web design inspiration ebook

hey guys, it’s jenn from hello brio studio. today i’m going to show you how to vectorizeyour hand lettering from paper to digital using image trace in illustrator so now i’m just going to use my tombow dual brushpen to write some letters. i’ve gone ahead and texted myself thisphoto. i’m going to take it from messages and drag it into photoshop. from here we need to adjust the levelsof the picture so the blackest part of the text is black and then the background is reallywhite. if you hit cmd+l you’re going tobring up the levels palette. the quickest

way to do this is to hit the white eye dropperand click somewhere until the white gets whiter. and then click the black eye dropper and dothe same thing for the black part of your text. hit the lasso tool (l) and select themost important part of the picture which is the center. you can see towards the outside because this is froma photo there is some darkness going on that you don’t want to bring into your drawingin illustrator. so just do a quick crop around everything with the lasso tool, which is going to select it. hit cmd+c to copy open illustrator and hit cmd+n for a new document

hit cmd+v to paste. because the artboard is actually smallerthan the file, what i’m going to do is hit cmd+shift+h to hide the artboard. open your image trace palette. if it’snot already open, go to window, image trace. you want to start with a preset that’sgoing to give you black and white because that’s what you’re working with. go aheadand select black and white logo. that’s a really great place to start. it’s going to do some calculations and do some digitizing based on the edges of your artwork where the contrast is the highest.

so this did a pretty good job. you want to make sure that your advancedsection is expanded so you can see all of your options. because there’s some weirdness going on with the t and the i i’m actually going to reduce the threshold so these become separate pieces. hit cmd+0 to see the entire piece. i’m going to reduce the threshold a little bit that’s looking pretty good. what the paths does: the lower the numberof paths, the smoother your drawing is going

to be. same with corners. i generally liketo not have a ton of corners, but sometimes you lose some detail if you get rid of toomany corners. you can always go back and smooth later. now that everything is done, i’m goingto hit the expand button. this is going to convert all of these into different paths.then i need to ungroup this twice, do this by hitting cmd+shift+g twice. don’t ask me why it’s twice, everyone says “i don’t know why you have to do it twice” but you do. so then take your selection tool (v)and then select the outer part of your drawing and hit delete. do the same for all of thesepieces within your drawing that you don’t

want to be colorized. what i’m going to do now is go in andsmooth some of these out. some things look kind of funky; they digitized weird. zoomin and select the path that you want to edit. go to the smooth tool, which i’ve changedthe shortcut to be shift+s. you can do that in edit, keyboard shortcuts. i use the smoothtool so often that i feel like it’s something that’s good to have on your shortcuts easily. now that i have the smooth tool selected,i’m going to go ahead and trace around this edge. it doesn’t have to be perfect; i’m justdoing this with my trackpad on my laptop. whenever you need to switch from path to path,you need to make sure to hit the (v) tool

and then hit shift+s again for the smoothtool. i’m going to go through and hit (v) and shift+s wherever i need to adjust the smoothness of some of these. generally the less points along a paththe better, because then the smoother your work is going to be. but because this is digitizedhand lettering, you also want to keep some of its character. so, it doesn’t have to beperfect. if you ever need to really need to goin here and adjust an anchor or you want to get rid of an anchor point, you can hit the(p) tool and hover over an anchor, and when the minus comes up you can subtract it thatway. you can also go in with the direct selection

tool (a) and click on an anchor, drag thehandles out, whatever you need to do. generally i’m going to trust the image trace tool to do what it does best. zoom out: hit cmd+0 to view all your artwork.you can plop this on top of photos, you can use it as your blog logo, et cetera, whateveryou need to do. if you like this video, please subscribeand share with your friends and let me know if there are any other illustrator or photoshoptutorials that you’d like to see in the future. thanks!

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