. now i’ll take any questionsthat anyone has for as long as you want. [applause] jeff johnson: thanks. yes?

male speaker: so this model ofshort term and long term memory that you were discussing,how is this consistent with the fact thatthere’s a phenomenon where people go unconscious inaccidents or concussions lost memory of the four or fiveminutes preceding the accident, people take versedand not lay down the memory as well? so that model seemed, or thatclose result seemed to [inaudible] the old model ofit being a different short

term memory [inaudible]. jeff johnson: yeah one of thethings that had been noticed when i was in graduate schoolwas that people come back from combat situations with certainparts of their brain shot away or auto accidents or whatever. some of them can remembernew things. and others can’t. and another phenomenon likethe ones you described. and so that’s why they sort ofthought there had to do these

certain places where there wasshort term memory and other places where there waslong term memory. and what they now know or nowbelieve is that there are certain areas of the brain thatare essentially gateways. they’re sort of bottlenecksfor information. and if those are shot away ordamaged, then the ability for the brain to sort of generateand compare these patterns becomes destroyed. so that’s basically it.

it’s now thought of as insteadof that short term memory here, let’s say inthe hippocampus. because that’s where they usedto think it was when i was in graduate school. is that the hippocampusis somehow– well remember i said earlierthat the human brain can compare patterns and cantell whether it’s seen a pattern before. they don’t know why that is, butmaybe it’s possible that

the hippocampus is involved inthat, in that comparison. so i guess what i’m saying isthat now the understanding of short term memory versus longterm memory is not as cut and dry as it was back in the ’70s,when they thought that short term memory is in thehippocampus and long term memory is in the cerebral cortexor something like that. i don’t know if that answersyour question. male speaker: well it doesn’texplain those phenomena, but maybe i have to lookdeeper for that.

i understand that. jeff johnson: so say exactlywhat the phenomena was. male speaker: the phenomenathat somebody in the car accident doesn’t remember threeminutes before the car accident, which normally wouldhave been laid down in short term memory or long term,whatever you want to call it. jeff johnson: right and so thereis some process by which stuff comes in from perceptionand gets put into long term memory.

i mean one of the things thatwe know now which is kind of interesting. if you’re a musician, they knownow that it’s better to practice for 15 minutes and thensleep than to practice for eight hours. because the sleep has somethingto do with the stuff you practice gettinglaid down. so i don’t know if i can answeryour question fully. male speaker: peripheralvision– sometimes people talk

about athletes like proquarterbacks having great peripheral vision. has that been tested[inaudible]? jeff johnson: well i wouldn’tdoubt it since there’s all sorts of genetic variationand there’s a lot of randomness in our genes. and so that’s why for examplethose people 4 million years ago who could actually see theleopard coming at them are the ones who survived.

and those who didn’t seethe leopard, maybe the neanderthals, are not. [interposing voices] jeff johnson: not that i knowof but one thing that– have ever heard ofthe "door" study? go to youtube and typein the "door" study. so that’s a situation whereit’s not really peripheral vision, it’s more has to dowith change blindness. but basically if you get someonein a situation where

you change out a personin front of. they’re interacting with aperson and you change the person out. a lot of people don’t notice. but some people do. and they don’t know yetwhether there’s any systematic-ness to that orwhether it’s just random. male speaker: i was wondering,do you recommend– should some user interfaces ortypes of interactions rely

more on long term memory andothers have to be designed for a situation where someone hasto keep track of something right then? how do we apply thisin that way? jeff johnson: ok so it’scertainly the case that some user interfaces are designedto be walk up and use. or at least to be used in asituation where it’s been a year since you walked upand used it before. and so you’re not goingto remember details.

like for example, recoveringfiles from a backup system, how often are you goingto have to do that? so that user interface isprobably going to have to be designed differently from theuser interface for handling your email, which you doevery morning for half an hour or an hour. so people who design walk up anduse interfaces really have a different sort of mindset,design mindset, than the people who are designing userinterfaces that are going to

be used by which peoplewho have a lot of experience and training. i’m not sure that exactly getson your question which was– male speaker: yeah, i thinkthat ties into it. jeff johnson: yeah,the thing is air traffic control for example. intense information overload allthe time, and also extreme danger if you screw up. so that user interface has toreally support making sure

that you can see things. so peripheral visionfor example. if there are planes over here,but you’re looking over here, they have to somehowget your attention. actually a lot of people thesedays are thinking about user interfaces for security guardsat airports and places like that, security checkpoints. because think about that job. nothing happens for months oreven years at a time and then

something happens. and you have to be attentive. but it’s hard to be attentivewhen you’ve been bored for three years. so how do you design a userinterface to make sure that someone notices something ishappening now when nothing has happened for the lastthree years? so there’s a lot of attentionbeing paid to that particular problem.

ok, thank you.

Tutorial Creating Parallax Effects on Scrolling with Very Simple (Example)

environmental web design inspiration

[ silence ] >> how’s it going guys? cool, awesome, you guysare awake and stuff. nice. no, it’s reallycool to be here. you know, i had a coupleof friends, i used to go to long beach like backin the day and they’re in the art department and stuff. so it kind of– you know, i usedto visit here, man, back in part like early 2000 and stuff.

so, it was quite a ways back. but anyway, john and i arereally happy to be here, and so yeah, we justwanted to come in and sort of share a little bit about whatwe do and sort of our passions, our background, andkind of how we got here. so, you know, onething that i know is that we’re all creative people. and, you know, we’re i allin this room for a reason. so seeing you guys, evenseeing some of the work that’s

in the hallway isreally, really cool. and it kind of bringsus back, you know, we’re just talkingabout this outside. it kind of brings us backinto like, oh my god, we remember being in thisexact sort of scenario, using the same typeof materials and stuff which is really,really cool to see. but john and i, you know, werepresent brainstorm school. and this is a sort of a–

[ inaudible remark ] oops. oh, there we go. all right. so yeah, we come from brainstormschool and what we really kind of focus on is conceptual art. and a lot of today, we kind of don’t know whatconcept are really is as it’s a very bigterm, you know. and so today, whatwe want talk about is

to inspire through design. and i know you guys haveprobably seen the flyers and stuff. and so, you know, we really wantto talk about what that means to us as conceptual designers in today’s entertainmentdesign market. and so that’s me and john. yeah, it’s awesome. so when i was young,these are the things

that got me interested. i don’t know how old you guysare or probably like 18 or 21, 22, something like that, right? yeah, more or less. >> forty. >> forty? super duper seniors. yeah. those are me too. awesome. but these were thethings that got me interested when i were young, youknow, when i was young.

as a kid, always drawing,playing, you know, watching, playing video games,just looking at cool art, comic books, playing with toys, and all of these stuff wasjust getting me excited. you know, i wasn’tnecessarily your studious type. i wasn’t your academicexcellerant [phonetic], you know, person that would– imean, and it didn’t make sense. but, you know, person thatexcellerize [phonetic] in– i make up my own words all thetime, excellerize in academics.

and that wasn’t me, you know,and so it was really hard to sort of find myvoice, you know. and one of the thingsthat started to happen was i startedto build a passion. going back to the slide, ifwe’ve kind of just looked a lot of the things that encompasswhat got me really excited, it might be the samefor you guys, you know. and the same reasons why youguys are taking probably design classes or illustration classesor doing sculpture or, you know,

learning 3d tools or photoshop. that’s all kind ofwithin this realm. and that’s what got mereally excited, you know. and so, kind of goingthrough this, i started to really understandthat there was a market to learn this material,you know. there was a– therewere schools out there to really help youfocus and sort of learn things aboutdesign, right?

things about function, digitalpainting, learning tools, learning how to representyour ideas and illustration, you know, the portrayal ofemotion and the portrayal of communicating astory and a narrative. those are, you know,things that we started to learn going back into school. and john and i bothcome from arts center. my background in particularis in illustration. i initially startedoff going to arts

and i’m thinking i was goingto be a gallery artist, doing oil paintings forgallery shows and i don’t know. that was it. that was literally– i hadno guidance at that point. and i remember sitting inthe cafeteria at arts center and looking through atmy friend’s sketchbook which was this sketchbookof spaceships. i was like, "whatare you doing?" he said, "man, i’m freelancing.

this is stuff for– i’mdoing for microsoft." and i was like, "what?" that is the coolestthing i’ve ever seen. i only thought you can drawthis when you’re like 12 years and under, you know,robots and spaceships and stuff like that, you know. i said, "what the heck? and you’re gettingpaid for this?" and it really started toconnect these dots, right?

and i started to inquire askingmore questions to teachers, to students and, you know,just the guys around me. you know, your network,your peer group. and i started to learn thata lot of these industries such as the video gameindustry, feature film, which also includes animation,and theme park design, not to mention a wholeslew of other industries that really revolvewithin the same space such as toy manufacturing,costumes,

you know, marketing material. marketing is huge, you know. you guys go in a best buyand you see the huge call of duty posters thatare everywhere. someone got to design all those. someone’s got to paintall of those, you know. and they need artisteverywhere to kind of accomplish thosesorts of things. so now, it kind of comesto the idea of what are we?

we’re concept designers, ok? and if we kind of look up andi know this is super academic and i was just telling you guys, i’m not the academicexcellerant. so, this kind of goes against mygrain, but we just kind of look at the ideas of conceptand design of what john andi do as a career. it encompasses tworeally important things. one is the idea ofthinking, right?

just the conceptual part of thattitle, it’s all about it, right? it’s about thinking. it’s about coming up with ideas. it’s about finding inspiration. and the second partis designing, right? we all love to designand whether we know it or not, we are all designers. it’s just about reallykind of tapping into that designability within you.

and when we put the wordstogether, it’s really to kind of start to create withpurpose with unique ideas, ok? and a lot of peopledo that, right? a lot of people cancommunicate new ideas and stuff, scripts, right, music, dance. but we’re doing it throughthe language of arts, right? and so i’m going to starttalking about, a little bit about some of thatlanguage and how that starts to kind of come through.

