web directory design inspiration

welcome to my lessons in internet information services so what is iis and what do i do withit? you may have come across the first coupleimages before, and if you have, then you have definitely run into iis ( as explicitly statedby the 2nd image ) so iis stands for internet information services,and this is something your going to run into using if you workin a web development environment on the windows platform. you want to learn the basics ofthis if your a web developer on windows or your assigned the task of administrationon a windows server. iis ships with windows as a web server for websites that are beinghosted on that machine. the current version

of iis as of this video is iis 8. howeverthe changes are not as significant from 7 to 8. theselessons will help you get comfortable using iis in windows,whether your just trying to learn on your own, or do administration on your machineor server. you can learn this on your personal computer,it does not have to be a server. iis will be on your windows machine, the primary differencebetween the server version and other windows versions, is that the server version allowsall functionality of iis, whereas the other editions excludesome functionality such as load balancing, and we will talk about what that is in thefuture.

were gonna talk about a few ways to go aboutadministration with iis using the built in iis manager, and other advanced ways to interactwith it. for our purposes, learning to use this withouthaving windows server is fine. so windows 7 or 8 will be fine to use.i am running iis 7.5 on my machine so anything i do will be based on that, and anything ido with a website will be running locally on my machine in the next video we will look atgetting this setup. stay tuned, and if this interests you and you enjoy the videos besure to subscribe!, thanks all

Infographic : How to Use Hashtags on Google+

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