so once i started to adapt andlearn some of these aspects, you know, the fundamentalways of drawing, fundamentals of design, you started tounderstand that you can start to design for the videogame industry, you know. build your illustration skills,your art skills, your ability to communicate veryquickly within line drawings or color paintings, developyour imagination and your sense of taste as a designer. you know, these arethings that really start

to definitely build up. and the coolest thingis that you get to create your own worlds. you get to be imaginative,right? you get to constantlycreate on a daily basis which to me never seemslike a day of work, right? i was, you know, i grewup in southern california. i grew up in glendale. i went to high schoolin glendale.

it wasn’t art classes and, youknow, my parents, you know, i’m korean so, you know,any of asian people like the parents are like,"oh, yeah university. and, yeah, arts? no, not really, no, youmay be go engineering or be a doctor or something." i don’t know. but obviously because of myexcellerating [phonetic], you know, academicperformance, you know, what–

that weren’t reallywasn’t the case, you know. but i know that withinfinding your passion, that’s what really broughtme to kind of love what i do and that’s what broughtup the hard work. you know what i mean? never one day, when i’m sittingin front of the computer, i’m drawing robots,i’m sketching out characters for,you know, new idea. it never ever doi sit and think,

"oh my god, my life sucks." you know, "i needa different job. i want to work on a bank." you’re never going tobe in that situation which is very, very rewarding. so i’m just going to go througha couple of slides of some work. and, you know, definitelyfeel free to ask any questions about any of theimages that you see. but i’m going to talk aboutmy– just brief history.

so coming from artscenter, again, i was in the illustration track. and we’re studying, youknow, figure drawing. we’re doing like still lifes,like drawing shoes, you know. what else did we draw? you know, like geo forms, right? you guys all do that stuff? and so all of that translation of fundamentals becamevery important

to actually do stufflike this, you know. and some of these slides,these are actual concept art for a different things frommovie illustrations, right? they’re actually goingto be building out. this is what– medievaltheme film project with– oh, rob cowan[assumedspelling], there you go. some magic card, anyof you guys play magic? yeah. there’s always some. this is a huge game.

it’s awesome. yeah. you know. anyway, so coming from thefundamentals of illustration, that’s– it gave mesome of the tools to really be prepared, right? so that when imagination andwhen conceptual ideas start of getting push myway, i had something to actually communicate with. and that’s why it wasreally, really important.

and so, at arts center,i started to learn some of those fundamentals. a lot of them being tounderstanding a form, understanding of light,colors, materials. and that’s what really seguedinto going into learning more about concept design,conceptual design. soon after graduatingarts center, i quickly had to find a job, you know, as weall know, with student loans and things like thatjust really piling up.

i found a job workingwith an advertising. and the industry of advertisingis actually super huge. and there’s a need fordesigners, graphic designers, illustrators, people thatdo– that know how to– you do flash, web designers, people that knowhow to do cinema 4d. there are so many jobs out therewithin this creative field. and so working in advertising,i found myself working within the game spaceand movies.

so i was designing movieposters and video game packages. as well as if you’relooking like game and form or the covers, the ads in there, those are thingsthat we’re designing. and that was a lot of fun. it was really, really cool. you get to see your work beingprinted out on a monthly basis. but later, i startedto go, "man, i’m– but i’m not designing."

you know? i’m not the guythat’s creating the gears of war characters that i’mcreating ads for, you know. and that’s what kind oflike bugged me a little bit, you know. so i started to work a littlebit harder on my own portfolio at home and at night, and started to puttogether a design portfolio to work more into video games. and so this is some of the workthat has been sort of compiled

up through the yearsof now working within that video game industry. at one point, i was at a companythat i thought was really, really, you know,the– my goal, right? and that goal was to workat a topnotch game company, work with a good art director,good other concept artists, and just work on, you know,have fun all day long. luckily, i got to that goal. it was really cool.

but one thing that got messed up was the economy crashedreally bad around 2007, and that studio justkind of shut down. and so i was likeleft out of a job. i was like, "oh mygod, life sucks. i’m going to go back to abank or something," right? and so, "my god, that bankjob sounds actually kind of good now." but, you know, that passion,that part about, you know,

the first slide with playingtoys, games, video games, all that stuff was comingback to me again, you know. and it was a little saddening,you know, having that dream kind of be taken away, you know, just because of a badeconomy, you know. so what did i do? i just kept drawing, you know. i fed all of that energyinto my passion again. and so i started to createanother portfolio and started

to work more intothe freelance market. and that’s when istarted my own company, my own studio, scribblepad studios. and at scribble pad,what we do is we do a lot of different designingfrom video games. this is somethingfrom titanfall. we also worked on gamesfrom like call of duty, medal of honor, infamous,gears of war, shoot, uncharted. the last? yeah.

anyway, there’s a lot of gamesthat kind of been able to– i’ve been fortunate to workon in the past few years. and we were also–what’s kind of interesting about this industryright now, as well, is that with any video gamecomes a really cool movie, comes a cool animationseries, comes a cool toy brand, comes a cool t-shirt brand,you– and so on and so forth. you guys know whati’m talking about. and even when disneybought out star wars,

immediately you’d see starwars branded stuff at petsmart. like chewbacca collarsand stuff. those– i thought itwas the coolest thing. i bought some. yeah, i fell intothe hype totally. so that’s what wasreally fun, you know. and, you know, you’re alwaysgoing to hit your ups and downs and your dips, but that passion, that part about what gotyou guys excited about art

in the first place whenyou guys were young, it’s probably still thesame reason why you guys are here today. and so, just want to showyou guys some of that path, you know, and showing you guysthat it’s really about kind of being in thisspace of creativity, learning the fundamentalsof design, learning the fundamentalsof art, you know, listening to your teacherswhen they’re saying, "hey, ok,

we’re going to do a– we’re going to draw anapple today," you know. and you’re like, "oh, man." but what ends uphappening is it translates into stuff like this, you know. and it translates into beingable to portray and show form in different contextand different ideas. so my forte is particularlywithin environment design. so what i work on mainly isi design out what the levels

and the environmentsthat you play in within a video game space. i also design a lotof music videos sets. also working with theme parkdesign, designing attractions, what do the actualrides look like, what does the entrancelook like, you know. so there’s a lot of cool andinteresting things happening. this is some work that’s kindof like my personal stuff that i do on the side.

it’s like a little sideproject of doing just like world war ii inspiredillustrations and stuff. and so these are things thati just kind of do on the side to do fun stuff outsideof the fun work stuff. so it’s just funand fun, you know. what can go wrong? and so yeah, one of the thingthat i kind of want to show– and here are just some of theclients that i’ve been fortunate to work with overthe past few years.

and they range fromall different sorts of book publishers to gamecompanies to film companies. and so, the thing is, isthat this industry, right, the industry of this– ofall these creative fields are in need of just good designers. you know of– in needof people that know how to communicate good designwithin a realm of an image, within a realm of, you know,3d space within an animation. whatever it is, they’relooking for people with talent.

and right now guys, and,you know, i tell this a lot to my students is this isthe first time in our history that art and theprofessional world have met at this type of level, you know. so these are really, really cooland fortunate position to be in, that you guys are, you know,filling in that market. the video game market, when igraduated to art center in 2004, was an $8 billion market. it just eclipsed film.

now, it’s a $65 billion market. it– i don’t know, mathpeople, it– you know. holy cow, it got huge, right? so, you know, the market isgetting bigger and everything as you can tell is it’s just agrowing market with video games, toys, and that sort of thing. and you guys playleague of legends and, you know, games like that. yeah. so there’s all games that,you know, we get to work on,

you know, so it’s really fun. so. yeah, definitely, you know. so one thing that ijust want to share with you guys isfollow your passion. you know, that passion,that vein that was just sort of being the backbone of kind of like the career pathwas just following that, following what you want to do.

the things that get youexcited in the movies that want to make you come back to artclass and draw them again. you know, that’s the stuffthat’s all right here that can really build, youknow, a really awesome career, you know, provide a lotof you know content. become very satisfiedwith what you can produce and we’re always kind of pushingyour boundaries as a designer. so that’s my bit right there. awesome. thanks, guys.

[ applause ] so cool. >> well, first off, thankyou for having us here. it’s a thursday night. it’s party time, right? and so james andi, we drove kind of from the la pasadenaarea and the traffic sucks. so if you guys livein that vicinity, i’m sorry and thank you.

we got some cool prizes andswag to give out to you guys. it’s nothing much, it’sjust t-shirts, you know, so don’t get too excited. but, you know, just out ofcuriosity because james and i, we come from art center. and art center is a specifictype of design school. and my background,i went to art center in 2006, and i left in 2009. and my major was product design.

so i designed, you know,watches, soaps, phones, a lot of small stuff,and it was fun. but i’m trying to bereally excited here. how many of you guys areproduct designers here? just raise your hands. so we got like apretty large number. it seems like around 70%. how about architecturaldesigner? zero percent, one person.

thank you, you’re here. you made it, man. how about sculpture design? am i making that up,wesley [assumed spelling]? i made it up. >> interior design. >> interior design, notsculpture, interior design. three, four, welcome. this is getting exciting, five.

am i missing anything? transportation design. >> no. >> zero. you guys don’thave cars, it’s ok. so anyways, my backgroundis product design. i studied for about two years. and i will tell you, it tookme about two years to realize that i didn’t want to continue. but i learned a lotof valuable things.

sorry. i’m not trying to discourage youout of your major. but let’s just kind of gothrough my sketchbooks here. so, you know, growing up,and this was pre-college. i still just doodle ideas, youknow, a lot of nonsensical, fictional, you know, characters. but i love the idea of worldcreation, and i love the idea of just kind of expressingmy opinions. and that was the mostimportant thing for me.

mainly because i suck atwriting, and believe it or not, james and i were probably one ofthe worst asians on our average. we are on the– we are aminority group in terms of like the lowestgpa grade level. so we’re probably about2.0, 2.3 grade average, so it’s not good, you know. but in this world,i felt comforting. you know, i felt like i canactually express myself. i was able to articulateideas without being graded,

without having to follow thisacademic structure, you know, and that’s– that was just me. and it was just purelyexpressing my visual ideas. and, you know, there’s a lotof things that influenced me, there was a lot of art books,there was a lot of movies and tv shows and cartoons. what really got me into thisfield was, you know, growing up, just like many of you guys. i grew up watchingsimpsons religiously.

and i was like, "mattgroening is the man." i mean, there’s kids, idon’t want to say [noise]. but he the shizzlema nizzle, you know. but i wanted to doanimation, but i didn’t want to do the work of animation. it’s kind of– doesn’tmake any sense. but meaning, i wantedto create the world. i love the idea that thereare so many characters, so many different locations,but i hated animating.

so i went to an animation schooland they made me draw some like, some chubby dude walking acrossthe street, and i made him draw across a page andhe went off the page because my layout was incorrect. and i’m just like, "screwed. this is bad, this is horrible. why would anyone dothis in animation?" but i just realizedit wasn’t for me. it wasn’t a world creation, notin– not what i thought it was.

and so, you know, i justwent back to my sketchbook. i did what i did naturally,you know, during class. and i attended communitycollege before art center for about two years. and this is what i didin my writing class, in my math class,art history class. so as you can see, it’s alot of work from my art class and my history classand my math class. but, you know, and james,we talked about passion.

and passion is somethingthat, you know, i’m going to be a broken record,but we want to kind of express, you know, how important that isregardless of your education. and i think education issomething that we’re going to get exposed to, differentavenues of education, different principles, differentfoundations, different roles, and different, youknow, theories right? so when i went into artcenter, again, spend two– first three yearsdoing product design.

how many of you guys, inproduct design, how many– a lot of it is aboutbrand, right? what else? just scream it out. don’t get– not all at once. what? >> manufacturing. >> marketing. yes.

>> analysis. demographic. whoo, super fun, right? it’s like holy– don’tget all excited here. i want to go anddo some research. but– it was a veryinteresting learning process. and it was something thatwas very new to me, you know. and what’s wrongin my sketchbook? and i was like, "why?

why are you punishing me, man? i came here to do art andyou’re making me do research." and i did bad in english. and doing that was justgoing against my grain. but it was another form. what i learned was anotherform of being able to kind of articulate my ideas ona more generalized level, to be able to communicate, notonly to me, but to the people that i’m talking to, to thepeople that i’m presenting it,

and to the guys thatare looking at my work. and that’s what i learned. it was learning how toconceptualize your ideas, learning how to articulateyour ideas, and learning how to be very clear aboutyour ideas, you know. whether it’s likecrazy pull toys. i’m sure you guysare kind looking up like, "what is that thing?" but this was for aclassroom assignment.

and very similarto what’s probably on your– on the walls here. we’re looking throughthe gallery. and it’s a lot of just ideasin my sketchbook, right? and eventually those ideaskind of refined themselves, they kind of evolvedas we kind of go through the creative process. as we kind of– we startto refine our ideas, we start to kind of chip awaythe rough edges, and we start

to get into a little bit more,more like clarity, right? so that’s something thatjames and i, we really try to hone down, you know,the art of being clear. and then that was aprocess in itself. and so the basis of thisproject, what i ended up with, was this fish pull toy. and we actually haveto build this thing and i’m horribleat building things. and i think i mighthave some images here.

but we got to do this reallycool like manual how to use, how to– how it actuallyfunctions, what the materialsare made out of. and it was actuallyreally helpful, you know, because i was horriblein english. i was able to kind ofwrite out small little, you know, fragments of words. i was like, "i can do this. this is easy."

pulling, tug, wood, awesome. you don’t have to writelike an essay with pieces and like, "what is that, man? that’s weird." go do that at uc, youknow, different uc. but this was my language. this is my way of speakingto the people, you know, to speaking to kindof the outside world. and so– there it is.

look at that. don’t get excited. it’s pretty sweet. hold on. so this wasactually kind of fun or not, it was sort of fun. but we got to do a lotof exploration in kind of building these mockups. and before we got to kindof the finalized idea here, and this was what was i– whati presented as a final concept.

and it was amazing becausei put all this effort and bought into it. and during our presentation,i was supposed to perform or i was supposed to kind of show how this thingworks and everything broke. it was awesome. so i was like, "dude, can yougive me a paper and pencil, man. i don’t want buildstuff anymore." but it was a great learningexperience, you know,

because it showed me what ittook from going from paper, from research to paperto physical product. now, let’s zoom out here, soyou don’t see white paper. so i– what i eventually startedgetting into was i wanted to kind of expand myeducational experience. and so i got into cars becausewe have a car design program at arts center. and, you know, transportationdesign was always really interesting justbecause, you know,

you get to designa larger product. it wasn’t something small. it wasn’t handheld. and it was something thati can, you know, kind of, you can imagine yourself likebeing on this large vehicle. it almost was like yourpersonal spaceship, you know. so i did this for about a year. and i’ll just kindof scroll through. and a lot of what i learned

in doing transportationdesign was everything was about aesthetics. so it had a lot to dowith functionality, but it had a lot more to dowith the sculpture aspect, kind of the form building,understanding, you know, how to make things look sexy. that was it, likethat’s what i learned. i was like, "if yourcar doesn’t look sexy, don’t put it on the wall, man."

my teacher was so mean. and i’m sure thereare some teachers that are kind of mean here. but one time, he came in andwe had our work on the walls. and, you know, he kind of talkswith a really thick accent. he’s like, "oh john, you know,why your drawing of the car, that look like your face?" i was like, "whatdoes that mean?" that’s incredibly either reallynice or really offensive.

and then so he would justkeep going on and he was like, "you know, ok, you know,listen, your car looks cool, but you watch way toomuch animal planet, man." why your car look like fish?" and i was like, "dude,what is this? i came to express my ideas." and it was just like, you know,it was hard at first, you know, because you don’t– when youguys are presenting your ideas in class, there’s kind ofthis preciousness, right?

you’re like, "oh, it’s mine." and anytime anyonesays anything critical or constructive,you’re like, "fu. don’t touch or talkabout my stuff." but there’s something tobe learned because it– like it wasn’t, youknow, only your opinion, it was about what other people,how other people perceived it. and that’s what ilearned in this process. it wasn’t about howcool i thought it was.

it was about whatit communicated and how it translated. so it’s a lot of cars. and eventually, i stepped out ofthe car realm, and i was like, "i want to do animation. that’s awesome." pixar is my dream. and so we had anassignment where we had to– we got the chance to design.

we designed shrek. and this was all acharacter-based project. but i used a lot of similarprinciples that i learned in product design andtransportation design. so the product design aspect, ilearned about research, right? and what’s the purpose,why am i doing this? and so i came up withthis idea that, you know, shrek can essentiallybe based off of rock, paper, and scissors.

and his character wasmore– a metaphor of a rock. and donkey was more ofa metaphor of paper. and puss in boots was more ofa metaphor of scissors, right? very swift, very agile. and using all that ilearned, what i encompassed in those two years were–yeah, in the two majors. i basically translated intodoing these character designs and it was a very interesting,very interesting experience, and very interestingdesign process.

and because it kindof– i wasn’t just– i didn’t feel like i wasrandomly doing things. i felt like i had a conceptand i had a purpose, right? so we have our ideasand we have a reason for why we’re generatingthese ideas. and i just put more purpose for why we’re designingthese things. so here are some ideas. so this is princecharming, right.

and my concept for this–because if you guys remember– have you guys– many ofyou guys watched shrek? all right, kind of weird movie. but there’s a characternamed prince charming. he’s kind of weird. he’s a little low iq, right? he praises his mom,the fairy godmother. well, my idea was he– itsays– it’s always his birthday, and the fairy godmother isactually a hat that sits

on top of his head, right? so she’s basically thebrains of the operation, but to him it’s like,"party time. hey, guys, what’s up? where’s my castle?" you know, so that’s kind ofhis whole like personality, and i wanted to show thatjust in the expressions, and the development ofthe character design. and so that was kind of myapproach with this kind of work.

so i’ll continue on. i think i have like150 slides here. so i’m just goingto scroll through. so we definitely want to getin to some, you know, q&a. and eventually, you know, i–as i continued to exercise, you know, some ofthe foundations, some of the things i learnedin, you know, other majors, i started to see thevalue in foundation. i started to see the value

in all the boring assignmentsmy teachers made me do, you know, like perspective. like who loves perspective here? really? if you raise your hand,i will give you a high five. you are lying. you are such a liar. no, but, you know, perspectivewas one of those things where i’m like, "whyare we doing this, man?" it’s like the driest thingin the world, you know,

or even like arthistory like, "who– why? who wants to do that?" you know, i don’t want tolearn about the history of art, but it was– it came to a pointwhere, you know, i really felt like it was my parents tellingme something and i didn’t want to listen to them until ithappens, and you’re like, "oh, that’s why we learn it. that’s cool." that’s what i felt like.

that’s what i feltschool was like, you know. and the instructors are justbasically a different form of our parents, trying to teachus these lessons, and we’re just like constantly trying to ignorethem and go against them, right? so– but again, it was such aliberating experience because, you know, once some ofthose things clicked, i soon realized– yeah, i’m justgoing to go this full screen because this don’treally matter. wait. where are we?

full screen. see, we know howto use computers. so we– oh, you know, so i basically use thesame principles in a lot of the ossuaries[phonetic] you see up here. and what you guys will seeis just a different variety of designs, differentvariety of themes, concepts, and things like that. but the more of what i’mtrying to say is, you know,

behind every drawing is a– behind every drawing isa really clear concept, and behind every great designis a really clear purpose. i just made that up. does it sound pretty cool? i was thinking, i’m like, "ihope i don’t eff this up." we– so i guess, you know, i’m going to show youguys some of the slides. i’m going go a little fasthere so that james and i,

we can open up to q&a. so you see a lot of robots. and eventually i startedkind of working my way up. so you kind of see thegrowing pains, right? i kind of went fromproduct design to cars, and then i finally got,you know, the confidence. i was like, "i’m goingto do an environment." and i was like, "oh, geez. that’s a lot stuff, you know."

so i was like, you know,ans everything for me in art and in design andeducation in general, it’s a learning process, right? it’s to take thingsone step at a time. and if you guys ever feel likeoverwhelmed by a big idea, just try to make it simplified,try to take smaller steps, you know, try to tackleyour ideas, and, you know, more efficiently andmore effectively, and so that we can conquersmaller pieces rather

than trying to conquersomething big. so that concludesmy presentation. thank you. cool. so open q&a. now, it’s your turn to present. we don’t want to talk, ok? yes. like they go, "oh,this is my son john. he does graphic design." i’m like, "no, i don’t."

i don’t do that. you know, actually– ok. true story, i’m not making this up because i know it’sfunny and, you know, me and james are crackingreally lame jokes. but, you know, ata certain point, if you continue workinghard and doing what you do, you’ll eventuallyget successful, you’ll get good at it, right?

it’s inevitable, right? so at the age of 21 orno 22, i think that’s when i first metjames and he got me into kind of the career aspect. and i got– i felt like i hitmy creative or my success point at the age of like 23because i was making– i think i made likemy first $100,000. i was like, "dude,that’s baller. i’m going to buy a car.

be where i want tobe like, what?" but at that point my dad–because he knew i was in art, but he sat me down and we’reeating, he was like, "john, i don’t understandwhat do you do? what are you doing?" i was like, "what areyou talking about? i’m just eating my rice." and he was like awkwardlysitting there like, "what do you do?

i don’t get it." and i was like, "is that likea trick question or is that– or are you like genuinelyasking?" and that’s– i think that wasthe first time my parents were genuinely interested orcurious in what i was doing, because before that, iwas a graphic designer for a long time. yeah. so i told them i waslike, "i work in movies, dad." he was like, "but–well, i don’t understand.

you’re not drawing. i don’t see your drawingsin the movies, john." >> john. >> "don’t do that, john. i don’t see the drawingin the movies." the movies have a cg,and you don’t draw cg." and he was like,"what are you doing?" and so he– i thinkhe thought i was a– he thought concept artistwas like con artist.

he’s like, "no, you’recon artist. what is that?" i was like, "dude,that’s– was my stuff, man." so i have to explain to him. and it was educating my parentsand just like how, you know, this industry is so new. and what james was saying, rightnow is the time where business and art is really kindof joining teams per se. they’re starting tounderstand one another.

because concept design like,who knows what that is? no one knows what that is. everyone knows what adoctor is, lawyer, you know. if i say to my familyrelatives, i’m like, "i’m a concept designer." they’re like, "what? i don’t get it, whatever." you know? and so– yeah,that’s how it came out. yeah. james?

>> oh man. well, my biggest [inaudible] with my parents is actuallyhow do i get into arts school, you know, how can i majoran art or something. and i remember that being a– it was a negotiation of let meapply to arts school one time and if i don’t get in,i will work for you for the rest of my life. that’s literallywhat i told my dad.

>> well– >> you know, to basicallywork for him in the summer. and he used to have this likesmall business and it’s– i hated working there. so he knew that i wasserious if i kind of put that ultimatum out there. but even now, i think my parentsstill think i do animation. yeah. they go, "oh– " >> that’s pretty good.

>> they think, "oh yeah,he works on cartoons." and like now, wellmaybe 2%, you know. but– because effectivelywhat we do as a job is that we’re sort ofa problem solver, we’re like a visualproblem solver. and so whether we workin film, video games, and we cross-pollinate ourindustries all the time, i work in film, heworks in games, and we do it all the time,we bounce back and forth.

but we also get to work in coolthings like restaurant design. i used to work for– weactually did a lot of stuff for sbe few years back, and wedid the sls hotel, the bazaar, and we’re designing andworking with philippe starck for the interior guysthat might know him. but, you know, this realm ofconcept that really helps, kind of just be a problemsolver for everything. and i try to tell that to myparents, they’re like, "oh." they– it’s justnot there, you know.

especially, you know, i don’tknow if any of you guys– the older generation just didn’treally know art, they’re like, "you’re going to starve. and you’re going topaint by the beach. and you’re going to sellthem next to everyone else, and you’re going to starve. and i was like, "no, old man. if it is, then i will. i don’t know."

but, you know that’s kind of–i wanted to explore that realm, you know, so yeah, but– >> the best was a– i have areally good friend of mine. he is a car designerfor mercedes-benz. and that’s like a huge thing. i’m like, "dude." every time i seea car, i’m like, "dude, did you design that?" he was like, "no, man.

just stop. i design– i do theheadlights, seriously." [ laughter ] but he’s– it soundsreally impressive, and it is impressive. and what he does, hedoes really good at it. but again, going back tothe statement like how do– how does the outside worldperceive us, because we’re kind of a rare, weird breedof people, right?

so for the longesttime, his parents and his friends wouldcome up and be like, "ok, george [assumed spelling]–"his name is george. so george, if you seethis, i’m sorry, man. so his name is george and hewas like, "george, you know– hey man, i know you’re in cars, do you think i canget a discount?" he was like, "what areyou talking about?" he’s like, "yeah, youwork at mercedes right?

what dealership do you work at?" he’s like, "no man,i design that." and he was like, "no,no, seriously man, he’s like, "no, no, no. i design the cars." he’s like, "why? what are you talking about? they just make them." so again, like thatjust shows a lot

of people don’t knowthis industry. a lot of people don’t knowthe industry of design, right? it’s still a new thing. >> yeah. >> and so, you know, i’m sureyou guys deal with that too, you know, and you guysare going to deal with it, continue to deal withit on a regular basis. but i guess, i guesswhat it comes down to is design iseverywhere, you know,

from like the water bottlesto fashion, you know, to the interface on yourcomputer, to video games, to facebook games, you know. who plays puzzles & dragons? yeah. you raise those hands,stop– don’t– come on. i see one. ok, you’re being honest, everyone else, youguys are lying. you guys play that.

but, you know, games like that,it requires a lot of design, it requires a lotof problem solving. and, you know, design hasmany different phases, right? and so i guess that’skind of what we, you know, we all kind of arein the same hub, we just have differentways of expressing it. >> now, i guess howthis pop culture, the things that are currentlyout really affect how we design. and so being aware of what’s outis absolutely super important.

and, you know, you’llget different feedback from different designersand artists, but for me, i need to know what’s out there,so i can effectively know how to design new and uniquethings even though it’s– even if it’s kind a fillingwithin the cracks, you know. if you have a– now, weall remember when lord of the rings came out about 10years ago, maybe almost close to 15 now, 2002 maybe. but it was a thing

that catapulted fantasymovies, right? after that, there wasjust fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, fantasy, fantasy. avatar comes out sci-fi, sci-fi,sci-fi, sci-fi, sci-fi, right? so there is a trend toall this, and being aware of the trend is actuallyvery good, but know that it canpull you in, right? one thing that iremember from arts school, from one art teacher

in particular is what yousee, comes out, right? whether you know it or not,everything that you observed with your eye comes outin a way of a design. and so some of the theoriesand process that john and i have been taught andutilized within our job is how to come up with creation, how to come up withvariation that’s unique, that still feels cool, butdoesn’t hit all that, you know, pop culture, sort of marksthat they already have.

yeah. >> yeah, what james said. yeah, i mean, you know, the outside world has alot of influence, right? in what we– the way we thinkthe way we react to things. you know, it’s likeflavor of the week, right? if something cameout, you’re like, "oh my god, justin bieber." there’s justin bieberfans out there, beliebers.

but, you know, you’re likejust shaking your head, you’re like [inaudible]. but it’s very– whatdo you call it? it’s very a– i want to saylike infectious, i don’t know, like it kind of like it lingerseven though you don’t want it to affect your work it does. so what’s interesting isit’s kind of like trying to think outside of the box. and when teacher say, "thinkoutside of the box" we’re like,

"what do you mean, man? like you keep saying that." but really, it’slike think outside of what everyone else sees. and i think that’swhat hit home for me. so i sort of– i do stillpay attention to the movies, the games, you know, theproducts that are out there, the new apple laptops, and allthat stuff, but i really try to pay attention to things thataren’t in the norm, you know,

weird plants that i’ve seen, youknow, i try to like really look at it beyond justthe image and try to let it influencemy thought process. and i know it sounds reallyartsy-fartsy when i say, "let it influence you,let it inspire you." but really, let it kind of seelike try to challenge yourself to see if you can come up witha really unique idea not based on something that’s genericor based on something that everyone else sees.

here’s an example. so i’m asian, right? i mean, james are asian. and asian people have a wayof organizing their homes and especially ourparents, they’re called– known as this thingcalled pack rats, right? so they like to saveeverything just because they think world wariii is coming, people are going to die and, you know,they just keep everything,

i don’t know why, from the 1967newspapers all the way to now. i don’t know why. it’s disgusting. but i was like, "thisis disgusting. it’s visually upsetting thatmy parents keep all this old stuff." the only time they cameuseful was when i had to actually design aninterior based on kind of a chinese or asian apartment.

and i was like, "that’s easy." right? but no one else in thedesign team knew how to do that. that’s because i’m asian, right? i was like, i owned it. i was like, "i caneffing do this. this is easy. so let me show you howto do it right, you know, put the fans here, the slippers,the box of ramen, you know." it’s like utilize your space,

your bed is essentiallyyour table, right? you know, you hang your clothingstrategically so that the sun, when it comes at a certainhour, it’s drying your clothing, but also, it blocks the sun out. you know what i’m saying? so like who can thinkof that but me? and so– and whenthe director saw that he was like, "oh my god. i feel like this is real.

i feel like you’ve been there." and i’m like, "i don’t know. it’s just– maybe. it just came out of me." and by the way, do yousee what i’m saying? it’s like instead of likegoing on google and looking up like asian apartmentbecause you’re going to get some like bunch of generic things. i was just like,"what do i have–

what does my parents’house look like?" you know, and i’m looking at itlike, "oh, there’s random stuff. there’s an old toy thatrolls, there’s coupons." and i’m like, "why? coupons, they’ve expired 10years ago, but they’re there." and you throw– youwant to throw them out like, "no, no, no, no, no. we could use forsomething else." use for what?

for fire, i mean, or for likedoor stoppers, for random stuff. but that’s what i mean, that’slike owning your creativity, and that’s thinkingoutside the box. >> yeah, no, i totallyagree with john. that’s so funny. >> yeah. so basically, weall use photoshop pretty much as our main tool sourcefor what we do everyday. and, you know, photoshopis a really powerful tool. so it’s sort of like aweapon of choice, you know,

it can definitely be cateredtowards whatever it needs. you know, photographers,concept artist, digital painters will alluse photoshop a little bit differently. but, you know, partof the thing that– it’s almost counterintuitivea little bit about doing digital painting,but one of the best ways to practice is actually justbeing a really good drawer, because photoshop is actuallya little bit wild, you know.

it is such a powerful tool that really quickly itcan kind of overpower you. but having thosetraditional skills is one of the best things to do. you know, also, within our– you know, we also reallylove digital painting, and so we were one of the kindof generation at art center that actually created orembedded digital painting into our curriculum, you know,

actually into ourassignments where– we’d actually get in trouble forit, you know, they’d be, "hey, bring in an acrylic painting." but we’ll bring somethingdigital. and they go like,you know, failing us or doing all sorts of stuff. but, you know, we’re tryingto learn something new. it was actually very kindof forefront, pioneering. it was really fun.

but to learn it traditionallyis one of the best techniques. so yeah. >> there’s so muchstuff on youtube. like if i were to– theamount of resources that are on youtube now is insane,like i would probably, and not to discourageanyone here, i probably wouldn’thave gone to school. because there’s somuch stuff out there. it’s crazy.

like the other day i was like,"how do i make scrambled egg?" like i know how to make it, youknow, but how do you make it like restaurant style. but– aand i saw avideo, i was like, "damn, that’s how you make it, dude. that was awesome." but to your point, there’s alot of tutorials, there’s a lot of like, you know, how torender shapes, you know, photoshop introductions.

if you’re looking for formsspecifically on facebook, there’s like digitalspit painting or speed painting, right? there’s all these groups thatare kind of sharing and there’s like a community, right? because i feel likeart is the only– i feel like it’s like oneof the only industries where everyone generallylikes to network and socialize, you know.

and so some of theother industries like they’re a little bit moresegregated in most instances, but sharing is a huge thing. and you– there’s a lotof resources out there that will show you that. yeah. that’s a reallygood question. so what’s our process whenwe get into an image, right? or designing our concept– >> when you got anew assignment.

>> ok, new assignment. so first thing i do is, whatis it that i have to draw? i start with a very, verysimple question, you know. and i break that questionnow into like three or four keywords, right? so a lot of times i’ll get anassignment like, "oh hey, john, i want you to design like somesci-fi robot, blah, blah, blah, and he has machine guns." so i’ll think, ok, robot,machine guns and piece

from the future, right? those are kind of the keywords. and based on that, i’ll actuallydo some research that will kind of be under the category ofthose keywords, because for me, you know, one thing that i learned was wehave a visual library, a visual memory bank thatwe cycled through naturally, but one thing you don’t wantto do is go to that first because you’re going to getreally, really generic ideas.

and it happens toall of us, right? you know, when you guysare doing product designs or interior designs,you’re like, "i’ve seen that at bj’s[phonetic], whatever." or "that looks just likemy apple laptop, whatever." and it’s naturally happens because you’re constantly seeingit and it’s in your brain. what you want to do is youwant to kind of sort that out, kind of look at it,reinterpret it, and then kind

of start sketchingyour ideas out. and then from sketching yougo into, you know, value black and white, and thenwe go into color. but the essentialthings is breaking down what it is yourgoals are, your keywords, and doing your research atleast for me, i don’t know. >> it’s kind of interestingbecause john’s background within product design. since i’ve known johnfor quite a while,

we’ve worked together a lot. and so we get to sort of understand the differentdisciplines of product design and illustration,it’s like, "oh wow. you guys think about thatfirst and this first?" but it’s really interestingbecause the process, it always starts fromresearch, you know, trying to understand what it is. my illustration backgroundis sort of gears me to think

about the emotionalaspects a little bit first. you know i think, oh, like goingoff of his robot gun future guy, it’s like, "oh, it’s mysterious. it’s supposed to bevery frightening." so it kind of gives me aoverall tone or like a color or even a camera angle of howto kind of capture that image. and then i kind of go back intowhat john does about thinking about the function and theforms and that sort of thing. so i kind of go slightlyreversed, you know,

but we kind of endup at the same point. it’s like start with yourright foot or start walking with your left foot doesn’treally matter, you know, you get to the finish point ofthe design at the end of it. so yeah, process is process. your own process, that’s what ithink is art, is what, you know, you create your ownway of doing it because it’s personalto you, you know. wow. that’s a reallyinteresting question,

because that actuallytouches point on how concept artis actually expanding out of its initial tear of justdesigning for entertainment. so– and to kind of answeryour question, first is yeah, we get to work on alot of cool titles, but a lot of them are thedark, are the post-apocalyptic, you know, take over theworld and die and, you know, that sort of thing, becausethat’s what needs a lot of unique design a lot ofthe time within the industry.

>> but, you know, when westart doing personal work and we start getting other workthat’s outside of, you know, the conceptual designrealm, maybe theme parks, maybe doing hoteldesign, maybe trying to do an interactive spacefor kids and education, that’s really starts topumped it up a bit, you know. and we have a friend whodesigns a lot of military stuff for maybe movies like elysiumand district 9 and even chappie. but, you know, this artist, hedesigns a lot of stuff that’s

within that realmilitaristic sensibility, but he actually getshired by the military– >> — to actually design someof the stuff, because he is such a– he actually hasproduct design background with this conceptual designexpertise and he’s able to design it for movies, andthey’re like, "oh my god, we need him for the military." so i haven’t really done that’ssort of stuff, but he, you know, we definitely know that kindof cross-pollinates, but yeah,

for me personally, yeah, ihaven’t really done anything that actually gets builtto like do stuff like that. it’s all imaginativedigital, but yeah. how about you, john? >> that’s– yeah,that’s kind of weird. that’s tough, because, youknow, they’re like, "hey, john, i’d like to hire to designthe new air 15, 3000k blaster. it has a, you know,shooting radius of 3000 bullets per second."

you’re like, "oh my god. i’m designing the weapon ofmass destruction, you know." >> so it’s like– there’sa fine line and i think– i really think it’s up to youas an individual, you know. i’m– we’re in conceptdesign, so we think of messed up stuff all the time, you know,like i going to do stuff for– when i worked for godzillai was like, "oh, yeah. dude, that’s awesome." 9/11. yeah, 9/11.

let’s look at 9/11 stuff." that’s such a sensitivetime because, man, so many people died and– >> — you know, like we have–i’m sure we have families and friends that wereinvolved with that, but as a concept designer, a part of me couldn’thelp but get excited. i was like, "lookat those structures. holy, look at those buildings."

and it’s kind of messed up. you’re like, "oh, i shouldn’tbe excited about this." but a part of you, you’re likeyou kind of need to embrace that chaos and, you know, letit be controlled chaos, right? but in terms of like future,like if you guys are designing like architectural things thatare a little bit more positive, i love looking at, youknow, frank gehry buildings, calatrava, and those are thingsthat are physically made, but i like to kind of lookbeyond that, like we know.

because as a conceptdesigner, you’re not bound by physical structures, you’re–you can kind of put like, well, there’s a watermelon towerjust because it’s made of watermelons, you know. so you can kind of go reallywacky with those ideas and kind of define your ownform language, right? your own structurelanguage, your own material, and kind of do whateveryou– do whatever you wish. but yeah, that’s areally good question.

thank you for asking that. yeah. i got hired todo a monster movie. and it was kind of like– i wantto see more like freddy krueger, like it was horror movie with–it was like a horror gore movie. and i was like, "oh, i neverdone anything like that. that’s pretty awesome." but that’s kind ofout of my comfort zone because the first thing iresearched was like gore, and you get like, you know,

amputated limbs andi was like, "no!" i was like, "oh my god! my eyes!" and i couldn’t handleit, so i got fired on the job because my ideaswere so generic. because i couldn’tembrace that side, like– it was just not in me. and i know guys thatlike they get so fascinated bylike, "oh my god. i found this, like,really cool scab.

do look at the scab, bro." and i took photos if it. look at the textures. they think that way. their moral compass islike, kind of upside down and 360 degrees, it’s kind ofweird, but they think that way. and they kind of utilize that. but for me, it kind of workagainst me because i’m not– i’m kind of like, i getlike, "oh, that’s nasty."

it’s like, "i can’t do it." you know? so i guess thatwas the only time for me, personally, it workedagainst me. >> oh, well, i don’t really gettoo gross out by that stuff, but i have a buddy who– garret morans [assumed spelling]who’s a really awesome creature designer, an alienkind of creature guy that works in the film industry. but he– his reference libraryis gross, it is so nasty.

it’s kind of [inaudible], man. yeah. so i said tomyself sometimes, but it’s, "oh my god." it’s like weird photos, man. >> it’s some weird conditions– >> there’s a lots of genitalia,like some weird stuff and– >> yeah. anyway, next question. when i was talking about whenkind of economy went down and i got the studio kind ofswept out under me, i was really

in the position to try togo into the freelance realm which was always alittle tingling thought, but i was always scaredto do it, you know, just kind of quityour job and go out to like this territory was littlefrightening, so i just– what i worked at,at the passion part of it all was the driving force. and so i really workedhard to try to get a projectthat was substantial.

and i was luckily able tokind of work with robh ruppel, if you guys know he is. he is the art director at acompany called naughty dog, and they make games likeuncharted and the last of us, and they are a huge,huge company that makes– well, they are not a hugecompany, they’re a game company that makes really,really awesome games. and working with robh atuncharted, he’s a guy that had about 15 years of disneyexperience of storytelling,

animation, and visualdevelopment prior to going to naughty dog, so working with him was a tremendouslearning experience. it was ridiculously awesome. and it was to a point where–if you guys remember back to, maybe your most influentialteacher, i think that’s probably thebest parallel that i can put it in is someone that guides you,inspires you, he knows how to kick you in the butt,but always make you smile

at the end of the day, you know. and that’s what thisart director was. and it wasn’t reallythe project. it was actually theexperience of the project. so that was really,really inspiring work with a really awesome team, andthe camaraderie that’s build in the art department is–it’s like brotherhood, it’s like being outon the trenches, you know, it’s having a family.

it’s really, really awesome. >> oh, man, that’sa good question. i would say the biggest project or the project i’m mostpassionate about right now, i got lucky, i got called by a production designer namedben procter and dylan cole, and they’re currently developingavatar with james cameron. so i’ve been on that for abouta year and i was like, "what?" but, you know, like in termsof like my bucket list,

i was like, "oh my god. i got to work with the guy thatcreated aliens– — titanic." but what’s even more awesomeis the amount of like hard work that the level ofexpectation, you know, how far they push design and howanalytical they are in the team. my supervisors, benprocter and dylan cole, they’re like incredibledesigners. and i think, as artists, asmuch as we like to kind of cling on to the idea oflike, "oh my god.

i wish i can do this or ican design the next cool architectural building or ican make this amazing product." but i think it’s really aboutthe culture of their team, really about theculture of the studio that you actuallyget involved with. and i find that that wasthe most exciting for me and it’s still very exciting. and it kind of getsme up in the morning. i’m like, "dude, i want to go towork and i want to learn this."

i suck at this, so i’m going toask them how i can get better. and it’s like– i feellike when you leave school, you feel like, "ok. i’m done with art." right? "i’m a professionaland i’m working in the field." it’s actually theother way around. you go to school to kind oflearn the basics and when you’re out of school, now you’reactually doing the real learning, getting thehardcore learning,

the things that are goingto demand you and push you to such high limits that younever thought you would have dealt with, you know. and i find that sort of likeit’s just a really great experience to have. any other questions? yes. yeah. so like, for– i guess oneexample i can give is i just came from a meetingwith james cameron

and we would do theseblue sky concepts, and basically it’sjust ideas, right? it’s our visual opinions. and he look at those images andhe’ll be like, "that is awesome. i want that in my– inthis section of the movie." and you’re like, "really?" like, "oh, dude,that’s awesome." so it’s such great part, it’s such a great collaborativeexperience because your designs,

your opinions, your visualexplorations get translated, it gets passed off to thenext guy that can make it into something amazing. and that person fabricates it into something evenmore amazing. and it becomes likethis real life products, whether it’s a movie or like ahandheld object or a video game that you’re interacting with. i think that’s theprocess that’s just

like when you see it,you’re like, "holy cow, dude, that’s amazing." you know. so as aconcept designer, we help inspire that process. >> and i think one real kindof easy way to put it is, whether it’s a film, a videogame, maybe a book cover or whatever it is, think ofthat being a house, right? and so you’re going tohave two major phases when you design a house.

you need an architect and youneed a construction crew, right? we’re pretty muchthe architects. we’re the people thatsort of get a base idea. ok. the director oryour art director says, "i need a house that’sthree bedrooms." so you kind of get theidea, general directive. you go, "cool. i’m going to designing a reallyawesome three-bedroom house. it’s going to have this,that, and this, that."

and you kind of gauge what theylike, what their taste are, look at their shoes and go, "ok. you wear sneakers all the time. you must like going outand doing active stuffs. so i’m going to make thishouse full of active equipment, you know, outdoor things." so all these ideas startto come up based off of that one little directive of creating a three-bedroomhouse, you know.

so that architect, the conceptartist are just stirring up ideas, you know,creating drawings and communicate it back to them. "is this what youwant it to look like? is that what youwant to look like?" and they go, "yes." and that’s– that part islike really, really rewarding, and then you see it go intothe construction, right? you see it go into 3d.

you see it go into animation. you see physical sets get built. you get– you see green screenanimation sets being built. so depending on what youdo, you’ll get a couple of different constructionprocess or different ways to construct it, butthere’s always a designer in the front end that’s justcoming up with these ideas and translating them, you know, so that people canunderstand it, you know.

one thing that’s– and certainis, a huge movie like lord of the rings that hassuch crazy fantasy. how did someone or ateam of people designed that huge universe so thatwe can all understand it? so that the hobbit land, youknow, the mordor tower, the– i don’t know, somethingelse region. why do they all look differentand how can you recognize them? because people designed it out. you know, they thoughtabout these things.

and that’s what aconcept design is. >> i don’t know. >> you want to go first? >> well, actually, i guess iwould love to get into toys. you know, growingup i loved legos. and i love the– i guess i wasin generation ninja turtles, you know, that’s my jam. but i love physical toys, youknow, because it’s something– it’s so inspiring becauseas a kid i remember like,

just looking and iwas like, "oh my god. and this table topbecame a building." and like as a kid,i was so inspired. so that– that would be onething on my bucket list, i’d love to crossor check, you know. here’s a question i liketo kind of ask you guys. outside of school, curiosityabout concept design, do you guys have any questionsregarding kind of the– your career path, your industry,you know, like financial things,

freelancing, things like that. james? >> you know– let’s see here. within a studentportfolio, you get– and any type of portfoliothat’s getting into a studio or in front of an artdirector, you get to see a lot of similar type of work, andstyle can definitely be one of those things that canhelp you be promoted, right? be a little bit more visibleand– to the rest of the bunch.

but they can alsoslightly backfire because if the styleis not applicable to a certain projectstyle, right? so one thing that, you know,and john and i, we really try to help studentscater their portfolios for maximum effectiveness. and so we actually requirestudents to actually come up with many different styles,because a style isn’t yours, because we’re not an artist,we’re a concept designer.

we’re providing a service, we’re providing adesign for other people. it’s not about us. we do our own personal work allthe time, that’s art for us, but we have to make sure thatwe do this for our client. and so keeping that inmind that, you know, his shrek concepts, you know,may be not work for the guys that do angry birds, you know. it’s not that the style is bad,

but it just mightnot be fitting. so that’s maybe one thingthat i would keep in mind. and that kind of goes backto research, you know, going back to who’slooking at your portfolio, who is the company or whatkind of projects do they work on to kind of give you that– none of my stuff will everpass phase one at pixar. it’s just not thelanguage that they want. they might like it,but it’s just,

"we don’t want toscare our fans." you know, "we don’twant to scare our kids." right? so– — it might be different. >> i got a pretty good analogy. ok. think of yourportfolio, your body of work like a restaurant, right? and everyone here,we all love food. i love food.

i’m hungry as hell. but when you go to a buffet,are you guys specific? or do you go to abuffet and you’re like, "i’m going to eateverything that’s here, fried rice, freaking pizza." it just doesn’t make any sense. it’s all over the place, right? so you can almost relatestyle to that like– so if a client or a studio islooking at your body of work,

they want to get the impressionof like what kind of palate or what kind of tastedo you have? are you a sushi restaurant orare you an italian restaurant? metaphorically speaking, right? so, you know, try to reallydefine what it is and own it. you want to really own it. so me and james, we’re inthe realm of like realism. so a lot of work that we’reinvolved with is very realistic, you know, hyper-realisticgames, hyper-realistic films,

not necessarily in the realmof pixar or anything like that, it just mainly because we kind of enjoy the realistickind of aesthetic. so yeah, we’re thatkind of restaurant. we’re the realistic restaurant. but, you know, we dowell and we thrive on it and we try to own it. and so that would be mysuggestion to any of you guys about style, you know,

try to really define whatit is that you’re on for. >> well, before i– and we liketo always start with analogies. we always love analogies. before you get into thecar, you need to know where you got to go, right? ok. so that’s forme and hopefully all of you that’s here, right? but in turn withyour career, right, your art is yourvehicle, you know.

you just kind of need to knowwhere you want to end up. and it doesn’t haveto be, you know, "in 10 years i’m goingto end up in tokyo." and you’re going to have topath years and years and years and years of trail to get there or you can just make reallysmall circles, you know. "in the next three months, i want to really do anawesome pencil rendering." you know, "after that, maybei’ll take a pencil rendering

and do a cg model of it. i’ll light it." and you can actually doyour whole thing by yourself as to show in your portfolio that you have a widerange of skills. but that will allow you toknow where you want to go. some– similar tojohn, he had to go through product design trendsand all these other stuff to know that, ding, "i’mgoing to go the other way."

ding, "i’m going togo the other way." and it sort of formulatedinto his path, right? and i would say that in someways you might not have had a direction, but you knew that your direction wasto find a direction. >> right? so even if you’renot looking behind you, you know that 50% of what you– is around you, youcan focus on, right? so if you’re bouncing aroundfrom lighting to texturing

to mapping or, you know, allthat other kind of stuff, give it a shot, butdiligence shot, you know. notice that john also put in acouple of years into it to know that he didn’t want to do it. it wasn’t like twodays, two weeks, two months, literally two years. that’s dedication. but i think that’sone of the best ways. just give yourself a target.

you know a lot of traitsthat could probably help you, you know, hop skipand jump there faster. >> yeah, i mean like, i guess, if i were to just be reallystraightforward with you, right? and what’s the first step? i mean, it’s notbe like supervisor. i would say it’s kind of like,you know, what’s the thing that makes you want toget into a game studio? you know, what do you feelcomfortable contributing to,

you know? and basically try to nail thatdown and let that be the basis of getting your footwet, and just kind of start from there, you know. because i can’t tell you, "hey, in five years you’regoing like this. in 10 years, you’re going to probably eventuallydo this, you know." everyone’s different andi think what everyone–

what we all need to figureout is it’s a process. like– just likewhen i started out, i thought i was goingto do product design. it wasn’t for me, but ilearned a lot, you know. and i felt like my life waslike a bowling alley, you know. i know i’m going to hit thosepins, but i’m just going to like bing, bing,bing, bing, bing. i’m like, "god dammit,i suck dude." and i’m just like hitting it,

but i know i’m goingforward, right? and there was thisreally cheesy, cheesy quote that i heard. it’s like, "no matterwhat, even if you fail, you know that you’refailing forward." right? it’s like– noweveryone is like, "oh man, that’s so like now everyone’slike, "oh, man that’s– >> ohhhh. >> — that’s pretty–

but you know what i mean? so it’s like, youknow, no matter– even if you didn’t find yourniche or what you wanted to do, at least you know, you have abetter idea what to do next, you know, kind of cheesy,i know you’re like, "it’s not the best advice." but it’s something that iwould say simplify your goals, i mean my long-term goal, i want to be a millionairefor sure, you know.

just like you guys. but first off, i want tomake sure i can make– how do i make $10in a day, you know. if i can make 10 bucks,how do i make 20 bucks? how do i make $100, you know? and i even treatedfreelance like that, like what james taught me isdon’t shoot for the big goals. try to make sure you canhit the small milestones because that would teach mealong the way how to manage

and really know what i cantake on and most importantly if i really like it, so– yeah. it’s kind of like, you know, we’re getting draftedfor the nba, right? i mean not all ofus are kobe bryant. i wasn’t. i didn’t come outlike, "yeah, i’m like 18 and i would slam dunk." i was more like the5 foot 3 guy who– it’s like, "you are just goingto be a benchwarmer, man."

but i was a good benchwarmer. i kept that thing warm. no, i’m just kidding. but, you know, my firstjob it wasn’t like– because i wantedto go to blizzard. that was my ideal place. i was like, "i love blizzard. i love starcraft. it is my life.

i’m asian. it’s in my blood. i’m going to do it,you know, starcraft. that’s me." but i didn’t get in. but i didn’t want it tostop me from continuing on. and i was like, "ok, fine. what’s the alternative?" and i think that’s what led meto understanding it better was

that alternative, becauseit wasn’t there, it wasn’t– i wasn’t ready for it yet. so i seek an alternative. and the alternative was like a third party smallvideo game company, right? and they do really bad stuff. but it was a chance for me tokind of learn, under their dime. they’re paying me. they hired me.

they trusted me. and for me to kind of testout my skills, you know, what i learned in college. and eventually when i was readyto leave that bird’s nest, i went to anothernest, you know. and it was, for me, it wasjust like a stepping stone. and, you know, like gettingout, yeah, i had big dreams. i totally want todo this and that." and, you know, ididn’t think i’d be able

to work with james cameron. i mean, i’m not likeflaunting, but, you know, like that wouldn’t– that goal– that ought to beway too big for me. i’m like, "what? no way. dude, get out of here. come on, let’s keepit real, man." you know? but like along theway, i was like, "oh wow. there’s opportunities."

you know? but i had tojust be as, you know, as farsighted aswe like to seem. you have to make sure you canhit those short-sided goals and hit them effectivelyand just rock it, you know. so yeah. james. >> think about– you justthink about game companies. i want you guys tokind of understand is that they all started off inpeople’s garages, you know. all these big companies,naughty dog, you know,

spark, what else is there? even the guys infinity ward, allof them, they started with guys that just were like, "hey, let’smake something fun and cool." you know? just probablylike how you guys talk when you’re in the cafeteria. "hey let’s draw some today." you know? and that– becauseall of these places were started with such grassroots, they’reall very, very different. and no one game company–

and i’ve been able tofortunately worked with, i don’t know, maybe 50different game studios, but they all run very,very differently. some of them are morepricing on their 3d guys. some of them are pricingon their concept guys. some are more, you know, "hey,let’s have a fun, vibrant, you know, happy-go-luckyenvironment." and others are, "ok. let’s get to work guys,let’s hit those milestones,

let’s make sure thatour publishers are happy and everything in between." so there is no one rule, whichis a beautiful thing, you know. and i promise you that there isan industry, there’s a company, there’s a studio tomatch your personality. and just like when iwas answering before, what’s my most, i guess, fun moment in design was itwas just the experience working with fun people.

everyone is goingtowards the same goal. it’s like centipedes, right? there’s 100 legs, but one legcan’t do it all, you know. it’s the team effort of people. and making sure that you getalong with your guys, you know, the people that you workwith is very important. yeah. so that wholecompany culture– game companies are fun, youknow, they’re really fun. segway scooters, man, you gotguns everywhere like airsofting

and ping pong, you know. and because they want to– ifyou have fun making something, it’s going to be afun product, you know. if you have fun designingit, it’s going to look fun when someone looks at it. so that’s the kindof the mentality. yeah. i think there’smay be time for maybe two morequestions, so. yeah, go ahead.

>> it was– yeah– >> everybody! like oprah, everyone’sgoing to be rich. they’re going to be rich. >> yeah. and do you– >> i mean don’t get mewrong my first job was– it wasn’t like amazing,you know. so i was making probably10, $15 an hour. but that was awesome.

i was like, "all right, sweet. go to internet twice this week. awesome, man." and then you start to kind of,you know, get more experience. and, you know, the moneydoes flow in, you know. and there’s somethingthat i learned is, again, i’m full of likecheesy quotes today, but if you don’tchase the money, the money will eventuallychase you.

but that’s like a weirdasian saying, i heard it. it makes sense inasian language. >> i speak asian. >> i speak indian-americanlanguage. but it does. it’s like if you focuson what you want to do and your passions, you know, success will eventually findits way to you, you know. so yeah, i mean likemoney was a huge factor.

i was like, "oh damn. my friends, theyjust graduated ucla and they’re making like 65k. bastards." you know, i’m like, you’dget a check [inaudible]. and we go out to– wewent out to dinner and i’m like telling my ego, "oh." but i think financially, youknow, it was one of those things where it’s like, ok, as long asi’m happy and i can survive and,

you know, live thenext day, that’s good. because eventually, you know,like i think a half a year from that point, i wasable to get a salary bump because i switched jobs,you know, i was learning. i was learning. and just like whenyou learn, you know, financially that willgrow as well, you know. if you’re stuck ata studio and you like [noise] then you’relearning starts to plateau,

so does financially, itwill plateau as well. but if you’re ok withthat, then, you know, that’s what you should expect. but yeah, in the world ofart, if you’re hard working and you can be smart about it,you can actually be very, very– it can be very lucrative, right? >> james. >> right, james? >> well, i mean, here’s thething guys is with that–

i got a very latestart at art center. actually in college, i– yeah,i was excellerant, right? i was like the academicexcellerator [phonetic]. but– so i didn’tdo anything really after high schoolfor quite a bit. and i didn’t reallystart art center. i actually go intocollege until 21 maybe 22. so i graduated art centerwhen i was around 26. so very late start and i guesswithin the college terms,

but part of that was thati wasn’t ready, you know. i think if i went to thatschool when i was 18, i would have failed out. i would have gone kicked outno matter what, you know. and that also was thesaying that, you know, things come in time, right? and, you know, don’talways just see who’s out of the startingblocks first. it’s like who hits thefinish line, right?

so i think that’s definitely onething to kind of keep in mind. but, you know, youkind of use your head, use your smarts, you know. you have a skill thatpeople want and people need, and so there is definitelyawesome opportunities out there, awesome, awesome opportunities. >> that’s a good analogy. like there’s so many timeswhen i want to go back to middle school and i’m like,

"i’m going to be the best eighthgrader and be a valedictorian." i’m like, "damn,school is so easy." but it’s natural. as you graduate, you go throughthe process, you go back, you’re like, "those high schoolkids, you don’t know shit". like, "and you’recomplaining about life. like what are youtalking about, kids?" you know, but if i were togo back and redo high school, i would have gonelike a 3.0, you know.

it would have been– i would have been 1.0 higherthan what i’m usually used to. but that to me is like,"dude, that’s pretty good." and if you go backto middle school, i would have beena valedictorian. and i would have– yeah,just dropped it, you know, been a pretty awesomeweird, you know, almost 30-year-old livingamongst 13-year-old kids. but like– it goes to backto james’ point, you know,

like you guys havedifferent backgrounds, different life experience. some of you guysstarted school early. some of you guys started later. and it all has adifferent advantage. and i think justembrace it, you know, so. >> yeah. there’s no race. there’s no, you know, whogets their first wins. it’s all your own pace.

>> yeah. one more question– >> i guess, there willbe one more question. >> — i guess. well, interesting. here’s– the interestingthing is myself and john, we have this group of friends. and i’m pretty surelike we– i don’t– we haven’t talkedabout this formally. but there’s this group offriends that we are very kind

of like silentlycompetitive with each other. and it’s part like thatwithin your class, right? same thing happens when you’reout working all that stuff. but when john is doing someof his robots, i’m like, "goddamn, that is cool." >> and i’m like,"yeah, suck it, james." >> and i’m like, "dude, let me. i want to– dude, i needto learn this stuff. i want to get into it."

>> like, "no, you can’t dude." >> and then, you know, with character designers,environment. and it’s like thisthing that we kind of keep each otherinspired, you know. and in that downtime, we actually– and it’s kind of interestingbecause we also do a lot of teaching as we give eachother this mini assignments. like we’re giving each otherhomework, you know, like, "hey,

we got to do this todayand by this tomorrow." and, you know, westart learning. we just– osmosis, we startbouncing ideas off each other. and that’s what it is. it’s– we’re artist at heart. we don’t do this. we don’t do art for work. we’re artist by heart. and we end up doing artfor work by the way.

i think it’s a conceptof equation. we’ll still be doing creativethings no matter what, so. >> cool. well i guess thatwraps up the presentation. >> thanks, guys.

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european web design inspiration

in the great 1980s movie"the blues brothers," there’s a scene where john belushigoes to visit dan aykroyd in his apartment in chicago for the very first time. it’s a cramped, tiny space and it’s just three feet awayfrom the train tracks. as john sits on dan’s bed, a train goes rushing by, rattling everything in the room. john asks, "how often doesthat train go by?"

dan replies, "so often, you won’teven notice it." and then, something falls off the wall. we all know what he’s talking about. as human beings, we get usedto everyday things really fast. as a product designer,it’s my job to see those everyday things, to feel them, and tryto improve upon them. for example, see this piece of fruit? see this little sticker?

that sticker wasn’t therewhen i was a kid. but somewhere as the years passed, someone had the bright ideato put that sticker on the fruit. why? so it could be easier for us to check outat the grocery counter. well that’s great, we can get in and out ofthe store quickly. but now, there’s a new problem.

when we get home and we’re hungry and we see this ripe, juicy pieceof fruit on the counter, we just want to pick it upand eat it. except now, we have to lookfor this little sticker. and dig at it with our nails,damaging the flesh. then rolling up that sticker — you know what i mean. and then trying to flickit off your fingers. (applause)

it’s not fun, not at all. but something interesting happened. see the first time you did it,you probably felt those feelings. you just wanted to eat the piece of fruit. you felt upset. you just wanted to dive in. by the 10th time, you started to become less upset

and you just started peelingthe label off. by the 100th time,at least for me, i became numb to it. i simply picked up the piece of fruit, dug at it with my nails,tried to flick it off, and then wondered, "was there another sticker?" so why is that? why do we get used to everyday things?

well as human beings,we have limited brain power. and so our brains encode theeveryday things we do into habits so we can free up spaceto learn new things. it’s a process called habituation and it’s one of the most basic ways,as humans, we learn. now, habituation isn’t always bad. remember learning to drive? i sure do. your hands clenched at 10 and 2on the wheel,

looking at every singleobject out there — the cars, the lights, the pedestrians. it’s a nerve-wracking experience. so much so, that i couldn’t eventalk to anyone else in the car and i couldn’t even listen to music. but then something interesting happened. as the weeks went by,driving became easier and easier. you habituated it. it started to becomefun and second nature.

and then, you could talkto your friends again and listen to music. so there’s a good reason whyour brains habituate things. if we didn’t, we’d noticeevery little detail, all the time. it would be exhausting, and we’d have no timeto learn about new things. but sometimes,habituation isn’t good. if it stops us from noticingthe problems that are around us,

well, that’s bad. and if it stops us from noticingand fixing those problems, well, then that’s really bad. comedians know all about this. jerry seinfeld’s entire career was builton noticing those little details, those idiotic things we do every daythat we don’t even remember. he tells us about the timehe visited his friends and he just wanted to takea comfortable shower. he’d reach out and grab the handleand turn it slightly one way,

and it was 100 degrees too hot. and then he’d turn it the other way,and it was 100 degrees too cold. he just wanted a comfortable shower. now, we’ve all been there, we just don’t remember it. but jerry did, and that’s a comedian’s job. but designers, innovatorsand entrepreneurs, it’s our job to not just noticethose things,

but to go one step furtherand try to fix them. see this, this person, this is mary anderson. in 1902 in new york city, she was visiting. it was a cold, wet, snowy dayand she was warm inside a streetcar. as she was going to her destination,she noticed the driver opening the window to clean off the excess snowso he could drive safely. when he opened the window, though,he let all this cold, wet air inside,

making all the passengers miserable. now probably, most of thosepassengers just thought, "it’s a fact of life, he’s gotto open the window to clean it. that’s just how it is." but mary didn’t. mary thought, "what if the diver could actually cleanthe windshield from the inside so that he could stay safe and drive and the passengers couldactually stay warm?"

so she picked up her sketchbookright then and there, and began drawing what would becomethe world’s first windshield wiper. now as a product designer,i try to learn from people like mary to try to see the worldthe way it really is, not the way we think it is. because it’s easy to solve a problemthat almost everyone sees. but it’s hard to solve a problemthat almost no one sees. now some people thinkyou’re born with this ability or you’re not,

as if mary anderson was hardwired at birthto see the world more clearly. that wasn’t the case for me. i had to work at it. during my years at apple, steve jobs challenged usto come into work every day, to see our products throughthe eyes of the customer, the new customer, the one that has fearsand possible frustrations and hopeful exhilaration that theirnew technology product

could work straightaway for them. he called it staying beginners, and wanted to make sure that wefocused on those tiny little details to make them faster, easier and seamlessfor the new customers. so i remember this clearlyin the very earliest days of the ipod. see, back in the ’90s, being a gadget freak like i am, i would rush out to the storefor the very, very latest gadget. i’d take all the time to get to the store,

i’d check out, i’d come back home,i’d start to unbox it. and then, there wasanother little sticker: the one that said, "charge before use." what! i can’t believe it! i just spent all this timebuying this product and now i have to charge before use. i have to wait what felt like an eternityto use that coveted new toy. it was crazy.

but you know what? almost every product back then did that. when it had batteries in it, you had to charge itbefore you used it. well, steve noticed that and he said, "we’re not going to let thathappen to our product." so what did we do? typically, when you have a productthat has a hard drive in it,

you run it for about30 minutes in the factory to make sure that hard drive’s goingto be working years later for the customer after theypull it out of the box. what did we do instead? we ran that product for over two hours. well, first off, we could makea higher quality product, be easy to test, and make sure it was greatfor the customer. but most importantly,

the battery came fully chargedright out of the box, ready to use. so that customer,with all that exhilaration, could just start using the product. it was great, and it worked. people liked it. today, almost every productthat you get that’s battery powered comes out of the box fully charged, even if it doesn’t have a hard drive.

but back then, we noticedthat detail and we fixed it, and now everyone else does that as well. no more, "charge before use." so why am i telling you this? well, it’s seeing the invisible problem, not just the obvious problem,that’s important, not just for product design,but for everything we do. you see, there are invisible problemsall around us, ones we can solve.

but first we needto see them, to feel them. so, i’m hesitant to give you any tips about neuroscience or psychology. there’s far too many experienced peoplein the ted community who would know much moreabout that than i ever will. but let me leave you witha few tips that i do, that we all can do,to fight habituation. my first tip is to look broader. you see, when you’re tackling a problem,

sometimes, there are a lot of stepsthat lead up to that problem. and sometimes, a lotof steps after it. if you can take a step backand look broader, maybe you can change some of those boxes before the problem. maybe you can combine them. maybe you can remove them altogetherto make that better. take thermostats, for instance. in the 1900s when they first came out,they were really simple to use.

you could turn them up or turn them down. people understood them. but in the 1970s, the energy crisis struck, and customers started thinking abouthow to save energy. so what happened? thermostat designers decidedto add a new step. instead of just turning up and down, you now had to program it.

so you could tell it the temperatureyou wanted at a certain time. now that seemed great. every thermostat hadstarted adding that feature. but it turned out that no onesaved any energy. now, why is that? well, people couldn’t predict the future. they just didn’t know how their weekswould change season to season, year to year. so no one was saving energy,

and what happened? thermostat designers went backto the drawing board and they focused on that programming step. they made better u.i.s, they made better documentation. but still, years later,people were not saving any energy because they just couldn’tpredict the future. we put a machine-learning algorithm ininstead of the programming that would simply watchwhen you turned it up and down,

when you liked a certain temperaturewhen you got up, or when you went away. and you know what? it worked. people are saving energywithout any programming. so, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing. if you take a step backand look at all the boxes, maybe there’s a wayto remove one or combine them so that you can makethat process much simpler.

so that’s my first tip: look broader. for my second tip, it’s to look closer. one of my greatest teacherswas my grandfather. he taught me all about the world. he taught me how things were builtand how they were repaired, the tools and techniques necessaryto make a successful project. i remember one storyhe told me about screws, and about how you need to havethe right screw for the right job. there are many different screws:

wood screws, metal screws,anchors, concrete screws, the list went on and on. our job is to make productsthat are easy to install for all of our customs themselveswithout professionals. i remembered that storythat my grandfather told me, and so we thought, "how many different screwscan we put in the box? was it going to be two, three,four, five? because there’s so manydifferent wall types."

so we thought about it, we optimized it, and we came up with three differentscrews to put in the box. we thought that was goingto solve the problem. but it turned out, it didn’t. so we shipped the product, and people weren’t havinga great experience. we went back to the drawing board just instantly after we figured outwe didn’t get it right. and we designed a special screw,a custom screw,

much to the chagrin of our investors. they were like, "why are you spendingso much time on a little screw? get out there and sell more!" and we said, "we will sell moreif we get this right." and it turned out, we did. with that custom little screw,there was just one screw in the box, that was easy to mountand put on the wall. so if we focus on those tiny details,the ones we may not see and we look at them as we say,

"are those important or is that the way we’ve always done it? maybe there’s a way to get rid of those." so my last piece of adviceis to think younger. every day, i’m confronted with interestingquestions from my three young kids. they come up with questions like, "why can’t cars fly around traffic?" or, "why don’t my shoelaceshave velcro instead?" sometimes, those questions are smart.

my son came to me the other dayand i asked him, "go run out to the mailboxand check it." he looked at me, puzzled, and said, "why doesn’t the mailbox just check itselfand tell us when it has mail?" (laughter) i was like, "that’s a prettygood question." so, they can ask tons of questions and sometimes we find outwe just don’t have the right answers. we say, "son, that’s just the waythe world works." so the more we’re exposed to something,

the more we get used to it. but kids haven’t been aroundlong enough to get used to those things. and so when they run into problems, they immediately try to solve them, and sometimes they find a better way, and that way really is better. so my advice that we take to heartis to have young people on your team, or people with young minds.

because if you have those young minds, they cause everyone in the roomto think younger. picasso once said,"every child is an artist. the problem is when he or she grows up,is how to remain an artist." we all saw the world more clearlywhen we saw it for the first time, before a lifetime of habitsgot in the way. our challenge is to get back there, to feel that frustration, to see those little details,

to look broader, look closer, and to think younger so we can stay beginners. it’s not easy. it requires us pushing back against one of the most basic wayswe make sense of the world. but if we do, we could do some pretty amazing things.

for me, hopefully, that’s betterproduct design. for you, that could mean something else,something powerful. our challenge is to wake upeach day and say, "how can i experience the world better?" and if we do, maybe, just maybe, we can get rid of thesedumb little stickers. thank you very much.

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